#' Cormack-Jolly-Seber distribution for use in \code{nimble} models
#' \code{dCJS_**} and \code{rCJS_**} provide Cormack-Jolly-Seber capture-recapture
#' distributions that can be used directly from R or in \code{nimble}
#' models.
#' @aliases dCJS_ss dCJS_sv dCJS_vs dCJS_vv rCJS_ss rCJS_sv rCJS_vs rCJS_vv
#' @name dCJS
#' @param x capture history vector of 0s (not captured) and 1s (captured).
#' Include the initial capture, so \code{x[1]} should equal 1.
#' @param probSurvive survival probability, either a time-independent scalar
#' (for dCJS_s*) or a time-dependent vector (for dCJS_v*) with length
#' \code{len - 1}.
#' @param probCapture capture probability, either a time-independent scalar
#' (for dCJS_*s) or a time-dependent vector (for dCJS_*v) with length \code{len}.
#' If a vector, first element is ignored, as the total probability is conditioned
#' on the capture at \code{t = 1}.
#' @param len length of capture history. Should equal \code{length(x)}
#' @param log TRUE or 1 to return log probability. FALSE or 0 to return probability.
#' @param n number of random draws, each returning a vector of length
#'     \code{len}. Currently only \code{n = 1} is supported, but the
#'     argument exists for standardization of "\code{r}" functions.
#' @author Ben Goldstein, Perry de Valpine, and Daniel Turek
#' @details
#' These nimbleFunctions provide distributions that can be used directly in R or
#' in \code{nimble} hierarchical models (via \code{\link[nimble]{nimbleCode}}
#' and \code{\link[nimble]{nimbleModel}}).
#' The letters following the 'dCJS_' indicate whether survival and/or capture
#' probabilities, in that order, are scalar (s, meaning the probability applies
#' to every \code{x[t]}) or vector (v, meaning the probability is a vector
#' aligned with \code{x}).  When \code{probCapture} and/or \code{probSurvive} is
#' a vector, they must be the same length as \code{x}.
#' It is important to use the time indexing correctly for survival.
#' \code{probSurvive[t]} is the survival probabilty from time \code{t} to time
#' \code{t + 1}. When a vector, \code{probSurvive} may have length greater than
#' \code{length(x) - 1}, but all values beyond that index are ignored.
#' Time indexing for detection is more obvious: \code{probDetect[t]} is the
#' detection probability at time \code{t}.
#' When called from R, the \code{len} argument to \code{dCJS_**} is not
#' necessary. It will default to the length of \code{x}.  When used in
#' \code{nimble} model code (via \code{nimbleCode}), \code{len} must be provided
#' (even though it may seem redundant).
#' For more explanation, see package vignette
#' (\code{vignette("Introduction_to_nimbleEcology")}).
#' Compared to writing \code{nimble} models with a discrete latent state for
#' true alive/dead status at each time and a separate scalar datum for each
#' observation, use of these distributions allows one to directly sum
#' (marginalize) over the discrete latent states and calculate the probability
#' of the detection history for one individual jointly.
#' These are \code{nimbleFunction}s written in the format of user-defined
#' distributions for NIMBLE's extension of the BUGS model language. More
#' information can be found in the NIMBLE User Manual at
#' \href{https://r-nimble.org}{https://r-nimble.org}.
#' When using these distributions in a \code{nimble} model, the left-hand side
#' will be used as \code{x}, and the user should not provide the \code{log}
#' argument.
#' For example, in \code{nimble} model code,
#' \code{captures[i, 1:T] ~ dCSJ_ss(survive, capture, T)}
#' declares a vector node, \code{captures[i, 1:T]}, (detection history for individual
#' \code{i},  for example) that follows a CJS distribution
#' with scalar survival probability \code{survive} and scalar capture probability \code{capture}
#' (assuming \code{survive} and \code{capture} are defined elsewhere in the model).
#' This will invoke (something like) the following call to \code{dCJS_ss} when \code{nimble} uses the
#' model such as for MCMC:
#' \code{dCJS_ss(captures[i, 1:T], survive, capture, len = T, log = TRUE)}
#' If an algorithm using a \code{nimble} model with this declaration
#' needs to generate a random draw for \code{captures[i, 1:T]}, it
#' will make a similar invocation of \code{rCJS_ss}, with \code{n = 1}.
#' If both survival and capture probabilities are time-dependent, use
#' \code{captures[i,1:T] ~ dCSJ_vv(survive[1:(T-1)], capture[1:T], T)}
#' and so on for each combination of time-dependent and time-independent parameters.
#' @return
#' For \code{dCJS_**}: the probability (or likelihood) or log probability of observation vector \code{x}.
#' For \code{rCJS_**}: a simulated capture history, \code{x}.
#' @references D. Turek, P. de Valpine and C. J. Paciorek. 2016. Efficient Markov chain Monte
#' Carlo sampling for hierarchical hidden Markov models. Environmental and Ecological Statistics
#' 23:549–564. DOI 10.1007/s10651-016-0353-z
#' @seealso For multi-state or multi-event capture-recapture models, see \code{\link{dHMM}} or \code{\link{dDHMM}}.
#' @import nimble
#' @importFrom stats rbinom runif dbinom
#' @examples
#' # Set up constants and initial values for defining the model
#' dat <- c(1,1,0,0,0) # A vector of observations
#' probSurvive <- c(0.6, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1)
#' probCapture <- 0.4
#' # Define code for a nimbleModel
#' nc <- nimbleCode({
#'   x[1:4] ~ dCJS_vs(probSurvive[1:4], probCapture, len = 4)
#'   probCapture ~ dunif(0,1)
#'   for (i in 1:4) probSurvive[i] ~ dunif(0, 1)
#' })
#' # Build the model, providing data and initial values
#' CJS_model <- nimbleModel(nc, data = list(x = dat),
#'                          inits = list(probSurvive = probSurvive,
#'                                       probCapture = probCapture))
#' # Calculate log probability of data from the model
#' CJS_model$calculate()
#' # Use the model for a variety of other purposes...


#' @rdname dCJS
#' @export
dCJS_ss <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(x = double(1),    ## standard name for the "data"
                 probSurvive = double(),
                 probCapture = double(),
                 len = double(0, default = 0),
                 log = integer(0, default = 0) ## required log argument
  ) {

    if (len != 0) {
      if (len != length(x)) stop("Argument len must match length of data, or be 0.")
    if (x[1] != 1) stop("dCJS requires specifying first capture. x[1] must equal 1.")

    ## Note the calculations used here are actually in hidden Markov model form.
    probAliveGivenHistory <- 1
    ## logProbData will be the final answer
    logProbData <- 0
    if (length(x) == 0) {  ## lenX < 1 should not occur, but just in case:
    for (t in 2:len) {
      ## probAlive is P(Alive(t) | x(1)...x(t-1))
      ## probAliveGivenHistory is (Alive(t-1) | x(1)...x(t-1))
      probAlive <- probAliveGivenHistory * probSurvive
      if (!is.na(x[t])) {
        if (x[t] == 1) {
          ## ProbThisObs = P(x(t) | x(1)...x(t-1))
          probThisObs <- probAlive * probCapture
          probAliveGivenHistory <- 1
        } else {
          probAliveNotSeen <- probAlive * (1 - probCapture)
          probThisObs <- probAliveNotSeen + (1 - probAlive)
          probAliveGivenHistory <- probAliveNotSeen / probThisObs
      logProbData <- logProbData + log(probThisObs)
    if (log) return(logProbData)

#' @rdname dCJS
#' @export
dCJS_sv <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(x = double(1),    ## standard name for the "data"
                 probSurvive = double(),
                 probCapture = double(1),
                 len = double(0, default = 0),
                 log = integer(0, default = 0) ## required log argument
  ) {
    if (len != 0) {
      if (len != length(x)) stop("Argument len must match length of data, or be 0.")
    if (length(x) != length(probCapture)) stop("Length of probCapture does not match length of data.")
    if (x[1] != 1) stop("dCJS requires specifying first capture. x[1] must equal 1.")

    ## Note the calculations used here are actually in hidden Markov model form.
    probAliveGivenHistory <- 1
    ## logProbData will be the final answer
    logProbData <- 0
    lenX <- length(x)
    if (lenX == 0) {  ## l < 1 should not occur, but just in case:
    for (t in 2:lenX) {
      ## probAlive is P(Alive(t) | x(1)...x(t-1))
      ## probAliveGivenHistory is (Alive(t-1) | x(1)...x(t-1))
      probAlive <- probAliveGivenHistory * probSurvive
      if (!is.na(x[t])) {
        if (x[t] == 1) {
          ## ProbThisObs = P(x(t) | x(1)...x(t-1))
          probThisObs <- probAlive * probCapture[t]
          probAliveGivenHistory <- 1
        } else {
          probAliveNotSeen <- probAlive * (1 - probCapture[t])
          probThisObs <- probAliveNotSeen + (1 - probAlive)
          probAliveGivenHistory <- probAliveNotSeen / probThisObs
        logProbData <- logProbData + log(probThisObs)
    if (log) return(logProbData)

#' @rdname dCJS
#' @export
dCJS_vs <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(x = double(1),    ## standard name for the "data"
                 probSurvive = double(1),
                 probCapture = double(),
                 len = double(0, default = 0),
                 log = integer(0, default = 0) ## required log argument
  ) {
    if (len != 0) {
      if (len != length(x)) stop("Argument len must match length of data, or be 0.")
    if (length(probSurvive) < length(x) - 1)
      stop("Length of probSurvive must be at least length of data minus 1.")
    if (x[1] != 1) stop("dCJS requires specifying first capture. x[1] must equal 1.")

    ## Note the calculations used here are actually in hidden Markov model form.
    probAliveGivenHistory <- 1
    ## logProbData will be the final answer
    logProbData <- 0
    lenX <- length(x)
    if (lenX == 0) {  ## l < 1 should not occur, but just in case:
    for (t in 2:lenX) {
      ## probAlive is P(Alive(t) | x(1)...x(t-1))
      ## probAliveGivenHistory is (Alive(t-1) | x(1)...x(t-1))
      probAlive <- probAliveGivenHistory * probSurvive[t - 1]
      if (!is.na(x[t])) {
        if (x[t] == 1) {
          ## ProbThisObs = P(x(t) | x(1)...x(t-1))
          probThisObs <- probAlive * probCapture
          probAliveGivenHistory <- 1
        } else {
          probAliveNotSeen <- probAlive * (1 - probCapture)
          probThisObs <- probAliveNotSeen + (1 - probAlive)
          probAliveGivenHistory <- probAliveNotSeen / probThisObs
        logProbData <- logProbData + log(probThisObs)
    if (log) return(logProbData)

#' @rdname dCJS
#' @export
dCJS_vv <- nimbleFunction(
  # It is assumed that the individual has already been captured.
  # Therefore, the first entry in x represents the first possible recapture event.
  # probSurvive[t] represents survival from t-1 to t.
  # probCapture[t] represents capture probability at time t.
  run = function(x = double(1),    ## standard name for the "data"
                 probSurvive = double(1),
                 probCapture = double(1),
                 len = double(0, default = 0),
                 log = integer(0, default = 0) ## required log argument
  ) {
    if (len != 0) {
      if (len != length(x)) stop("Argument len must match length of data, or be 0.")
    if (length(probSurvive) < length(x) - 1)
      stop("Length of probSurvive must be at least length of data minus 1.")
    if (length(x) != length(probCapture)) stop("Length of probCapture does not match length of data.")
    if (x[1] != 1) stop("dCJS requires specifying first capture. x[1] must equal 1.")

    ## Note the calculations used here are actually in hidden Markov model form.
    probAliveGivenHistory <- 1
    ## logProbData will be the final answer
    logProbData <- 0
    if (len == 0) {  ## l<1 should not occur, but just in case:
      len <- length(x)
    for (t in 2:len) {
      ## probAlive is P(Alive(t) | x(1)...x(t-1))
      ## probAliveGivenHistory is (Alive(t-1) | x(1)...x(t-1))
      probAlive <- probAliveGivenHistory * probSurvive[t - 1]
      if (!is.na(x[t])) {
        if (x[t] == 1) {
          ## ProbThisObs = P(x(t) | x(1)...x(t-1))
          probThisObs <- probAlive * probCapture[t]
          probAliveGivenHistory <- 1
        } else {
          probAliveNotSeen <- probAlive * (1 - probCapture[t])
          probThisObs <- probAliveNotSeen + (1 - probAlive)
          probAliveGivenHistory <- probAliveNotSeen / probThisObs
        logProbData <- logProbData + log(probThisObs)
    if (log) {

#' @rdname dCJS
#' @export
rCJS_ss <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(n = integer(),
                 probSurvive = double(),
                 probCapture = double(),
                 len = double(0, default = 0)) {
    if (n != 1) stop("rCJS only works for n = 1")
    if (len < 2)
      stop("len must be greater than 1.")
    ans <- numeric(length = len, init = FALSE)
    ans[1] <- 1
    alive <- 1
    if (len <= 0) return(ans)
    for (i in 2:len) {
      if (alive)
        alive <- rbinom(1, size = 1, prob = probSurvive)
      if (alive) {
        ans[i] <- rbinom(1, size = 1, prob = probCapture)
      } else {
        ans[i] <- 0

#' @rdname dCJS
#' @export
rCJS_sv <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(n = integer(),
                 probSurvive = double(),
                 probCapture = double(1),
                 len = double(0, default = 0)) {
    if (n != 1) stop("rCJS only works for n = 1")
    if (len < 2)
      stop("len must be non-negative.")
    if (length(probCapture) != len)
      stop("Length of probCapture is not the same as len.")
    ans <- numeric(length = len, init = FALSE)
    ans[1] <- 1
    alive <- 1
    if (len <= 0) return(ans)
    for (i in 2:len) {
      if (alive)
        alive <- rbinom(1, size = 1, prob = probSurvive)
      if (alive) {
        ans[i] <- rbinom(1, size = 1, prob = probCapture[i])
      } else {
        ans[i] <- 0

#' @export
#' @rdname dCJS
rCJS_vs <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(n = integer(),
                 probSurvive = double(1),
                 probCapture = double(),
                 len = double(0, default = 0)) {
    if (n != 1) stop("rCJS only works for n = 1")
    if (len < 2)
      stop("len must be greater than 1.")
    if (length(probSurvive) != len - 1)
      stop("Length of probSurvive is not the same as len - 1.")
    ans <- numeric(length = len, init = FALSE)
    ans[1] <- 1
    alive <- 1
    if (len <= 0) return(ans)
    for (i in 2:len) {
      if (alive)
        alive <- rbinom(1, size = 1, prob = probSurvive[i - 1])
      if (alive) {
        ans[i] <- rbinom(1, size = 1, prob = probCapture)
      } else {
        ans[i] <- 0

#' @rdname dCJS
#' @export
rCJS_vv <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(n = integer(),
                 probSurvive = double(1),
                 probCapture = double(1),
                 len = double(0, default = 0)) {
    if (n != 1) stop("rCJS only works for n = 1")
    if (len < 2)
      stop("len must be greater than 1.")
    if(length(probSurvive) != len - 1)
      stop("Length of probSurvive is not the same as len - 1.")
    if(length(probCapture) != len)
      stop("Length of probCapture is not the same as len.")
    ans <- numeric(length = len, init = FALSE)
    ans[1] <- 1
    alive <- 1
    if (len <= 0) return(ans)
    for (i in 2:len) {
      if (alive)
        alive <- rbinom(1, size = 1, prob = probSurvive[i - 1])
      if (alive) {
        ans[i] <- rbinom(1, size = 1, prob = probCapture[i])
      } else {
        ans[i] <- 0

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