
Defines functions generateClusteredNetwork doSanityChecks

Documented in generateClusteredNetwork

#' Function for generation of clustered networks
#' This function generates clustered networks. It first generates \eqn{n} cluster
#' centeres via a latin hypercube design to ensure space-filling property, i. e.,
#' to ensure, that the clusters are placed far from each other.
#' It then distributes points to the clusters according to
#' gaussian distributions using the cluster centers as the mean vector and
#' the distance to the nearest neighbour cluster center as the variance.
#' This procedure works well if the box constraints of the hypercube are
#' not too low (see the lower bound for the \code{upper} parameter).
#' @param n.cluster [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#'   Desired number of clusters. This is ignored if \code{cluster.centers} is
#'   provided.
#' @param n.points [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#'   Number of points for the network.
#' @template arg_n_dim
#' @param generator [\code{function}]\cr
#'   Function which generates cluster centers. Default is \code{\link[lhs]{maximinLHS}}.
#' @template arg_lower
#' @template arg_upper
#' @param sigmas [\code{list} | \code{NULL}]\cr
#'   Unnamed list of length \code{n.cluster} containing a covariance matrix
#'   for each cluster. Default is \code{NULL}. In this case the covariance
#'   matrix is a diagonal matrix containing the distances to the nearest neighbour
#'   cluster center as diagonal elements.
#' @param n.depots [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#'   Number of depots in instances for the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP).
#'   Default is \code{NULL}, i. e., no depots. The proceeding is as follows:
#'   If \code{n.depots} is \code{1L}, a random cluster center is defined to be the depot.
#'   If \code{n.depots} is \code{2L}, the second depot has maximal distance to the first.
#'   At the moment at most two depots are possible.
#' @param distribution.strategy [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#'   Define the strategy to distribute \code{n.points} on the \code{n.cluster} clusters.
#'   Default is \dQuote{equally.distributed}, which is the only option at the moment.
#' @param cluster.centers [\code{matrix}]\cr
#'   Matrix of cluster centres of dimension \code{n.cluster} x \code{n.dim}. If
#'   this is set, cluster centres are not generated automatically.
#'   Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param out.of.bounds.handling [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#'   Clusters are generated on base of a multivariate gaussian distribution with
#'   the cluster center as the mean vector. Possibly some of the points might fall
#'   out of bounds, i. e., get coordinates larger than \code{upper} or lower than
#'   \code{lower}. There are two strategies to force them to stick to the bounds:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\dQuote{reset}}{Set the violating coordinates to the bounds.}
#'     \item{\dQuote{mirror}}{Mirror the coordinates at the violated axis.}
#'   }
#'   Default is \dQuote{mirror}.
#' @template arg_name
#' @param ... [\code{any}]\cr
#'   Currently not used.
#' @return [\code{ClusteredNetwork}]
#'   Object of type \code{ClusteredNetwork}.
#' @examples
#' x = generateClusteredNetwork(n.points = 20L, n.cluster = 2L)
#' y = generateClusteredNetwork(n.points = 40L, n.cluster = 3L, n.depots = 2L)
#' z = generateClusteredNetwork(n.points = 200L, n.cluster = 10L, out.of.bounds.handling = "reset")
#' @seealso \code{\link{generateRandomNetwork}}
#' @export
generateClusteredNetwork = function(n.cluster,
  n.dim = 2L,
  generator = lhs::maximinLHS,
  lower = 0,
  upper = 100,
  sigmas = NULL,
  n.depots = NULL,
  distribution.strategy = "equally.distributed",
  cluster.centers = NULL,
  out.of.bounds.handling = "mirror",
  name = NULL,
  ...) {

    # do a load of sanity checks
  doSanityChecks(n.cluster, n.points, n.dim,
    generator, lower, upper, sigmas,
    n.depots, distribution.strategy,
    cluster.centers, out.of.bounds.handling, name)

  if (is.null(cluster.centers)) {
    cluster.centers = generateClusterCenters(
      n.cluster, n.dim, generator,
      lower, upper
  n.cluster = nrow(cluster.centers)

  coordinates = list()
  depot.coordinates = NULL

  # compute distances and ids to/of nearest neighbor cluster centers
  distances = computeDistancesToNearestClusterCenter(cluster.centers)

  if (!is.null(n.depots)) {
    depot.coordinates = buildDepots(n.depots, cluster.centers, distances)

  # deterime number of elements for each cluster
  n.points.in.cluster = determineNumberOfPointsPerCluster(
    n.cluster, n.points,
    strategy = distribution.strategy
  distances = distances$min.distance

  membership = list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(cluster.centers)) {
    # get distance to nearest cluster center and set variance appropritely
    distance.to.nearest.neighbor = distances[i]
    sigma = diag(rep(distance.to.nearest.neighbor, n.dim))
    if (!is.null(sigmas)) {
      sigma = sigmas[[i]]
    the.coordinates= mvtnorm::rmvnorm(
      mean = as.numeric(cluster.centers[i, ]),
      n = n.points.in.cluster[i],
      sigma = sigma
    membership[[i]] = rep(i, n.points.in.cluster[i])
    coordinates[[i]] = the.coordinates

  coordinates = do.call(rbind, coordinates)
  membership = do.call(c, membership)
  coordinates = forceToBounds(coordinates, out.of.bounds.handling, lower, upper)

    name = coalesce(name, paste("CLUSTERED_", generateName(n.points, n.dim, n.cluster), sep = "")),
    comment = paste("cl", n.cluster, sep = "="),
    coordinates = coordinates,
    depot.coordinates = depot.coordinates,
    membership = membership,
    lower = lower,
    upper = upper

# Performs all the sanity checks for generateClusteredNetwork.
# @params See params of generateClusteredNetwork.
# @return Nothing
doSanityChecks = function(n.cluster,
  n.dim = 2L,
  generator = lhs::maximinLHS,
  lower = 0,
  upper = 100,
  sigmas = NULL,
  n.depots = NULL,
  distribution.strategy = "equally.distributed",
  cluster.centers = NULL,
  out.of.bounds.handling = "mirror",
  name = NULL) {
  n.cluster = asInt(n.cluster, lower = 2L)
  n.points = asInt(n.points, lower = 2L)
  n.dim = asInt(n.dim, lower = 2L)
  assertNumber(lower, lower = 0, finite = TRUE)
  assertNumber(upper, lower = 50, finite = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(sigmas)) {
    assertList(sigmas, len = n.cluster, types = c("matrix"))
    lapply(sigmas, function(sigma) {
      assertMatrix(sigma, mode = "numeric", nrows = n.dim, ncols = n.dim)

  if (!is.null(n.depots)) {
    n.depots = asInteger(n.depots, len = 1L, lower = 1L, upper = 2L)

  assertString(name, null.ok = TRUE)

  assertChoice(distribution.strategy, choices = getPointDistributionStrategies())

  if (lower >= upper) {
    stop("Argument 'upper' must be greater than argument 'lower'.")

  if (!is.null(cluster.centers)) {
    assertMatrix(cluster.centers, ncols = n.dim)
    # check if the coordinates are all in bounds
    for (i in seq(nrow(cluster.centers))) {
      for (j in seq(n.dim)) {
        assertNumber(cluster.centers[i, j], lower = lower, upper = upper)

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