
Defines functions createC.full createC

createC <- function(x,
                    sep.comps = "+",
                    inactive = NULL,
                    ncol, ncomb = 1) {

  if (!missing(x)) {
    chkclass(x, c("netconnection", "netmeta"))
    ## Set of all treatments
    if (inherits(x, "netconnection"))
      trts <- rownames(x$D.matrix)
      trts <- x$trts
    trts.all <- trts
    ## Set of all components
    components <- unique(sort(unlist(compsplit(trts, sep.comps))))
    ## Inactive treatment must be empty or one of the treatments
    inactive.given <- !is.null(inactive)
    if (inactive.given) {
      inactive <- setchar(inactive, components)
      trts <- trts[trts != inactive]
      if (length(trts) == 0)
        stop("All treatments equal to reference treatment ",
             "(argument 'inactive')",
             call. = FALSE)
      ## Remove inactive treatment from list of components
      components <- components[components != inactive]
    ## Create list with all treatment components
    components.list <- compsplit(trts, sep.comps)
    ## Remove blanks (at start and end)
    components.list <- lapply(components.list, rmSpace)
    components.list <- lapply(components.list, rmSpace, end = TRUE)
    ## Create C matrix
    C <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(trts), ncol = length(components))
    ## Each list element
    ## - corresponds to a treatment combination
    ## - consists of a vector with treatment components
    equal <- function(x, pattern) x == pattern
    for (i in seq(along = components)) {
      ## Logical grep whether components[i] is part of a treatment combination
      C[, i] <- unlist(lapply(lapply(components.list, equal,
                                     pattern = components[i]),
                              sum)) > 0
    ## Add row for reference group (and convert to matrix with numeric values)
    if (inactive.given && inactive %in% trts.all)
      C <- rbind(C, rep(0, length(components)))
      C <- 1L * C
    ## Convert to data frame
    C <- data.frame(C)
    names(C) <- components
    if (inactive.given && inactive %in% trts.all)
      rownames(C) <- c(trts, inactive)
      rownames(C) <- trts
  else {
    if (missing(ncol))
      stop("Either argument 'x' or 'ncol' must be provided.",
           call. = TRUE)
    chknumeric(ncomb, min = 1, max = ncol, length = 1)
    inactive <- NULL
    C <- createC.full(ncol, ncomb)
  attr(C, "inactive") <- inactive

createC.full <- function(n, k) {
  if (k > n)
    stop("Error: k may not exceed n")
  else if (k == 0)
    res <- as.matrix(t(rep(0, n)))
  else if (k == n)
    res <- as.matrix(t(rep(1, n)))
    res <- rbind(cbind(rep(1, choose(n - 1, k - 1)),
                       createC.full(n - 1, k - 1)),
                 cbind(rep(0, choose(n - 1, k)),
                       createC.full(n - 1, k)))

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netmeta documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:06 a.m.