
Defines functions reverse_geo_lite_single reverse_geo_lite

Documented in reverse_geo_lite

#' Reverse geocoding API
#' @description
#' Generates an address from a latitude and longitude. Latitudes must be
#' between \eqn{\left[-90, 90 \right]} and longitudes between
#' \eqn{\left[-180, 180 \right]}. This function returns the
#' [`tibble`][tibble::tibble] associated with the query, see
#' [reverse_geo_lite_sf()] for retrieving the data as a spatial object
#' ([`sf`][sf::st_sf] format).
#' @family reverse
#' @param lat Latitude values in numeric format. Must be in the range
#'   \eqn{\left[-90, 90 \right]}.
#' @param long Longitude values in numeric format. Must be in the range
#'   \eqn{\left[-180, 180 \right]}.
#' @param address Address column name in the output data (default  `"address"`).
#' @param return_coords	Return input coordinates with results if `TRUE`.
#' @param custom_query API-specific parameters to be used, passed as a named
#'   list (ie. `list(zoom = 3)`). See **Details**.
#' @inheritParams geo_lite
#' @details
#' See <https://nominatim.org/release-docs/develop/api/Reverse/> for additional
#' parameters to be passed to `custom_query`.
#' @section About Zooming:
#' Use the option `custom_query = list(zoom = 3)` to adjust the output. Some
#' equivalences on terms of zoom:
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE}
#' t <- dplyr::tribble(
#'  ~zoom, ~address_detail,
#'  "`3`", "country",
#'  "`5`", "state",
#'  "`8`", "county",
#'  "`10`", "city",
#'  "`14`", "suburb",
#'  "`16`", "major streets",
#'  "`17`", "major and minor streets",
#'  "`18`", "building"
#'  )
#' knitr::kable(t, col.names = paste0("**", names(t), "**"))
#' ```
#' @return
#' ```{r child = "man/chunks/tibbleout.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @seealso
#' [reverse_geo_lite_sf()], [tidygeocoder::reverse_geo()].
#' @export
#' @examplesIf nominatim_check_access()
#' \donttest{
#' reverse_geo_lite(lat = 40.75728, long = -73.98586)
#' # Several coordinates
#' reverse_geo_lite(lat = c(40.75728, 55.95335), long = c(-73.98586, -3.188375))
#' # With options: zoom to country level
#' sev <- reverse_geo_lite(
#'   lat = c(40.75728, 55.95335), long = c(-73.98586, -3.188375),
#'   custom_query = list(zoom = 0, extratags = TRUE),
#'   verbose = TRUE, full_results = TRUE
#' )
#' dplyr::glimpse(sev)
#' }
reverse_geo_lite <- function(lat,
                             address = "address",
                             full_results = FALSE,
                             return_coords = TRUE,
                             verbose = FALSE,
                             nominatim_server =
                             progressbar = TRUE,
                             custom_query = list()) {
  # Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(lat) || !is.numeric(long)) {
    stop("lat and long must be numeric")

  if (length(lat) != length(long)) {
    stop("lat and long should have the same number of elements")

  # Lat
  lat_cap <- pmax(pmin(lat, 90), -90)

  if (!identical(lat_cap, lat)) {
    message("latitudes have been restricted to [-90, 90]")

  # Lon
  long_cap <- pmax(pmin(long, 180), -180)

  if (!all(long_cap == long)) {
    message("longitudes have been restricted to [-180, 180]")

  # Dedupe for query using data frame

  init_key <- dplyr::tibble(
    lat_key_int = lat, long_key_int = long,
    lat_cap_int = lat_cap, long_cap_int = long_cap
  key <- dplyr::distinct(init_key)

  # Set progress bar
  ntot <- nrow(key)
  # Set progress bar if n > 1
  progressbar <- all(progressbar, ntot > 1)
  if (progressbar) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ntot, width = 50, style = 3)

  seql <- seq(1, ntot, 1)

  all_res <- lapply(seql, function(x) {
    if (progressbar) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
    rw <- key[x, ]
    res_single <- reverse_geo_lite_single(
      lat_cap = as.double(rw$lat_cap_int),
      long_cap = as.double(rw$long_cap_int),
      address = address,
      full_results = full_results,
      return_coords = return_coords,
      verbose = verbose,
      custom_query = custom_query,
      nominatim_server = nominatim_server

    res_single <- dplyr::bind_cols(res_single, rw[, c(1, 2)])

  if (progressbar) close(pb)

  all_res <- dplyr::bind_rows(all_res)
  all_res <- dplyr::left_join(init_key[, c(1, 2)], all_res,
    by = c("lat_key_int", "long_key_int")

  # Final clean
  all_res <- all_res[, -c(1, 2)]

#' @noRd
#' @inheritParams reverse_geo_lite
reverse_geo_lite_single <- function(lat_cap,
                                    address = "address",
                                    full_results = FALSE,
                                    return_coords = TRUE,
                                    verbose = TRUE,
                                    nominatim_server =
                                    custom_query = list()) {
  # First build the api address. If the passed nominatim_server does not end
  # with a trailing forward-slash, add one
  api <- prepare_api_url(nominatim_server, "reverse?")

  # Compose url
  url <- paste0(api, "lat=", lat_cap, "&lon=", long_cap, "&format=jsonv2")

  if (isFALSE(full_results)) {
    url <- paste0(url, "&addressdetails=0")
  } else {
    url <- paste0(url, "&addressdetails=1")

  # Add options
  url <- add_custom_query(custom_query, url)

  # Download to temp file
  json <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
  res <- api_call(url, json, isFALSE(verbose))

  # Step 2: Read and parse results ----
  tbl_query <- dplyr::tibble(lat = lat_cap, lon = long_cap)

  if (isFALSE(res)) {
    message(url, " not reachable.")
    out <- empty_tbl_rev(tbl_query, address)

  result_init <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json, flatten = TRUE)

  # Empty query
  if ("error" %in% names(result_init)) {
      "No results for query lon=",
      long_cap, ", lat=", lat_cap
    out <- empty_tbl_rev(tbl_query, address)

  # Unnnest fields
  result <- unnest_reverse(result_init)

  result$lat <- as.double(result$lat)
  result$lon <- as.double(result$lon)

  # Keep names
  result_out <- keep_names_rev(result,
    address = address,
    return_coords = return_coords,
    full_results = full_results


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nominatimlite documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:47 p.m.