
Defines functions geo_address_lookup

Documented in geo_address_lookup

#' Address lookup API for OSM elements
#' @description
#' The lookup API allows to query the address and other details of one or
#' multiple OSM objects like node, way or relation. This function returns the
#' [`tibble`][tibble::tibble] associated with the query, see
#' [geo_address_lookup_sf()] for retrieving the data as a spatial object
#' ([`sf`][sf::st_sf] format).
#' @family lookup
#' @family geocoding
#' @param osm_ids Vector of OSM identifiers as **numeric**
#'   (`c(00000, 11111, 22222)`).
#' @param type Vector character of the type of the OSM type associated to each
#'   `osm_ids`. Possible values are node (`"N"`), way (`"W"`) or relation
#'   (`"R"`). If a single value is provided it would be recycled.
#' @inheritParams geo_lite
#' @details
#' See <https://nominatim.org/release-docs/develop/api/Lookup/> for additional
#' parameters to be passed to `custom_query`.
#' @seealso
#' [geo_address_lookup_sf()].
#' @return
#' ```{r child = "man/chunks/tibbleout.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @export
#' @examplesIf nominatim_check_access()
#' \donttest{
#' ids <- geo_address_lookup(osm_ids = c(46240148, 34633854), type = "W")
#' ids
#' several <- geo_address_lookup(c(146656, 240109189), type = c("R", "N"))
#' several
#' }
geo_address_lookup <- function(osm_ids,
                               type = c("N", "W", "R"),
                               lat = "lat",
                               long = "lon",
                               full_results = FALSE,
                               return_addresses = TRUE,
                               verbose = FALSE,
                               nominatim_server =
                               custom_query = list()) {
  # Step 1: Download ----
  # First build the api address. If the passed nominatim_server does not end
  # with a trailing forward-slash, add one
  api <- prepare_api_url(nominatim_server, "lookup?")

  # Prepare nodes
  osm_ids <- as.integer(osm_ids)
  type <- as.character(type)
  nodes <- paste0(type, osm_ids, collapse = ",")

  # Compose url
  url <- paste0(api, "osm_ids=", nodes, "&format=jsonv2")

  if (full_results) url <- paste0(url, "&addressdetails=1")

  # Add options
  url <- add_custom_query(custom_query, url)

  # Download to temp file
  json <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
  res <- api_call(url, json, isFALSE(verbose))

  # Step 2: Read and parse results ----

  # Keep a tbl with the query
  tbl_query <- dplyr::tibble(query = paste0(type, osm_ids))

  # If no response...
  if (isFALSE(res)) {
    message(url, " not reachable.")
    out <- empty_tbl(tbl_query, lat, long)
  result <- dplyr::as_tibble(jsonlite::fromJSON(json, flatten = TRUE))

  # Rename lat and lon
  nmes <- names(result)
  nmes[nmes == "lat"] <- lat
  nmes[nmes == "lon"] <- long

  names(result) <- nmes

  # Empty query
  if (nrow(result) == 0) {
    message("No results for query ", nodes)
    out <- empty_tbl(tbl_query, lat, long)

  # Coords as double
  result[lat] <- as.double(result[[lat]])
  result[long] <- as.double(result[[long]])

  # In this function we need to re-create tbl_query
  tbl_query <- dplyr::tibble(
    query = paste0(type, osm_ids),
    osm_id = osm_ids

  # Keep only same results
  result_clean <- dplyr::inner_join(result, tbl_query, by = "osm_id")

  # Warning in lost rows
  if (all(nrow(result_clean) < nrow(tbl_query), verbose)) {
    warning("Some ids may not have produced results. Check the final object")

  # Keep names
  result_out <- keep_names(result_clean, return_addresses, full_results,
    colstokeep = c("query", lat, long)

  # As tibble
  result_out <- dplyr::as_tibble(result_out)


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

nominatimlite documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:42 a.m.