origin: Return the space origin of a 3D image object

View source: R/im3d.R

originR Documentation

Return the space origin of a 3D image object


Defined as the first coordinates (x,y,z) of the bounding box, which in turn matches the nrrd definition of the location of the "centre" of the first voxel.


origin(x, ...)



Object for which origin should be returned. See boundingbox.


Additional arguments passed to boundingbox

See Also

Other im3d: as.im3d(), boundingbox(), im3d-coords, im3d-io, im3d(), imexpand.grid(), imslice(), is.im3d(), mask(), projection(), threshold(), unmask(), voxdims()

nat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:36 a.m.