
Defines functions plot.sampleEntropy embeddingDims.sampleEntropy radius.sampleEntropy nlOrder.sampleEntropy sampleEntropyFunction.sampleEntropy sampleEntropyFunction

Documented in embeddingDims.sampleEntropy nlOrder.sampleEntropy plot.sampleEntropy radius.sampleEntropy sampleEntropyFunction sampleEntropyFunction.sampleEntropy

#' Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy)
#' @description
#' The Sample Entropy measures the complexity of a time series. Large values of 
#' the Sample Entropy indicate high complexity whereas that smaller values 
#' characterize more regular signals.
#' @details  The sample entropy is computed using:
#' \deqn{h_q(m,r) = log(C_q(m,r)/C_{q}(m+1,r))}{hq(m,r) = log(Cq(m,r)/Cq(m+1,r)),}
#' where \emph{m} is the embedding dimension and \emph{r} is the radius of the 
#' neighbourhood. When computing the correlation dimensions we use the linear 
#' regions from the correlation sums in order to do the estimates. Similarly, 
#' the sample entropy \eqn{h_q(m,r)}{hq(m,r)} should not change for both 
#' various \emph{m} and \emph{r}.
#' @param corrDim.object A \emph{corrDim} object from which the Sample Entropy
#' of the time series characterized by \emph{corrDim} shall be estimated.
#' @param do.plot do.plot Logical value. If TRUE (default value), a plot of the 
#' sample entropy is shown.
#' @param ... Additional plotting arguments.
#' @return A \emph{sampleEntropy} object that contains a list storing the 
#' sample entropy (\emph{sample.entropy}), the embedding dimensions 
#' (\emph{embedding.dims}) and radius (\emph{radius}) for which the sample 
#' entropy has been computed, and the order of the sample entropy 
#' (\emph{entr.order}). The sample entropy is stored as a matrix in which 
#' each row contains the computations for a given embedding dimension and 
#' each column stores the computations for a given radius.
#' @references H. Kantz  and T. Schreiber: Nonlinear Time series Analysis 
#' (Cambridge university press)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x=henon(n.sample = 15000, n.transient = 100, a = 1.4, b = 0.3, 
#'         start = c(0.78,0.8165), do.plot = FALSE)$x
#' cd=corrDim(time.series=x,
#'            min.embedding.dim=2,max.embedding.dim=9,
#'            corr.order=2,time.lag=1,
#'            min.radius=0.05,max.radius=1,
#'            n.points.radius=100,
#'            theiler.window=20,
#'            do.plot=TRUE)
#' use.col = c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", 
#'             "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
#' se=sampleEntropy(cd,do.plot=TRUE,col=use.col,
#'                  type="l",xlim=c(0.1,1),
#'                  add.legend=T)
#' se.est = estimate(se,
#'                   regression.range = c(0.4,0.6),
#'                   use.embeddings = 6:9,col=use.col,type="b")
#' print(se.est)
#' cat("Expected K2 = ",0.325," Estimated = ",mean(se.est),"\n")
#' }
#' @author Constantino A. Garcia
#' @rdname sampleEntropy
#' @export sampleEntropy
sampleEntropy = function (corrDim.object, do.plot = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!inherits(corrDim.object, "corrDim")) {
    stop("corrDim.object should be of class corrDim")
  radius = radius(corrDim.object)
  corr.matrix = corrMatrix(corrDim.object)
  embeddings = embeddingDims(corrDim.object)
  number.embeddings = length(embeddings) - 1
  entropy = matrix(0, nrow = number.embeddings, ncol = length(radius))
  for (i in 1:number.embeddings) {
    entropy[i,] = log(corr.matrix[i, ] / corr.matrix[i + 1, ])
  dimnames(entropy) = list(head(embeddings, -1), radius)
  sample.entropy = list(sample.entropy = entropy,
                        embedding.dims = head(embeddings, -1),
                        entr.order = nlOrder(corrDim.object),
                        radius = radius
  class(sample.entropy) = "sampleEntropy"
  attr(sample.entropy,"time.lag") = attr(corrDim.object,"time.lag") 
  attr(sample.entropy,"id") = attr(corrDim.object,"id") 
  attr(sample.entropy,"theiler.window") = attr(corrDim.object,"theiler.window") 
  if (do.plot) {
   plot(sample.entropy, ...) 

#' Returns the sample entropy function \eqn{h_q(m,r)} used for the computations
#' of the sample entropy.
#' @param x A \emph{sampleEntropy} object.
#' @return A numeric matrix representing the sample entropy function
#' \eqn{h_q(m,r)} obtained in #' the sample entropy computations represented
#' by the \emph{sampleEntropy} object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sampleEntropy}}
#' @export sampleEntropyFunction
sampleEntropyFunction = function(x){

#' @return The \emph{sampleEntropyFunction} returns the sample entropy function
#' \eqn{h_q(m,r)} used for the computations. The sample
#' entropy function is represented by a matrix. Each row represents a given
#' embedding dimension whereas that each column representes a different radius.
#' @rdname sampleEntropy
#' @export
sampleEntropyFunction.sampleEntropy = function(x){

#' @return The \emph{nlOrder} function returns the order of the sample entropy.
#' @rdname sampleEntropy
#' @export
nlOrder.sampleEntropy = function(x){

#' @return The \emph{radius} function returns the radius on which the sample 
#' entropy function has been evaluated.
#' @rdname sampleEntropy
#' @export
radius.sampleEntropy = function(x){

#' @return The \emph{embeddingDims} function returns the embedding dimensions 
#' on which the sample entropy function has been evaluated.
#' @rdname sampleEntropy
#' @export
embeddingDims.sampleEntropy = function(x){

#' @return The \emph{plot} function shows the graphics for the sample entropy.
#' @rdname sampleEntropy
#' @param main A title for the plot.
#' @param xlab A title for the x axis.
#' @param ylab A title for the y axis.
#' @param type Type of plot (see \code{?plot}).
#' @param col Vector of colors for each of the dimensions of the plot.
#' @param pch Vector of symbols for each of the dimensions of the plot
#' @param ylim Numeric vector of length 2, giving the y coordinates range..
#' @param log A character string which contains "x" if the x axis is to be 
#' logarithmic, "y" if the y axis is to be logarithmic and "xy" or "yx" if 
#' both axes are to be logarithmic.
#' @param add.legend add a legend to the plot?
#' @export
plot.sampleEntropy = function(x, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                              type = "l", col=NULL, pch=NULL, ylim=NULL,
                              log = "x", add.legend = T, ...) {
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab = expression(epsilon)
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    ylab = expression(h[q]*"("*epsilon*")")
  if (is.null(main)) {
    main = bquote(
      "Sample entropy (q = " * .(x$entr.order) * ")    " * h[.(x$entr.order)] *
        "(" * epsilon * ")"
  number.embeddings = length(x$embedding.dims)
  # obtain vector of graphical parameters if not specified
  col = vectorizePar(col,number.embeddings)
  pch = vectorizePar(pch,number.embeddings)
  if (add.legend) {
    current.par =  par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    layout(rbind(1, 2), heights = c(8, 2))
  for (i in 1:number.embeddings) {
     if (i == 1) {
       if (is.null(ylim)) {
         ylim = range(x$sample.entropy)
       plot(x$radius, x$sample.entropy[1, ], 
            xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, type = type, pch = pch[[i]], 
            col = col[[i]], ylim = ylim, log = log, ...)
     } else {
       lines(x$radius, x$sample.entropy[i, ], type = type, pch = pch[[i]], 
             col = col[[i]], ...)
  if (add.legend) {
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    legend("center", "groups", ncol = ceiling(number.embeddings / 2), 
           col = col, pch = pch, lty = rep(1, number.embeddings), 
           lwd = rep(2.5, number.embeddings), bty = "n", 
           legend = x$embedding.dims, title = "Embedding dimension")

#' @details For each embedding dimension the sample
#' entropy is estimated by averaging  \deqn{h_q(m,r) = log(C_q(m,r)/C_{q}(m+1,r))}{hq(m,r) = log(Cq(m,r)/Cq(m+1,r))}
#' over the range specified by \emph{regression range} in the \emph{estimate} 
#' function.
#' @param x A \emph{sampleEntropy} object.
#' @param regression.range Vector with 2 components denoting the range where the
#'  function will perform linear regression.
#' @param use.embeddings A numeric vector specifying which embedding dimensions 
#' should the \emph{estimate} function use to compute
#' the sample entropy.
#' @param fit.lty The type of line to plot the regression lines. 
#' @param fit.lwd	The width of the line for the regression lines.
#' @param fit.col A vector of colors to plot the regression lines.
#' @return The  \emph{estimate} function returns a vector storing the sample 
#' entropy estimate for each embedding dimension.
#' @rdname sampleEntropy
#' @export
estimate.sampleEntropy = function(x, regression.range = NULL, do.plot = TRUE,
                                  use.embeddings = NULL, fit.col = NULL, 
                                  fit.lty = 2, fit.lwd = 2, 
                                  add.legend = T, ...) {
  if (is.null(regression.range)) {
    regression.range = range(x$radius)
  if (is.null(use.embeddings)) {
    use.embeddings = x$embedding.dims
  #select only embeddings used in the object
  use.embeddings = intersect(as.numeric(use.embeddings), x$embedding.dims)
  len.use.embeddings = length(use.embeddings)
  if (len.use.embeddings < 1) {
    stop("The embeddings specified are not present!\n")
  indx = which(x$radius >= regression.range[[1]] &
                 x$radius <= regression.range[[2]])
  if (len.use.embeddings == 1) {
    sample.entropy.estimate = mean(
      x$sample.entropy[as.character(use.embeddings), indx]
  } else {
    sample.entropy.estimate = apply(
      x$sample.entropy[as.character(use.embeddings), indx], MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = mean)  
  if (do.plot) {
    #create new sample entropy object with the embedding.dims and radius range used
    x = list(sample.entropy = x$sample.entropy[as.character(use.embeddings), ], 
             embedding.dims = use.embeddings, entr.order = x$entr.order, 
             radius = x$radius)
    class(x) = "sampleEntropy"
    plotSampleEntropyEstimate(x, sample.entropy.estimate,
      fit.col = fit.col, fit.lty = fit.lty, fit.lwd = fit.lwd,
      add.legend = add.legend, ...)

plotSampleEntropyEstimate = function(sampleEntropy.object,
                                     sample.entropy.estimate, main = NULL, 
                                     xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, type = "l", 
                                     pch = NULL, ylim = NULL, col = NULL, 
                                     fit.col, fit.lty, fit.lwd, 
                                     add.legend = T, ...) {
  number.embeddings = length(sampleEntropy.object$embedding.dims)
  # obtain vector of graphical parameters if not specified
  col = vectorizePar(col,number.embeddings)
  pch = vectorizePar(pch,number.embeddings)
  fit.col = vectorizePar(fit.col,number.embeddings,col)
  if (add.legend) {
    current.par =  par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    layout(rbind(1, 2), heights = c(8, 2))
  plot(sampleEntropy.object, main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
    type = type, pch = pch, ylim = ylim, col = col, add.legend = F,
  for (i in 1:number.embeddings) {
    if (i == 1) {
      abline(h = sample.entropy.estimate[[i]], 
             col = fit.col[[i]], lty = fit.lty, lwd = fit.lwd)
    } else {
      abline(h = sample.entropy.estimate[[i]], 
             col = fit.col[[i]], lty = fit.lty, lwd = fit.lwd)
  if (add.legend) {
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    legend("center", "groups", ncol = ceiling(number.embeddings / 2), 
           col = col, pch = pch, lty = rep(1, number.embeddings), 
           lwd = rep(2.5, number.embeddings), bty = "n", 
           legend = sampleEntropy.object$embedding.dims, 
           title = "Embedding dimension")

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