kcs20: List of 20 Kenyon Cells from Chiang et al 2011 converted to...

kcs20R Documentation

List of 20 Kenyon Cells from Chiang et al 2011 converted to dotprops objects


This R list (which has additional class neuronlist) contains 20 skeletonized Drosophila Kenyon cells as dotprops objects. Original data is due to Chiang et al. 2011, who have generously shared their raw data \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.cub.2010.11.056")}. Image registration and further processing was carried out by Greg Jefferis (see \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.neuron.2016.06.012")}).


[1] Chiang A.S., Lin C.Y., Chuang C.C., Chang H.M., Hsieh C.H., Yeh C.W., Shih C.T., Wu J.J., Wang G.T., Chen Y.C., Wu C.C., Chen G.Y., Ching Y.T., Lee P.C., Lin C.Y., Lin H.H., Wu C.C., Hsu H.W., Huang Y.A., Chen J.Y., et al. (2011). Three-dimensional reconstruction of brain-wide wiring networks in Drosophila at single-cell resolution. Curr Biol 21 (1), 1–11.

See Also

head.neuronlist, with.neuronlist, plot3d.neuronlist, plot3d.dotprops, dotprops

Other nat-data: Cell07PNs, MBL.surf


table(with(kcs20, type))
# see plot3d.neuronlist documentation for more details

plot3d(kcs20, col=type)

nat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:36 a.m.