An introduction to nlsr

R has several tools for estimating nonlinear models and minimizing sums of squares functions. The base R distribution includes a function nls() that is feature-rich but has some annoying weaknesses (@JNABRefactoringNLS22). Some of these are addressed in the package nlsr (@nlsr2019manual), for which this vignette provides an introduction with examples.

What does nlsr do?

nlsr has functions to find a set of parameters that minimizes the sum of squares (or deviance) of differences between a model specified either as a formula using function nlxb() or as both residual and Jacobian R functions using function nlfb(). As described below, the Jacobian may be approximated by particular control settings.

Existing R tools that are similar to nlxb() are nls() and minpack.lm::nlsLM();
minpack.lm::nls.lm() is similar to nlfb().

There are several important differences in approach and results, some of which are detailed in this document.

Output object

The output object of nlxb() is smaller than that of nls() and is focused on the solution and its properties rather than the modeling task. That is, package nlsr emphasizes the solution of the nonlinear least squares problem rather than the estimation of a nonlinear model that fits or explains the data. nls() and nlsLM return an object of class nls, which allows for a number of specialized modeling and diagnostic extensions. For compatibility, the nlsr package has function wrapnlsr(), for which nlsr() is an alias. This uses nlxb() to find good parameters, then calls nls() to return the class nls object. Unless particular modeling features are needed, the use of wrapnlsr() is unnecessary and wasteful of resources.

Jacobian calculation

Internally, nlxb() uses symbolic and automatic differentiation tools to create the residual and Jacobian functions needed for nlfb() then uses it to solve the relevant nonlinear least squares minimization problem.

As with other nonlinear least squares packages, we provide the Jacobian code as the "gradient" attribute of the Jacobian function. This lets us embed the code for the Jacobian as this attribute of the residual function so that the call to nlfb() can be made with the same name used for both residual and Jacobian function arguments. This programming trick saves a lot of trouble for the package developer, but it can be a nuisance for users trying to understand the code.

Generally nls() and nlsLM() use a fairly simple forward difference approximation of derivatives for the Jacobian, though a central approximation can be specified in control parameters. Package nlsr provides four approximation options, with a further control ndstep for the size of the step used in the approximation.

Stabilization of Gauss-Newton computations

The iteration in all the major tools mentioned is the solution of the Gauss-Newton equations. nls() uses a variant of an approach suggested by @Hartley61, while nlsr and minpack.lm use variants of the method published by @Marquardt1963, though it was suggested earlier by @Levenberg1944. The details of the method in nlsr are discussed in @JNABRefactoringNLS22. Though it is unlikely to be useful in general, control settings for nlxb() or nlfb() allow for those routines to perform a variety of Hartley and Marquardt algorithms. This has been useful for learning about the algorithms, but tangential to simply finding parameters of nonlinear models.

In general, the Levenberg-Marquardt stabilization is important in obtaining solutions. The default method of nls() terminates with singular gradient unnecessarily in too many instances.

Programming language

An important choice made in developing nlsr was to code entirely within the R programming language. nls() uses a mix of R, C and Fortran, as does minpack.lm. Generally, I believe that keeping to a single programming language allows for easier maintenance and upgrades. On the other hand, R is usually somewhat slower in performing computations because it keeps track of names and structures and because it is usually interpreted rather than compiled. In recent years the performance penalty for using code entirely in R has been much reduced with the just-in-time compiler and other improvements, so that using an all-R package offers acceptable performance. Indeed, in nlsr the use of R may be less of a performance cost than the attempt to ensure the solution has been found, which forces more iterations to be used.

An illustrative example

The Hobbs weed infestation problem (@cnm79 [page 120]) is a growth curve modeling task which is seemingly straightforward but turns out to be quite nasty.

The data and a graph of it is given below.

weed <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443,
          38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972)
tt <- 1:12
weeddf <- data.frame(tt, weed)
plot(weeddf, main="Hobbs weed infestation data")

Most nonlinear least squares problems encountered by R users have data, but it is not strictly required, as we shall see below in the section on functional specification of nonlinear least squares problems. What is required is a definition of the (residual) functions that are to be squared and then their squares summed to provide the loss function or objective function to be minimized by adjusting the parameters that define the set of functions. In the case of the Hobbs problem, I was told the scientists who collected the data believe that the growth of weeds followed a 3-parameter logistic sigmoid growth curve where $y$ (the weed data) changes with time ($t$) (the tt index) according to the function

Logistic3U: $$ y \approx b_1 / (1 + b_2 * exp(- b_3 * t)) $$

The problem (using the 3 parameter logistic form above) has very bad scaling and regions in the parameter space where the sum of squares objective is nearly "flat", so that its Hessian, or matrix of second derivatives, is almost singular. When this occurs, methods cannot easily make progress towards the optimal solution.

Solution methods also need an initial guess for the parameters to be adjusted. There are often some ways to provide such initial parameters, though in my experience they take quite a lot of work to set up reliably, but R does have some worthwhile possibilities in some, though not all, of the selfStart modelling functions, especially those in the package nlraa (@MiguezNLRAA2021).

There are, however, alternatives to the model above. For example, a simple scaling can make the solution to the problem easier to find, such as

Logistic3S: $$ y \approx 100 * c_1 / (1 + 10 * c_2 * exp(- 0.1 * c_3 * t)) $$ Another form is

Logistic3T: $$ y \approx Asym / (1 + exp((xmid - t)/scal)) $$

The functions above are equivalent. Their parameters are related as follows:

$$ Asym = b_1 = 100 * c_1 $$ $$ exp(xmid/scal) = b_2 = 10 * c_2 $$ $$ 1/scal = b_3 $$

nlsr tries to find solutions from very poor initial parameter values. While this is not always possible, nslr has generally been able to succeed in finding solutions, even when all parameters are started at 1. Let us compare its results with those of nls() and nlsLM().

Problem setup

# model formulas
frmu <- weed ~ b1/(1+b2*exp(-b3*tt))
frms <- weed ~ 100*c1/(1+10*c2*exp(-0.1*c3*tt))
frmt <- weed ~ Asym /(1 + exp((xmid-tt)/scal))
# Starting parameter sets
stu1<-c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1)
sts1<-c(c1=1, c2=1, c3=1)
stt1<-c(Asym=1, xmid=1, scal=1)

Solution attempts with nls()

unls1<-try(nls(formula=frmu, start=stu1, data=weeddf))
snls1<-try(nls(formula=frms, start=sts1, data=weeddf))
tnls1<-try(nls(formula=frmt, start=stt1, data=weeddf))

Solution attempts with nlsr tools

unlx1<-try(nlxb(formula=frmu, start=stu1, data=weeddf))
pshort(unlx1) # A short form output
snlx1<-try(nlxb(formula=frms, start=sts1, data=weeddf))
# pshort(snlx1)
tnlx1<-try(nlxb(formula=frmt, start=stt1, data=weeddf))
# pshort(tnlx1)
ct<-as.list(tnlx1$coefficients) # Need a list to use ct$... in next line
# explicit residuals (weighted if there are weights)
cat("explicit sumsquares =", sum(rtnlx1^2),"\n")

Solution attempts with minpack.lm

NOTE: The original version of this vignette passed all package checks for Linux, Windows and (Intel-based) Macintosh computers, but failed on Macintosh machines using the M1 chip.

unlm1<-try(nlsLM(formula=frmu, start=stu1, data=weeddf))
summary(unlm1) # Use summary() to get display
unlm1 # Note the difference. Use this form to get sum of squares
# pnls(unlm1)  # Short form of output
snlm1<-try(nlsLM(formula=frms, start=sts1, data=weeddf))
# pnls(snlm1)
tnlm1<-try(nlsLM(formula=frmt, start=stt1, data=weeddf))
if (inherits(tnlm1, "try-error")) {
   cat("Failure to compute solution -- likely singular Jacobian\n")
} else {  
   pnls(tnlm1) # short form to give sum of squares

Solution attempts with wrapnlsr() wrapper

## Try the wrapper. Calling wrapnlsr() instead of nlsr() is equivalent
unlw1<-try(nlsr(formula=frmu, start=stu1, data=weeddf))
print(unlw1) # using 'unlx1' gives name of object as 'x' only
snlw1<-try(nlsr(formula=frms, start=sts1, data=weeddf))
# pshort(snlx1)
tnlw1<-try(nlsr(formula=frmt, start=stt1, data=weeddf))


There are several details that may be important for users.

stspecial<- c(Asym = 35.532,  xmid = 43376,  scal = -2935.4)
# force to exit at once by setting femax to 1 (maximum number of sum of squares evaluations)
getsvs<-nlxb(formula=frmt, start=stspecial, data=weeddf, control=list(femax=1))
if (inherits(tnlm1, "try-error")) {
   cat("Cannot compute solution -- likely singular Jacobian\n")
} else {  
   Jtm <- tnlm1$m$gradient()
   svd(Jtm)$d # Singular values

We see that there are differences in detail, but the more important result is that two out of three singular values are essentially 0. Our Jacobian is singular, and no method of the Gauss-Newton type should be able to continue. Indeed, from this set of parameters, nlxb also stops.

stspecial<- c(Asym = 35.532,  xmid = 43376,  scal = -2935.4)
# force to exit at once by setting femax to 1 (maximum number of sum of squares evaluations)
badstart<-nlxb(formula=frmt, start=stspecial, data=weeddf)

selfStart options

The form of the logistic given by frmt is available as a selfStart model, needing no starting parameters with nls(). The code is in base R in location src/library/stats/R/zzModels.R.

frmtss <- weed ~ SSlogis(tt, Asym, xmid, scal)
ssts1<-nls(formula=frmtss, data=weeddf)
sstm1<-nlsLM(formula=frmtss, data=weeddf)

The essence of selfStart models is to provide starting parameters for the iterative methods used to find the final parameters. However, an examination of the code for the SSlogis() function shows that it makes use of a DIFFERENT solver and returns the final results of that solver. The computational effort in doing this is, I believe, greater than that expended by nlxb() from an extremely crude start (all 1's). An alternative selfStart for this version of the logistic is included in package nlsr as SSlogisJN.R.

Users should be aware that the programming of selfStart models involves quite esoteric aspects of R which I find prone to errors and difficult to grasp easily. Developers who have built them for us deserve our thanks. A particularly important collection of such tools is in the package @MiguezNLRAA2021.

SSlogisJN.R for the 3-parameter logistic

SSlogisJN.R uses ideas for selfStart from @Ratkowsky1983 for the Logistic3T form of the model. It produces only an approximate set of starting parameters, unlike SSlogis.R. The core of the idea is as follows, where we use the abbreviated output function to save page space.

Asymt <- 2*max(weed)
pw <- Asymt/weed
clin <- coef(lm(lpw1~tt))
scalt <- -1/clin$tt
xmidt <- scalt*as.numeric(clin[1])
try1<-nlxb(frmt, data=weeddf, start=c(Asym=1, xmid=1, scal=1))
try2<-nlxb(frmt, data=weeddf, start=c(Asym=Asymt, xmid=xmidt, scal=scalt))

We see a dramatic reduction in the computational effort as measured by residual and Jacobian evaluations.

Running selfStart models with nlxb()

There are two important steps in using selfStart models with nlxb():

These steps can be automated, and this has been carried out in function nlsrSS(). The automation is built into the functions nls() and minpack.lm::nlsLM(), but I have preferred to make the process explicit and give it a separate function.

Let us illustrate how to use the getInitial() function (part of base R) to do this.

frmtssJ <- weed ~ SSlogisJN(tt, Asym, xmid, scal) # The model formula
lstrt <- getInitial(frmtssJ, weeddf) # Here we get the starting parameters
cat("starting parameters:\n")
# Next line uses the start. We indicate that the "approximate" Jacobian code is in
#  the selfStart code, though in fact it is not an approximation in this case.
sstx1<-nlxb(formula=frmtssJ, start=lstrt, data=weeddf, control=list(japprox="SSJac"))
# If no Jacobian code is included in selfStart module, we can actually use an
#  approximate Jacobian. See "gradient" elements for differences in result.
sstx1a<-nlxb(formula=frmtssJ, start=lstrt, data=weeddf, control=list(japprox="jacentral"))
## We can automate the above in function nlsrSS()
sstSS<-nlsrSS(formula=frmtssJ, data=weeddf)

Starting parameters for the Logistic3U model

A similar approach for the Logistic3U model can be used.

b1t <- 2*max(weed)
clin <- as.list(coef(lm(lpw1~tt)))
b3t <- -clin$tt
b2t <- exp(as.numeric(clin[1]))
try1<-nlxb(frmu, data=weeddf, start=c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1))
try2<-nlxb(frmu, data=weeddf, start=c(b1=b1t, b2=b2t, b3=b3t))

Once again, there is a significant saving in the number of iterations. We have not coded a selfStart function for Logistic3U, preferring to use the scaled form Logistic3S for which we do not need good starting values.

Jacobian computation

nlxb() offers more options for how the Jacobian is computed than either nls() or minpack.lm::nlsLM(). The choice is made using the control list element japprox. If this is NOT specified, nlxb() attempts to build Jacobian code using analytic or automatic derivative codes. This is not, of course, always possible, and sometimes we will get an "error" message that required information is not in the derivatives table. This will be the case when we use a function like SSlogisJN() unless we indicate that the code is available from a selfStart module by using a value of SSJac for japprox. The example also showed how we can specify an approximation method, which is also useful when a formula does not have analytic derivatives available. In such cases control element japprox can be set to one of jafwd, jaback, jacentral or jand, giving forward, backward, central and package numDeriv approximations. I recommend jacentral as a reasonable compromise between accuracy of approximation and amount of computational work.

Bounds constraints on parameters

In some cases, we know that parameters cannot be bigger or smaller than some externally known limits. Cash reserves cannot be negative. Animals have a minimum need for water. Airplanes cannot carry more than a known or legislated cargo weight. Such limits can be built into models, but there are some important details for using the tools in R.

The algorithm = "port" code appears unfinished, and does not even check that the starting value is within the bounds. Use with caution, especially where bounds are supplied.

# Start MUST be feasible i.e. on or within bounds
anlshob1b <- nls(frms, start=sts1, data=weeddf, lower=c(0,0,0),
             upper=c(2,6,3), algorithm='port')
pnls(anlshob1b) #  check the answer (short form)
# nlsLM seems NOT to work with bounds in this example
anlsLM1b <- nlsLM(frms, start=sts1, data=weeddf, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(2,6,3))
# also no warning if starting out of bounds, but gets good answer!!
st4<-c(c1=4, c2=4, c3=4)
anlsLMob <- nlsLM(frms, start=st4, data=weeddf, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(2,6,3))
# Try nlsr::nlxb()
anlx1b <- nlxb(frms, start=sts1, data=weeddf, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(2,6,3))

Functional specification of nonlinear least squares problems

We illustrate how to solve nonlinear least squares problems where the set of functions to be squared is provided by an R function, as is the Jacobian matrix. Note that nlsr::nlfb() gets this information from the object returned by the jacfn argument in the "gradient" attribute of that object. This is a programming artifice to allow a simplification of the nlxb() code. The example is the well-known Banana shaped valley of @Rosenbrock1960.

frres<-function(x) { ## Rosenbrock as residuals
    x1 <- x[1]
    x2 <- x[2]
    res<-c( 10 * (x2 - x1 * x1), (1 - x1) )

frjac<-function(x) { ## Rosenbrock residual derivatives matrix
    x1 <- x[1]
    x2 <- x[2]
   J<-matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=2)
   J[1,1]<- -20*x1
   J[1,2]<- 10
   J[2,1]<- -1
   J[2,2]<- 0
   attr(J,"gradient")<-J # NEEDED for nlfb()
rosnlf<-nlfb(strt, resfn=frres, jacfn=frjac)
rosnlm<-nls.lm(par=strt, fn=frres, jac=frjac)

I find it awkward to solve problems specified this way with nls() and do not believe it is worth pursuing that topic.

Weighted nonlinear regression

Regression attempts to explain a dependent (or predicted) variable as a function of independent (or explanatory or predictor) variables and estimated parameters. The estimation method commonly used is minimization of the sum of squared residuals. However, these residuals may be weighted. In the tools available in R for nonlinear least squares, weights can be specified which multiply the squared residuals, and we need a weight for each term in the sum. Each residual is therefore multiplied by the square root of its respective weight.

Typically, the weights are given as a vector of numbers. A popular choice is the reciprocal of a measure of the variance of each data observation. Replicated data allows for sample variances to be used; otherwise we need some proxy. The concept is that the weights are proportional to our belief that the observations are correct.

Static weights

Let us demonstrate with weights that are simply the reciprocal of the independent variable. This may not make sense for statistical modeling, but it lets us see that the residuals() function returns weighted residuals.

wts <- 1/weeddf$tt # wts are reciprocal of time value
tnlx1w<-try(nlxb(formula=frmt, start=stt1, data=weeddf, weights=wts))
# pshort(tnlx1)
ct<-as.list(tnlx1w$coefficients) # Need a list to use ct$... in next line

cat("explicit sumsquares =", sum(rtnlx1w^2),"\n")

Weights that are functions of the model parameters

Possible choices for weights include the reciprocal of the squared residuals or squared fitted values. Unfortunately, such quantities depend on the parameter values. Consider our Logistic example. We want to predict $y$ with

$$ fitted(b_1, b_2, b_3, t) = b_1 / (1 + b_2 * exp(- b_3 * t)) $$ Thus the raw residuals are

$$ rawres(b_1, b_2, b_3, t) = y - fitted(b_1, b_2, b_3, t) $$ But if the weights are $(1/ fitted(b_1, b_2, b_3, t)$, then the residuals for which the sum of squares is to be calculated are

$$ resid(b_1, b_2, b_3, t) = rawres(b_1, b_2, b_3, t) * (1/fitted(b_1, b_2, b_3, t) $$

$$ = y/(b_1 / (1 + b_2 * exp(- b_3 * t))) - 1 $$

However, we still need to keep in mind that the user needs to use the formula for the fitted values to get predictions. While the software needs to minimize the weighted (hence modified) sum of squares, it also must keep track of the fitted/predicted values.

minpack.lm offers a function wfct() that can be used within the argument supplied as weights in the call to nlsLM() or nls(), though it usually fails with nlsr::nlxb(). The action of this function was surprising to me, as wfct() takes an expression as its argument (and may itself be part of an expression in the argument after the = sign). If the argument to wfct contains fitted, resid or error, then the call to nlsLM or nls will trigger a further call to one of these functions, evaluate the weights and then run again to compute the solution. This can be seen by setting trace = TRUE. The process can be verified explicitly for the example used in the wfct documentation. Unfortunately, wfct() appears to crash knitr or rmarkdown, so we have evaluated the example outside of Rstudio and included the output below.

library(nlsr) # for pnls
Treated <- Puromycin[Puromycin$state == "treated", ]
# First get raw estimates
wtt3nlm0<-nlsLM(rate ~ Vm * conc/(K + conc), data = Treated, trace=TRUE,
               start = c(Vm = 200, K = 0.05))
# Static wts using fit0
wtt3nlm0s<-nlsLM(rate ~ Vm * conc/(K + conc), data = Treated, trace=TRUE,
               start = c(Vm = 200, K = 0.05), weights = wfct(1/fit0^2))
# and run directly, noting the 2 phase operation
wtt3nlm<-nlsLM(rate ~ Vm * conc/(K + conc), data = Treated, trace=TRUE,
               start = c(Vm = 200, K = 0.05), weights = wfct(1/fitted^2))
cat("weights from wtt3nlm\n")
It.    0, RSS =    1636.59, Par. =        200       0.05
It.    1, RSS =    1205.62, Par. =    211.157  0.0616271
It.    2, RSS =    1195.57, Par. =    212.511  0.0638418
It.    3, RSS =    1195.45, Par. =    212.666  0.0640939
It.    4, RSS =    1195.45, Par. =    212.682  0.0641186
It.    5, RSS =    1195.45, Par. =    212.684   0.064121

It.    0, RSS =    0.22811, Par. =        200       0.05
It.    1, RSS =   0.227222, Par. =    200.913  0.0494747
It.    2, RSS =   0.227221, Par. =    200.847  0.0494303
It.    3, RSS =   0.227221, Par. =    200.842   0.049426
It.    4, RSS =   0.227221, Par. =    200.841  0.0494256
wtt3nlm0s  -- ss= 0.2272213 :  Vm = 200.841  K = 0.04942558; 4  itns
It.    0, RSS =    1636.59, Par. =        200       0.05
It.    1, RSS =    1205.62, Par. =    211.157  0.0616271
It.    2, RSS =    1195.57, Par. =    212.511  0.0638418
It.    3, RSS =    1195.45, Par. =    212.666  0.0640939
It.    4, RSS =    1195.45, Par. =    212.682  0.0641186
It.    5, RSS =    1195.45, Par. =    212.684   0.064121
It.    0, RSS =    0.22811, Par. =        200       0.05
It.    1, RSS =   0.227222, Par. =    200.913  0.0494747
It.    2, RSS =   0.227221, Par. =    200.847  0.0494303
It.    3, RSS =   0.227221, Par. =    200.842   0.049426
It.    4, RSS =   0.227221, Par. =    200.841  0.0494256
wtt3nlm  -- ss= 0.2272213 :  Vm = 200.841  K = 0.04942558; 4  itns
Show in New Window
weights from wtt3nlm
 [1] 3.910941e-04 3.910941e-04 9.460635e-05 9.460635e-05 5.539227e-05 5.539227e-05 
 [7] 3.687173e-05 3.687173e-05 2.745956e-05 2.745956e-05 2.475956e-05 2.475956e-05

The documentation of wfct suggests that it can also use the name of the response (dependent) variable or the name of the predictor (independent) variable. However, some models have more than one independent variable, and I have not explored what happens in such cases.

It would be helpful if nlsr had the capability to include functional weights. Duncan Murdoch suggested a patch that allows this. We modify the nlfb() routine to detect and act on functional weights.

Treated <- Puromycin[Puromycin$state == "treated", ]
# "regression" formula
w1frm <- rate ~ Vm * conc/(K + conc)
# Explicit dynamic weighted nlxb
w3frm <- rate/(Vm * conc/(K + conc)) ~ 1
dynweighted <- nlxb(w3frm, data = Treated, start = c(Vm = 201.003, K = 0.04696),
                    trace=TRUE, control=list(prtlvl=0))
# Compute the model from the ORIGINAL model (w1frm) using parameters from dynweighted
dyn0 <- nlxb(w1frm, start=coefficients(dynweighted), data=Treated, control=list(jemax=0))
wfdyn0 <- 1/fitted(dyn0)^2 # weights
pshort(dyn0) # Shows sumsquares without weights, but computes weights we used
formulaweighted <- nlxb(w1frm, data = Treated, start = c(Vm = 201.003, K = 0.04696),
                        weights = ~ 1/fitted^2, trace=TRUE, control=list(prtlvl=0))

There are differences in the (weighted) sums of squares. The dynweighted case minimizes the residuals weighted by the actual CURRENT fits as expressed by the formula. The formulaweighted case computes the weights at each iteration from the previous (or original) fit. It is a form of iteratively weighted least squares. The case wtt3nlm above uses nlsLM with weights specified in wfct() and computes the weights once from an unweighted model, then runs a second, statically weighted calculation. Keeping track of these differences requires a lot of care, and I advise documenting what is done carefully.

Ongoing efforts

The examples above show how to use package nlsr as it exists at the end of December 2022. The story, however, is not finished. It would be very nice to be able to identify and work with models that are partially linear. Solving such models is possible with the algorithm="plinear" option of nls(), but identifying which parameters enter linearly is not easy for most users. Moreover, the specification of the model to the VARPRO solver that is called by the plinear option is inconsistent with the general specification used by nls() and other nonlinear least squares tools for R.

There are also a number of possible tweaks to details in nlsr and efforts to include such improvements are a continuing interest. I welcome communication and collaboration to continue the improvement of the package and R in general.


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nlsr documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:48 p.m.