neuRosim-package: Functions to Generate fMRI Data Including Activated Data,...

neuRosim-packageR Documentation

Functions to Generate fMRI Data Including Activated Data, Noise Data and Resting State Data


The package allows users to generate fMRI time series or 4D data. Some high-level functions are created for fast data generation with only a few arguments and a diversity of functions to define activation and noise. For more advanced users it is possible to use the low-level functions and manipulate the arguments.


Marijke Welvaert with contributions from Joke Durnez, Beatrijs Moerkerke, Yves Rosseel, Karsten Tabelow, and Geert Verdoolaege

Maintainer: Karsten Tabelow <>


Welvaert, M., Durnez, J., Moerkerke, B., Verdoolaege, G. and Rosseel, Y. (2011). neuRosim: An R Package for Generating fMRI Data. Journal of Statistical Software, 44(10), 1–18


## Generate fMRI time series for block design
design <- simprepTemporal(totaltime=200, onsets=seq(1,200,40),
	 durations=20, TR=2, effectsize=1, hrf="double-gamma")
ts <- simTSfmri(design=design, SNR=1, noise="white")
plot(ts, type="l")

## Generate fMRI slice for block design with activation in 2 regions
design <- simprepTemporal(totaltime=200, onsets=seq(1,200,40), 
	durations=20, TR=2, effectsize=1, hrf="double-gamma")
region <- simprepSpatial(regions=2, coord=list(c(32,15),c(57,45)), 
	radius=c(10,7), form="sphere")
out <- simVOLfmri(design=design, image=region, dim=c(64,64), 
	SNR=1, noise="none")
plot(out[32,15,], type="l")

neuRosim documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 5:09 p.m.