write.cmtkreg: Write out CMTK registration list to folder

View source: R/cmtk_io.R

write.cmtkregR Documentation

Write out CMTK registration list to folder


Write out CMTK registration list to folder


write.cmtkreg(reglist, foldername, version = "2.4")



List specifying CMTK registration parameters


Path to registration folder (usually ending in .list)


CMTK version for registration (default 2.4). Will be converted to character vector if not already.


Note that transformation in the forward direction (i.e. sample->ref) e.g. as calculated from a set of landmarks where set 1 is the sample is considered an inverse transformation by the IGS software. So in order to use such a transformation as an initial affine with the registration command the switch –initial-inverse must be used specifying the folder name created by this function.

CMTK v2.4 fixed a long-standing bug in affine (de)composition to CMTK params. This resulted in a non-backwards compatible change marked by writing the TYPEDSTREAM as version 2.4. The R code in this package implements both the new and old compose/decompose functions, using the new by default.

See Also

Other cmtk-io: cmtk.extract_affine(), read.cmtkreg(), read.cmtk(), write.cmtk()

nat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:36 a.m.