
Defines functions expectedInf

Documented in expectedInf

#' Expected Influence
#' Calculates the one-step and two-step expected influence of each node.
#' @param network an object of type \code{qgraph}, \code{igraph}, or an adjacency
#' matrix representing a network. Adjacency matrices should be complete (e.g., not
#' only upper or lower half)
#' @param step compute 1-step expected influence, 2-step expected influence,
#' or both
#' @param directed logical. Specifies if edges are directed, defaults to FALSE
#' @details
#' When a network contains both positive and negative edges, traditional centrality measures
#' such as strength centrality may not accurately predict node influence on the network.
#' Robinaugh, Millner, & McNally (2016) showed that in these cases,
#' expected influence is a more appropriate measure.
#' One-step expected influence is defined as the sum of all edges extending
#' from a given node (where the sign of each edge is maintained).
#' Two-step expected influence, as the name implies, measures connectivity up to two edges away from the node.
#' It is defined as the sum of the (weighted) expected influences of each node connected to the initial node
#' plus the one-step expected influence of the initial node. Weights are determined by the edge strength between
#' the initial node and each "second step" node.
#' See citations in the references section for further details.
#' @examples
#' out1 <- expectedInf(cor(depression[,1:5]))
#' out1$step1
#' out1$step2
#' plot(out1)
#' plot(out1, order="value", zscore=TRUE)
#' igraph_obj <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(cor(depression))
#' out_igraph <- expectedInf(igraph_obj)
#' qgraph_obj <- qgraph::qgraph(cor(depression), DoNotPlot=TRUE)
#' out_qgraph <- expectedInf(qgraph_obj)
#' @references
#' Robinaugh, D. J., Millner, A. J., & McNally, R. J. (2016). Identifying highly influential nodes in the complicated grief network. \emph{Journal of abnormal psychology}, 125, 747.
#' @export
expectedInf <- function(network, step=c("both", 1, 2), directed=FALSE) {
  adjmat <- coerce_to_adjacency(network, directed=directed)
  if(attr(adjmat, "directed")==FALSE){
    diag(adjmat) <- 0
  ei1<-apply(adjmat, 1, sum)
  if(step[1]=="both" | step[1]==2){
    # multiplies 1-step EI (of each node) by each edge in the network
    ei2.wns <-sweep(adjmat, MARGIN=2, ei1, "*")
    ei2.aei<- apply(ei2.wns, 1, sum)
    class(ei2) <-"expectedInf"
  if(step[1]=="both"){class(ei1)  <-"expectedInf"; res <- list(step1=ei1, step2=ei2)}
  if(step[1]==1){res <- list(step1=ei1)}
  if(step[1]==2){res <- list(step2=ei2)}
  class(res) <- "expectedInf"

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networktools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:47 a.m.