
#' @importFrom tau textcnt
#' @import tm

taungram <- function(text, n = 1, tolower = FALSE, split = "[[:space:]]+", ...) {
    r <- textcnt(text, method = 'string', n = n, tolower = tolower, split = split, ...)
    return(Reduce(c, sapply(1:length(r), function(x) rep(names(r[x]), r[x]))))

tauchar <- function(text, n = 1, tolower = FALSE, split = "[[:space:]]+", rmEOL = FALSE, ngmin = 1 , ...) {
    r <- textcnt(text, method = 'ngram', n = n, tolower = tolower, split = split, ...)
    g <- unlist(sapply(1:length(r), function(x) rep(names(r[x]), r[x])))
    if (rmEOL) {
        g <- g[grep("_", g, invert = TRUE)]
    if (ngmin > 1 & ngmin <= n) {
        g <- Filter(function(x) nchar(x) >= ngmin, g)
#' General purpose n-gram tokenizer
#' A non-Java based n-gram tokenizer to be used with the tm package. Support both character and word n-gram.
#' @param x input string.
#' @param char logical, using character n-gram. char = FALSE denotes word n-gram.
#' @param ngmin integer, minimun order of n-gram
#' @param ngmax integer, maximun order of n-gram
#' @param rmEOL logical, remove ngrams wih EOL character
#' @return vector of n-grams
#' @examples
#' require(tm)
#' nirvana <- c("hello hello hello how low", "hello hello hello how low",
#' "hello hello hello how low", "hello hello hello",
#' "with the lights out", "it's less dangerous", "here we are now", "entertain us",
#' "i feel stupid", "and contagious", "here we are now", "entertain us",
#' "a mulatto", "an albino", "a mosquito", "my libido", "yeah", "hey yay")
#' ngramrr(nirvana[1], ngmax = 3)
#' ngramrr(nirvana[1], ngmax = 3, char = TRUE)
#' nirvanacor <- Corpus(VectorSource(nirvana))
#' TermDocumentMatrix(nirvanacor, control = list(tokenize = function(x) ngramrr(x, ngmax =3)))
#' # Character ngram
#' TermDocumentMatrix(nirvanacor, control = list(tokenize =
#' function(x) ngramrr(x, char = TRUE, ngmax =3), wordLengths = c(1, Inf)))
#' @export
ngramrr <- function(x, char = FALSE, ngmin = 1, ngmax = 2, rmEOL = TRUE) {
    if (ngmin > ngmax) {
        stop("ngmax must be higher than or equal to ngmin")
    y <- paste(x, collapse = " ") # why TDM is so stupid?
    if (char) {
        return(tauchar(y, n = ngmax, rmEOL = rmEOL, ngmin = ngmin))
    sentencelength <- length(unlist(strsplit(y, split = " ")))
    if (sentencelength > ngmax) {
        return(Reduce(c, Map(function(n) taungram(y, n), seq(from = ngmin, to = ngmax))))
    } else {
        return(Reduce(c, Map(function(n) taungram(y, n), seq(from = ngmin, to = sentencelength ))))

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ngramrr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:28 a.m.