na_bool_to_char <- function(df){
if(is.null(df)) return(df)
types <- vapply(df, function(x) class(x)[[1]], "")
bool <- which(types %in% "logical")
if(length(bool) == 0 ){
## convert
for(i in bool){
df[i] <- as.character(df[[i]])
na_to_char <- function(x, char = ""){
x <- as.character(x)
if(length(char) == 0) return(stats::na.omit(x))
x[] <- char
## Whoa nelly, make this faster
paste_na <- function(..., sep = ".", char = ""){"paste", c(lapply(list(...), na_to_char, char = char), list(sep = sep)))
hash_type <- function(df){
type <- "md5"
if(is.null(df[[type]]) | any([[type]]))){
type <- "crc32"
verify_hash <- function(path, hash, verify, algo = "md5"){
if(any( | any( ){
hashfn <- switch(algo, md5 = md5, crc32 = crc32)
md5 <- vapply(path, hashfn,
character(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
i <- which(md5 != hash)
if(length(i) > 0) {
warning(paste(algo, "missmatch:\n",
paste(path[i], sep="\n"), "\n"), call. = FALSE)
md5 <- function(x) {
requireNamespace("openssl", quietly = TRUE)
con <- file(x, "rb")
on.exit(close(con), add=TRUE)
crc32 <- function(x) {
requireNamespace("digest", quietly = TRUE)
digest::digest(x, "crc32", file=TRUE)
unzip_all <- function(path, dir, keep_zips = TRUE, quiet = FALSE){
zips <- path[grepl("[.]zip", path)]
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = " unzipping [:bar] :percent in :elapsed, eta: :eta",
total = length(zips),
clear = FALSE, width= 80)
lapply(zips, function(x){
if(!quiet) pb$tick()
zip::unzip(x, exdir = neon_subdir(x), junkpaths = TRUE)
if(!keep_zips) {
gunzip_all <- function(filenames, dir, quiet = FALSE){
gzips <- filenames[grepl("[.]gz", filenames)]
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = " gunzipping gz's [:bar] :percent in :elapsed, eta: :eta",
total = length(gzips),
clear = FALSE, width= 80)
gunzip_ <- function(file, ...){
if(!quiet) pb$tick()
R.utils::gunzip(file, ...)
if(length(gzips) > 0){
destname <- neon_subdir(tools::file_path_sans_ext(gzips), dir = dir)
mapply(gunzip_, gzips, destname, remove = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
## helper method for filtering out duplicate tables
## NEON API loves returning metadata files with identical content but
## different names associated with each site and sampling month.
take_first_match <- function(df, col){
if(nrow(df) < 2) return(df)
uid <- unique(df[[col]])
na <- df[1,]
na[1,] <- NA
rownames(na) <- NULL
out <- data.frame(uid, na)
## Should really figure out vectorized implementation here...
## but in any event download step will be far more rate-limiting.
for(i in seq_along(uid)){
match <- df[[col]] == uid[i]
first <- which(match)[[1]]
out[i,-1] <- df[first, ]
rownames(out) <- NULL
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