
Defines functions make_analysis_sets make_analysis_set

Documented in make_analysis_set make_analysis_sets

#' Make analysis set
#' Set a maximum number of controls that are allowed to be matched to a case;
#' ensure that matched case-control pairs have a distance closer than the
#' predefined threshold; merge strata sharing same controls.
#' @details  For more information, please refer to the vignette using
#'   \code{browseVignettes("nncc")}.
#' @param stratified_data Stratified dataset, see \code{\link{make_knn_strata}}
#' @param var Character of current exposure variable in
#'   \code{\link{make_analysis_sets}}
#' @param data Original case control data
#' @param maxdist Reject any controls more than maxdist from their case
#' @param maxcontrols Maximum number of controls to keep per strata
#' @param silent Suppress exposure info useful for *apply/loop implementations
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
#' @return A list of data frames with the \code{length} of number of exposures.

make_analysis_set <- function(var, stratified_data, data,
                              maxdist = 0, maxcontrols = 20, silent = FALSE) {
    if(!silent) message(var)
    stratified_data[[var]] %>%
        ## merge in the exposure and remove any who are missing it
        mutate(exp = data[[var]][idx]) %>%
        filter(!is.na(exp)) %>%
        ## remove strata that no longer have a case
        group_by(strata) %>%
        left_join(summarize(., qcase = sum(case)), by = "strata") %>%
        filter(qcase == 1) %>% select(-qcase) %>%
        ## remove controls / merge strata with same control patterns
        group_by(strata) %>%
        top_n(maxcontrols + 1, -dist) %>%  # limit size of strata to maxstrata (+1 for the case)
        ungroup %>% filter(dist <= maxdist) %>% # keep only pairs closer than maxdist
        ## the merge strata operation...
        left_join(filter(., case == 0) %>% # first create the cntl pattern by pasting together the idx of each strata's controls
                  group_by(strata) %>%
                  summarize(cntlpat = paste(sort(idx), collapse = ", ")), by = "strata") %>%
        # remove strata without cntls because they have a cntlpat of NA
        filter(!is.na(cntlpat)) %>%
        left_join(group_by(., cntlpat) %>% # next use that to create a "case" pattern, i.e.,
                                           # newstrata for those with equal cntl patterns, a merge of old strata
                  summarize(newstrata = paste(sort(unique(strata)), collapse = ", ")), by = "cntlpat") %>%
        ungroup %>% mutate(newstrata = ifelse(is.na(newstrata), strata, newstrata)) %>%
        rename(oldstrata = strata, strata = newstrata) %>%
        ## ...end the merge operation and remove lone cases after removing controls
        group_by(strata) %>%
        left_join(summarize(., nsubj = n()), by = "strata") %>%
        filter(nsubj > 1) %>% select(-nsubj) %>%
        ## finalize and filter
        ungroup %>% arrange(strata, dist)

#' Make analysis datasets
#' This helper function facilitates the implement the make_analysis_set() to
#' each exposure.
#' @details  For more information, please refer to the vignette using
#'   \code{browseVignettes("nncc")}.
#' @param stratified_data List of stratified data sets, see
#'   \code{\link{make_knn_strata}}
#' @param expvars Character vector of exposure variable for each set in
#'   \code{stratifed_data}
#' @param data Original case control data
#' @param threshold Maximum distance threshold for cases and controls created by
#'   \code{\link{get_threshold}}
#' @return A list of data frames with the \code{length} of number of exposures
make_analysis_sets <- function(stratified_data, expvars, data, threshold) {
              expvars, # not other vars although other_vars was used to do the matching!
              SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
              MoreArgs = list(data = data,
                              maxdist = threshold)) %>%

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nncc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:05 a.m.