API for neotoma2
Working with the Neotoma Paleoecology Database

Global functions
$,chronologies-method Man page
$,chronology-method Man page
$,collunit-method Man page
$,collunits-method Man page
$,contact-method Man page
$,contacts-method Man page
$,dataset-method Man page
$,datasets-method Man page
$,publication-method Man page
$,sample-method Man page
$,samples-method Man page
$,site-method Man page
$,sites-method Man page
$,specimen-method Man page
$,specimens-method Man page
$<-,chronology-method Man page
$<-,collunit-method Man page
$<-,dataset-method Man page
$<-,site-method Man page
$<-,specimen-method Man page
%>% Man page
[,collunits,numeric-method Man page
[,datasets,numeric-method Man page
[,site,character-method Man page
[,site,numeric-method Man page
[,sites,numeric-method Man page
[,specimens,numeric-method Man page
[<-,collunit,character,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[<-,collunit,numeric,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[<-,dataset,character,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[<-,dataset,numeric,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[<-,site,character,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[<-,site,numeric,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[<-,specimen,character,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[<-,specimen,numeric,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[[,chronologies,numeric-method Man page
[[,collunits,numeric-method Man page
[[,contacts,numeric-method Man page
[[,datasets,numeric-method Man page
[[,publications,numeric-method Man page
[[,samples,numeric-method Man page
[[,sites,numeric-method Man page
[[,specimens,numeric-method Man page
[[<-,collunits,ANY,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[[<-,datasets,ANY,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[[<-,publications,ANY,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[[<-,sites,ANY,ANY,ANY-method Man page
[[<-,specimens,ANY,ANY,ANY-method Man page
add_chronology Man page
add_chronology,collunit,chronology,data.frame-method Man page
as.data.frame,authors-method Man page
as.data.frame,chronologies-method Man page
as.data.frame,chronology-method Man page
as.data.frame,collunit-method Man page
as.data.frame,collunits-method Man page
as.data.frame,contact-method Man page
as.data.frame,contacts-method Man page
as.data.frame,dataset-method Man page
as.data.frame,datasets-method Man page
as.data.frame,publication-method Man page
as.data.frame,publications-method Man page
as.data.frame,site-method Man page
as.data.frame,sites-method Man page
as.data.frame,specimen-method Man page
as.data.frame,specimens-method Man page
as.list,sites-method Man page
author-class Man page
authors-class Man page
build_chron Man page Source code
build_collunits Man page Source code
build_dataset Man page Source code
build_sample Man page Source code
build_sites Man page Source code
build_specimen Man page Source code
c,chronologies-method Man page
c,collunits-method Man page
c,contact-method Man page
c,contacts-method Man page
c,datasets-method Man page
c,missingOrNULL-method Man page
c,publications-method Man page
c,sites-method Man page
c,specimens-method Man page
check_args Man page Source code
check_contacts Man page Source code
check_contacts.contacts Man page Source code
chroncontrols Man page
chroncontrols,site-method Man page
chroncontrols,sites-method Man page
chronologies Man page
chronologies,collunit-method Man page
chronologies,collunits-method Man page
chronologies,site-method Man page
chronologies,sites-method Man page
chronologies-class Man page
chronology-class Man page
cite_data Man page
cite_data,site-method Man page
cite_data,sites-method Man page
clean Source code
clean.collunits Source code
clean.datasets Source code
clean.sites Source code
cleanNULL Source code
collunit-class Man page
collunits Man page
collunits,site-method Man page
collunits,sites-method Man page
collunits-class Man page
contact-class Man page
contacts-class Man page
coordinates Man page
coordinates,sites-method Man page
dataset-class Man page
datasets Man page
datasets,collunit-method Man page
datasets,collunits-method Man page
datasets,site-method Man page
datasets,sites-method Man page
datasets-class Man page
doi Man page
doi,publication-method Man page
doi,site-method Man page
doi,sites-method Man page
filter Man page Source code
filter.sites Man page Source code
fix_null Source code
get_contacts Man page Source code
get_contacts.default Man page Source code
get_contacts.numeric Man page Source code
get_datasets Man page Source code
get_datasets.default Man page Source code
get_datasets.numeric Man page Source code
get_datasets.site Man page Source code
get_datasets.sites Man page Source code
get_downloads Man page Source code
get_downloads.character Man page Source code
get_downloads.numeric Man page Source code
get_downloads.sites Man page Source code
get_manual Man page Source code
get_publications Man page Source code
get_publications.default Man page Source code
get_publications.numeric Man page
get_publications.publication Man page
get_publications.publications Man page
get_sites Man page Source code
get_sites.default Man page Source code
get_sites.numeric Man page Source code
get_sites.sites Man page Source code
get_specimens Man page Source code
get_specimens.default Man page Source code
get_specimens.numeric Man page Source code
get_specimens.sites Man page Source code
get_stats Man page Source code
get_table Man page Source code
getids Man page Source code
getids.collunit Man page Source code
getids.collunits Man page Source code
getids.site Man page
getids.sites Man page
length,chronologies-method Man page
length,collunits-method Man page
length,datasets-method Man page
length,publications-method Man page
length,samples-method Man page
length,sites-method Man page
length,specimens-method Man page
missingOrNULL-class Man page
names,collunit-method Man page
names,contact-method Man page
names,dataset-method Man page
names,publication-method Man page
names,publications-method Man page
names,site-method Man page
names,specimen-method Man page
newURL Man page Source code
parseURL Man page Source code
parse_dataset Source code
parse_download Source code
parse_location Source code
parse_site Man page Source code
parse_specimen Source code
parsebody Man page Source code
pingNeotoma Man page Source code
plot,sites-method Man page
plotLeaflet Man page
plotLeaflet,site-method Man page
plotLeaflet,sites-method Man page
pubAuthors Source code
publication-class Man page
publications-class Man page
repositories-class Man page
repository-class Man page
sample-class Man page
samples Man page
samples,collunit-method Man page
samples,collunits-method Man page
samples,site-method Man page
samples,sites-method Man page
samples-class Man page
selectMatch Man page
selectMatch,publication,logical-method Man page
selectMatch,publication,numeric-method Man page
set_chronology Man page Source code
set_collunit Man page Source code
set_contact Man page Source code
set_dataset Man page Source code
set_default Man page
set_default,chronologies-method Man page
set_publications Man page Source code
set_sample Man page Source code
set_server Man page Source code
set_site Man page Source code
show,collunit-method Man page
show,collunits-method Man page
show,contact-method Man page
show,contacts-method Man page
show,dataset-method Man page
show,datasets-method Man page
show,publication-method Man page
show,publications-method Man page
show,site-method Man page
show,sites-method Man page
show,specimen-method Man page
show,specimens-method Man page
showMatch Man page
showMatch,publication-method Man page
site-class Man page
sites-class Man page
specimen-class Man page
specimens Man page
specimens,collunit-method Man page
specimens,collunits-method Man page
specimens,site-method Man page
specimens,sites-method Man page
specimens-class Man page
summary,sites-method Man page
taxa Man page
taxa,collunit-method Man page
taxa,collunits-method Man page
taxa,site-method Man page
taxa,sites-method Man page
testNull Source code
toJSON Man page
toJSON,sites-method Man page
toWide Man page Source code
use_na Source code
write.csv,chronologies-method Man page
write.csv,collunits-method Man page
write.csv,datasets-method Man page
write.csv,sites-method Man page
write.csv,specimens-method Man page
neotoma2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:21 a.m.