
Defines functions msgNorm print.summary.norm turn.miss.patt.into.strings summary.norm print.norm loglikNorm.formula loglikNorm.norm loglikNorm.default loglikNorm logpostNorm.formula logpostNorm.norm logpostNorm.default logpostNorm impNorm.formula impNorm.norm impNorm.default impNorm mcmcNorm.formula mcmcNorm.norm mcmcNorm.default mcmcNorm emNorm.formula emNorm.norm emNorm.default emNorm

Documented in emNorm emNorm.default emNorm.formula emNorm.norm impNorm impNorm.default impNorm.formula impNorm.norm loglikNorm loglikNorm.default loglikNorm.formula loglikNorm.norm logpostNorm logpostNorm.default logpostNorm.formula logpostNorm.norm mcmcNorm mcmcNorm.default mcmcNorm.formula mcmcNorm.norm print.summary.norm summary.norm

##   NORM Version 2 client functions for R                         ####
## Functions to export:
##     emNorm
##     impNorm
##     loglikNorm
##     logpostNorm
##     mcmcNorm
##     miInference (source code in miInference.R)
emNorm <- function(obj, ...){
   # S3 generic function
emNorm.default <- function(obj, x=NULL, intercept=TRUE,
   iter.max=1000, criterion=NULL, estimate.worst=TRUE, 
   prior="uniform", prior.df=NULL, 
   prior.sscp=NULL, starting.values=NULL, ...){
   y <- obj
   if( inherits(y, "data.frame") ){
      status <- logical( length(y) )
      for( j in 1:length(y) ) status[j] <- is.factor( y[[j]] )
      if( any(status) ){ 
         msg <- paste( "Factors in argument \"y\"",
               "converted to mode \"numeric\"." )
         warning( msg )
   y <- data.matrix(y)
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( is.null( colnames(y) ) ){
      colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character( 1:ncol(y) ), sep="" )
   # get matrix of predictors
   if( is.null(x) ){
      # default to a column of ones
      x <- matrix( 1., nrow(y), 1)
      colnames(x) <- "CONST"
      # coerce x to a numeric matrix and check dimensions 
      if( inherits(x, "data.frame") ){
         status <- logical( length(x) )
         for( j in 1:length(x) ) status[j] <- is.factor( x[[j]] )
         if( any(status) ){
            msg <- paste( "Factors in argument \"x\"",
               "converted to mode \"numeric\"." )
            warning( msg )
      x <- data.matrix(x)
      if( nrow(x) != nrow(y) ){
         stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
      if( any( is.na(x) ) ){
         stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
      if( is.null( colnames(x) )) {
      	    colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character( 1:ncol(x) ),
	    sep="" )
      if( intercept ){
         x <- cbind( CONST=1., x )
   rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
   storage.mode(x) <- "double"
   # missing-value code to pass to Fortran
   mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
   y[ is.na(y) ] <- mvcode
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 8L )
   # get starting values
   if( is.null(starting.values) ){
      # dimension arrays to pass to Fortran
      beta <- matrix( 0., ncol(x), ncol(y) )
      sigma <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )
      startval.present <- FALSE
      startval.present.int <- 0L
      # get user-supplied starting values
      beta <- data.matrix( starting.values$beta )
      sigma <- data.matrix( starting.values$sigma )
      if( ( nrow(beta)!=ncol(x) ) | (ncol(beta)!=ncol(y)) )
         stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
      if( ( nrow(sigma)!=ncol(y) ) | (ncol(sigma)!=ncol(y)) )
         stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
      startval.present <- TRUE
      startval.present.int <- 1L
   storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
   storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
   rownames( beta ) <- colnames( x )
   colnames( beta ) <- colnames( y )
   rownames( sigma ) <- colnames( y )
   colnames( sigma ) <- colnames( y )
   y.imp <- y
   estimate.worst.int <- as.integer( estimate.worst )[1L]
   if( prior == "uniform" ){
      prior.type.int <- 1L
      prior.df <- -( ncol(y) + 1 ) 
      prior.sscp <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )
   else if( prior == "jeffreys" ){
      prior.type.int <- 2L
      prior.df <- 0.
      prior.sscp <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )
   else if( prior == "ridge" ){
      prior.type.int <- 3L
      if( is.null( prior.df ) )
         stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
      prior.sscp <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )
   else if( prior == "invwish" ){
      prior.type.int <- 4L
      if( is.null( prior.df ) )
         stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
      length( prior.df ) <- 1
      if( is.null( prior.sscp ) )
         stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
      prior.sscp <- data.matrix( prior.sscp )
      if( ( nrow( prior.sscp )!=ncol(y) ) | ( ncol( prior.sscp )!=ncol(y) ) )
         stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
      msg <- paste( "Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.", sep="")
      stop( msg )
   storage.mode( prior.type.int ) <- "integer"
   length( prior.type.int ) <- 1L
   storage.mode( prior.df ) <- "double"
   length( prior.df ) <- 1L
   storage.mode( prior.sscp ) <- "double"
   # check remaining user-supplied arguments
   if( !missing(iter.max) ){
      length(iter.max) <- 1L
   storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
   if( iter.max < 0 )
      stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
   if( !is.null( criterion ) ){
      length(criterion) <- 1L
      storage.mode( criterion ) <- "double"
      if( criterion < 0. )
         stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
      criterion <- as.double( 1.e-5 )
   if( is.null( estimate.worst ) ) estimate.worst <- FALSE
   storage.mode( estimate.worst ) <- "logical"
   length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
   nparam <- as.integer( ncol(x) * ncol(y) + 
       ( ncol(y) * (ncol(y) + 1L) ) / 2L )
   tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em",
      n = nrow(y),
      r = ncol(y),
      p = ncol(x),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      mvcode = mvcode,
      prior.type.int = prior.type.int,
      prior.df = prior.df,
      prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
      iter.max = iter.max,
      criterion = criterion,
      estimate.worst.int = estimate.worst.int,
      startval.present.int = startval.present.int,
      iter = integer(1),
      converged.int = integer(1),
      rel.diff = numeric(1),
      loglik = numeric(iter.max),
      logpost = numeric(iter.max),
      beta = beta,
      sigma = sigma,
      y.imp = y.imp,
      npatt = integer(1),
      mis.int = matrix( integer(1), nrow(y), ncol(y) ),
      n.in.patt = integer( nrow(y) ),
      n.obs = integer( ncol(y) ),
      which.patt = integer( nrow(y) ),
      ybar = numeric( ncol(y) ), 
      ysdv = numeric( ncol(y) ), 
      rate.beta = beta,
      rate.sigma = sigma,
      em.worst.ok.int = integer(1),
      worst.frac = numeric(1),
      nparam = nparam,
      worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
      status = integer(1),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1),
   tmp$startval.present <- startval.present
   tmp$converged <- as.logical( tmp$converged.int )
   tmp$estimate.worst <- as.logical( tmp$estimate.worst.int )
   tmp$em.worst.ok <- as.logical( tmp$em.worst.ok.int )
   tmp$mis <- tmp$mis.int
   storage.mode( tmp$mis ) <- "logical"
   # display message from Fortran
   msg.lines <- msgNorm( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ){
      result <- invisible( NULL )
      if( (!tmp$converged) & (iter.max>0) ){
         warning( paste( "Algorithm did not converge by iteration", 
            format(tmp$iter) ) ) 
      miss.patt <- tmp$mis[ 1:tmp$npatt, , drop=FALSE]
      colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
      miss.patt.freq <- tmp$n.in.patt[ 1:tmp$npatt ]
      n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
      names( n.obs ) <- colnames( y )
      which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
      names( which.patt ) <- rownames( y )
      ybar <- tmp$ybar
      names( ybar ) <- colnames( y )
      ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
      names( ysdv ) <- colnames( y )
      rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
      if( tmp$iter == 0 ) rel.diff <- NA
      y <- tmp$y
      y[ y == tmp$mvcode ] <- NA
      if( startval.present ){
      	 starting.values <- list( beta=beta, sigma=sigma )
         starting.values <- NULL
      if( tmp$iter >= 1 ){
         loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
         logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
         loglik <- NULL
	 logpost <- NULL
      if( prior == "ridge" ){
         prior.sscp <- NULL
      else if( prior == "uniform" ){
         prior.df <- NULL
         prior.sscp <- NULL
      else if( prior == "jeffreys" ){
         prior.df <- NULL
         prior.sscp <- NULL
      em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
      if( em.worst.ok ){
         worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
         if( worst.frac == 0. ){
            worst.linear.coef <- NULL
            worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
         worst.frac <- NULL
         worst.linear.coef <- NULL
      result <- list(
         y = y,
         x = x,
         method = "EM",
         prior = prior,
         prior.df = prior.df,
         prior.sscp = prior.sscp, 
	 starting.values = starting.values,
         iter = tmp$iter,
         converged = tmp$converged,
         criterion = criterion,
	 estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
         loglik  = loglik,
         logpost = logpost,
         param = list(beta=tmp$beta, sigma=tmp$sigma),
	 param.rate = list(beta=tmp$rate.beta, sigma=tmp$rate.sigma),
         y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
         miss.patt = miss.patt,
         miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
         n.obs = n.obs,
         which.patt = which.patt,
         rel.diff = rel.diff,
         ybar = ybar,
         ysdv = ysdv,
         em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
	 worst.frac = worst.frac,
	 worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
         msg = msg)
      # set class and return
      class(result) <- c("norm", class(result))
emNorm.norm <- function( obj, iter.max = 1000, 
   criterion = obj$criterion, estimate.worst = obj$estimate.worst,
   prior = obj$prior, prior.df = obj$prior.df,
   prior.sscp = obj$prior.sscp,
   starting.values = obj$param, ...){
   # S3 method for class "norm"
   result <- emNorm.default( obj$y, x = obj$x,
      intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max, criterion = criterion, 
      estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values, 
      prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
      ... )
emNorm.formula <- function( formula, data, iter.max=1000,
   criterion=NULL, estimate.worst=TRUE, 
   prior="uniform", prior.df=NULL, prior.sscp=NULL,
   starting.values=NULL, ...){
   # S3 method for formula object
   # Prepare the model frame
   mf <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
   mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
   mf$iter.max <- mf$criterion <- mf$prior <- mf$prior.df <-
       mf$prior.sscp <- mf$starting.values <- NULL
   m <- match( c("formula","data"), names(mf), 0L)
   mf <- mf[c(1L,m)]
   mf$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mf <- eval( mf, parent.frame() )
   # Extract the matrix of response variables
   y <- model.response( mf )
   y <- data.matrix( y )
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( ncol(y) == 1 ) colnames(y) <- all.vars(formula)[1]
   # Extract the matrix of predictors
   x <- model.matrix( formula, mf )
   if( any( is.na(x) ) ){
      stop( "Missing values in predictors not allowed." )
   result <- emNorm.default( y, x = x, intercept = FALSE,
      iter.max = iter.max, criterion = criterion,
      estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
      starting.values = starting.values, 
      prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
      ... )
mcmcNorm <- function(obj, ...){
   # S3 generic function
mcmcNorm.default <- function(obj, x=NULL, intercept=TRUE, 
   iter=1000, multicycle=NULL, seeds=NULL, prior="uniform", 
   prior.df=NULL, prior.sscp=NULL,
   save.worst.series=FALSE, worst.linear.coef=NULL,
   impute.every=NULL, ...){ 
   y <- obj
   if( inherits(y, "data.frame") ){
      status <- logical( length(y) )
      for( j in 1:length(y) ) status[j] <- is.factor( y[[j]] )
      if( any(status) ){ 
         msg <- paste( "Factors in argument \"y\"",
               "converted to mode \"numeric\"." )
         warning( msg )
   y <- data.matrix(y)
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( is.null( colnames(y) ) ){
      colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character( 1:ncol(y) ), sep="" )
   # get matrix of predictors
   if( is.null(x) ){
      # default to a column of ones
      x <- matrix( 1., nrow(y), 1)
      colnames(x) <- "CONST"
      # coerce x to a numeric matrix and check dimensions 
      if( inherits(x, "data.frame") ){
         status <- logical( length(x) )
         for( j in 1:length(x) ) status[j] <- is.factor( x[[j]] )
         if( any(status) ){ 
         msg <- paste( "Factors in argument \"x\"",
               "converted to mode \"numeric\"." )
         warning( msg )
      x <- data.matrix(x)
      if( nrow(x) != nrow(y) ){
         stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
      if( any( is.na(x) ) ){
         stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
      if( is.null( colnames(x) )) {
      	    colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character( 1:ncol(x) ),
	    sep="" )
      if( intercept ){
         x <- cbind( CONST=1., x )
   rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
   storage.mode(x) <- "double"
   # missing-value code to pass to Fortran
   mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
   y[ is.na(y) ] <- mvcode
   # create a blank string of length 255 to 
   # pass to Fortran for messaging
   msg.len <- as.integer(255)
   msg <- format("", width=msg.len)
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 8L )
   # check user-supplied starting values
   beta <- data.matrix( starting.values$beta )
   sigma <- data.matrix( starting.values$sigma )
   if( ( nrow(beta)!=ncol(x) ) | (ncol(beta)!=ncol(y)) )
      stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
   if( ( nrow(sigma)!=ncol(y) ) | (ncol(sigma)!=ncol(y)) )
      stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
   storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
   storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
   rownames( beta ) <- colnames( x )
   colnames( beta ) <- colnames( y )
   rownames( sigma ) <- colnames( y )
   colnames( sigma ) <- colnames( y )
   if( prior == "uniform" ){
      prior.type.int <- 1L
      prior.df <- -( ncol(y) + 1. ) 
      prior.sscp <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )

   else if( prior == "jeffreys" ){
      prior.type.int <- 2L
      prior.df <- 0.
      prior.sscp <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )
   else if( prior == "ridge" ){
      prior.type.int <- 3L
      if( is.null( prior.df ) )
         stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
      length( prior.df ) <- 1L
      prior.sscp <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )
   else if( prior == "invwish" ){
      prior.type.int <- 4L
      if( is.null( prior.df ) )
         stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
      length( prior.df ) <- 1L
      if( is.null( prior.sscp ) )
         stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
      prior.sscp <- data.matrix( prior.sscp )
      if( ( nrow( prior.sscp )!=ncol(y) ) | ( ncol( prior.sscp )!=ncol(y) ) )
         stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
      msg <- paste( "Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.", sep="")
      stop( msg )
   storage.mode( prior.type.int ) <- "integer"
   length( prior.type.int ) <- 1L
   storage.mode( prior.df ) <- "double"
   length( prior.df ) <- 1L
   storage.mode( prior.sscp ) <- "double"
   # check remaining user-supplied arguments
   if( !missing(iter) ){
      length(iter) <- 1L
   storage.mode(iter) <- "integer"
   if( iter < 1L )
      stop("Argument iter must be positive.")
   if( !is.null(multicycle) ){
      length(multicycle) <- 1L
      storage.mode(multicycle) <- "integer"
      multicycle <- 1L
   if( multicycle < 1 )
      stop("Argument multicycle must be positive.")
   if( !is.null(seeds) ){ 
      if( length(seeds) != 2L ) 
         stop("Two integer seeds were expected.")}
      seeds <- ceiling( runif(2)*.Machine$integer.max ) }
   storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
   if( is.null(impute.every) ){
      impute.every <- as.integer(0)
      impute.every <- as.integer(impute.every)
      length( impute.every ) <- 1L
      if( impute.every < 0L ) 
         stop("Argument impute.every cannot be negative.")
      if( impute.every > iter ) 
         stop("Argument impute.every cannot exceed iter.")
   if( impute.every == 0 ){
       nimps <- as.integer(0)
      nimps <- as.integer( floor( iter / impute.every ) )
   if( mode(save.all.series) != "logical" ) 
      stop("Argument save.all.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
   length( save.all.series ) <- 1L
   if( mode(save.worst.series) != "logical" ) 
      stop("Argument save.worst.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
   length( save.worst.series ) <- 1L
   if( save.worst.series ){
      if( is.null( worst.linear.coef ) ){
         stop("If save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef must be provided.")
   if( is.null( worst.linear.coef ) ) worst.linear.coef <- 
      rep(0.,  ncol(x)*ncol(y) + ( ncol(y)*(ncol(y)+1L) ) / 2L )
   storage.mode(worst.linear.coef) <- "double"
   # dimension other arrays
   y.imp <- y
   if( save.all.series ){
      series.length <- as.integer( iter )
      series.beta <- array(0., c( ncol(x), ncol(y), iter) )
      dimnames(series.beta) <- 
         list( rownames(beta), colnames(beta), NULL )
      series.sigma <- array(0., c( ncol(y), ncol(y), iter) )
      dimnames(series.sigma) <-
         list( rownames(sigma), colnames(sigma), NULL )
      series.length <- as.integer(0)
      series.beta <- array(0., c( ncol(x), ncol(y),  0) )
      series.sigma <- array(0., c( ncol(y), ncol(y), 0) )
   storage.mode(series.beta) <- "double"
   storage.mode(series.sigma) <- "double"
   imp.list <- array(0., c( nrow(y), ncol(y), nimps ) )
   storage.mode(imp.list) <- "double"
   series.worst <- numeric(iter)
   storage.mode( series.worst ) <- "double"
   tmp <- .Fortran("norm_mcmc",
      n = nrow(y),
      r = ncol(y),
      p = ncol(x),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      mvcode = mvcode,
      prior.type.int = prior.type.int,
      prior.df = prior.df,
      prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
      iter = iter,
      multicycle = multicycle,
      seeds = seeds,
      impute.every = impute.every,
      nimps = nimps,
      save.all.series.int = as.integer(save.all.series),
      save.worst.series.int = as.integer(save.worst.series),
      worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
      series.length = series.length,
      beta = beta,
      sigma = sigma,
      y.imp = y.imp,
      iter.actual = integer(1), 
      series.beta = series.beta,
      series.sigma = series.sigma,
      loglik = numeric(iter),     
      logpost = numeric(iter),
      series.worst = series.worst,
      npatt = integer(1),
      mis.int = matrix( integer(1), nrow(y), ncol(y) ),
      n.in.patt = integer( nrow(y) ),
      n.obs = integer( ncol(y) ),
      which.patt = integer( nrow(y) ),
      ybar = numeric( ncol(y) ), 
      ysdv = numeric( ncol(y) ), 
      imp.list = imp.list,
      nimps.actual = integer(1), 
      status = integer(1),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1),
   tmp$save.all.series <- as.logical( tmp$save.all.series.int )
   tmp$save.worst.series <- as.logical( tmp$save.worst.series.int )
   tmp$mis <- tmp$mis.int
   storage.mode( tmp$mis.int ) <- "logical"
   # display message from Fortran, if present
   msg.lines <- msgNorm( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ){
      result <- invisible(NULL)
      iter <- tmp$iter.actual
      if( iter >= 1 ){
         loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:iter]
         logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:iter]
         loglik <- NULL
	 logpost <- NULL
      nimps <- tmp$nimps.actual
      if( ( impute.every == 0 ) | ( nimps == 0 ) ){
         imp.list <- NULL
         impute.every <- NULL
         imp.list <- as.list(1:nimps)
         for( i in 1:nimps ){
            imp.list[[i]] <- tmp$imp.list[,,i]
            dimnames( imp.list[[i]] ) <- list( rownames(y),colnames(y) )
      y <- tmp$y
      y[ y == tmp$mvcode ] <- NA
      if( save.all.series & (iter>0) ){
          # extract beta series and reshape into matrix
          beta.array  <- tmp$series.beta[,,1:iter, drop=FALSE]
          series.beta <- matrix( numeric(1), iter, ncol(x)*ncol(y) )
          beta.names <- character( ncol(x)*ncol(y) )
	  posn <- 0
	  for( j in 1:ncol(x) ){
             for( k in 1:ncol(y) ){
	     posn <- posn + 1
	     series.beta[,posn] <- beta.array[j,k,]
             beta.names[posn] <- paste( 
                colnames(x)[j], ",", colnames(y)[k], sep="")
	  colnames(series.beta) <- beta.names
	  series.beta <- as.ts( series.beta )
	  # do same for sigma series
          sigma.array  <- tmp$series.sigma[,,1:iter, drop=FALSE]
          series.sigma <- matrix( numeric(1), iter, ncol(y)*(ncol(y)+1)/2)
          sigma.names  <- character( ncol(y)*(ncol(y)+1)/2 )
	  posn <- 0
	  for( k in 1:ncol(y) ){
             for( j in k:ncol(y) ){
	     posn <- posn + 1
	     series.sigma[,posn] <- sigma.array[j,k,]
             sigma.names[posn] <- paste( 
                colnames(y)[j], ",", colnames(y)[k], sep="")
	  colnames(series.sigma) <- sigma.names
	  series.sigma <- as.ts( series.sigma )
         series.beta <- NULL
         series.sigma <- NULL
      if( save.worst.series & (iter > 0) ){
         series.worst <- as.ts( tmp$series.worst[1:iter] )
         series.worst <- NULL
         worst.linear.coef <- NULL
      starting.values <- list( beta=beta, sigma=sigma )
      if( prior == "ridge" ){
         prior.sscp <- NULL
      else if( prior == "uniform" ){
         prior.df <- NULL
         prior.sscp <- NULL
      else if( prior == "jeffreys" ){
         prior.df <- NULL
         prior.sscp <- NULL
      miss.patt <- tmp$mis[ 1:tmp$npatt, , drop=FALSE]
      colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
      miss.patt.freq <- tmp$n.in.patt[ 1:tmp$npatt ]
      n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
      names( n.obs ) <- colnames( y )
      which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
      names( which.patt ) <- rownames( y )
      ybar <- tmp$ybar
      names( ybar ) <- colnames( y )
      ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
      names( ysdv ) <- colnames( y )
      result <- list(
         y = y,
         x = x,
         method = "MCMC",
         prior = prior,
         prior.df = prior.df,
         prior.sscp = prior.sscp, 
         iter = iter, 
	 multicycle = multicycle, 
         seeds = seeds, 
	 starting.values = starting.values,
         param = list(beta=tmp$beta, sigma=tmp$sigma),
	 loglik = loglik,
	 logpost = logpost,
         series.worst = series.worst,
	 series.beta = series.beta,
	 series.sigma = series.sigma,
         y.imp = tmp$y.imp,
         impute.every = impute.every,
         imp.list = imp.list,
         miss.patt = miss.patt,
         miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
         n.obs = n.obs,
         which.patt = which.patt,
         worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
         ybar = ybar,
         ysdv = ysdv,
         msg = msg)
      # set class and return
      class(result) <- c("norm", class(result))
mcmcNorm.norm <- function( obj, starting.values = obj$param,
   iter = 1000, multicycle = obj$multicycle, 
   seeds = NULL, prior = obj$prior, prior.df = obj$prior.df, 
   prior.sscp = obj$prior.sscp,
   save.all.series = !(obj$method=="MCMC" & is.null( obj$series.beta )), 
   save.worst.series = !is.null( obj$worst.linear.coef ),
   worst.linear.coef = obj$worst.linear.coef,
   impute.every = obj$impute.every, ... ){
   # S3 method for object of class "norm"
   result <- mcmcNorm.default( obj$y, x = obj$x,
      intercept = FALSE, 
      starting.values = starting.values,
      iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle,
      seeds = seeds, prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, 
      prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
      save.all.series = save.all.series, 
      save.worst.series = save.worst.series,
      worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
      impute.every = impute.every, ... )
mcmcNorm.formula <- function( formula, data, starting.values, 
   iter=1000, multicycle=NULL, seeds=NULL, prior="uniform", 
   prior.df=NULL, prior.sscp=NULL, save.all.series=TRUE, 
   save.worst.series=FALSE, worst.linear.coef=NULL,
   impute.every=NULL, ...){ 
   # S3 method for formula object
   # Prepare the model frame
   mf <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
   mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
   mf$starting.values <- mf$iter <-
       mf$multicycle <- mf$seeds <- mf$prior <- 
       mf$prior.df <- mf$prior.sscp <- 
       mf$save.all.series <- mf$impute.every <- NULL
   m <- match( c("formula","data"), names(mf), 0L)
   mf <- mf[c(1L,m)]
   mf$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mf <- eval( mf, parent.frame() )
   # Extract the matrix of response variables
   y <- model.response( mf )
   y <- data.matrix( y )
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( ncol(y) == 1 ) colnames(y) <- all.vars(formula)[1]
   # Extract the matrix of predictors
   x <- model.matrix( formula, mf )
   if( any( is.na(x) ) ){
      stop( "Missing values in predictors not allowed." )
   result <- mcmcNorm.default( y, x = x, intercept = FALSE,
      starting.values = starting.values, 
      iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds,
      prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
      save.all.series = save.all.series, 
      save.worst.series = save.worst.series,
      worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
      impute.every = impute.every, ... )
impNorm <- function(obj, ...){
   # S3 generic function
impNorm.default <- function(obj, x=NULL, intercept=TRUE, param,
   seeds=NULL, method="random", ... ){
   y <- obj
   if( inherits(y, "data.frame") ){
      status <- logical( length(y) )
      for( j in 1:length(y) ) status[j] <- is.factor( y[[j]] )
      if( any(status) ){ 
         msg <- paste( "Factors in argument \"y\"",
               "converted to mode \"numeric\"." )
         warning( msg )
   y <- data.matrix(y)
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( is.null( colnames(y) ) ){
      colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character( 1:ncol(y) ), sep="" )
   # get matrix of predictors
   if( is.null(x) ){
      # default to a column of ones
      x <- matrix( 1., nrow(y), 1)
      colnames(x) <- "CONST"
      # check dimensions of x and coerce to a numeric matrix
      if( inherits(x, "data.frame") ){
         status <- logical( length(x) )
         for( j in 1:length(x) ) status[j] <- is.factor( x[[j]] )
         if( any(status) ){ 
         msg <- paste( "Factors in argument \"x\"",
               "converted to mode \"numeric\"." )
         warning( msg )
      x <- data.matrix(x)
      if( nrow(x) != nrow(y) ){
         stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
      if( any( is.na(x) ) ){
         stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
      if( is.null( colnames(x) )) {
      	    colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character( 1:ncol(x) ),
	    sep="" )
      if( intercept ){
         x <- cbind( CONST=1., x )
   rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
   storage.mode(x) <- "double"
   # missing-value code to pass to Fortran
   mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
   y[ is.na(y) ] <- mvcode
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 8L )
   # check user-supplied parameter values
   beta <- data.matrix( param$beta )
   sigma <- data.matrix( param$sigma )
   if( ( nrow(beta)!=ncol(x) ) | (ncol(beta)!=ncol(y)) )
      stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
   if( ( nrow(sigma)!=ncol(y) ) | (ncol(sigma)!=ncol(y)) )
      stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
   storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
   storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
   rownames( beta ) <- colnames( x )
   colnames( beta ) <- colnames( y )
   rownames( sigma ) <- colnames( y )
   colnames( sigma ) <- colnames( y )
   if( method == "random" ){
      # check seeds
      if( !is.null(seeds) ){ 
      if( length(seeds) != 2 ) 
         stop("Two integer seeds were expected.")
         seeds=ceiling( runif(2)*.Machine$integer.max )
      storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
      tmp <- .Fortran("norm_imp_rand",
         n = nrow(y),
         r = ncol(y),
         p = ncol(x),
         x = x,
         y = y,
         mvcode = mvcode,
         seeds = seeds,
         beta = beta,
         sigma = sigma,
         y.imp = y,
         status = integer(1),
         msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
         msg.codes = msg.codes,
         msg.len.actual = integer(1),
   else if( method == "predict" ){
      storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
      tmp <- .Fortran("norm_imp_mean",
         n = nrow(y),
         r = ncol(y),
         p = ncol(x),
         x = x,
         y = y,
         mvcode = mvcode,
         beta = beta,
         sigma = sigma,
         y.imp = y,
         status = integer(1),
         msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
         msg.codes = msg.codes,
         msg.len.actual = integer(1),
      stop( paste( "Method \"", method, "\" not recognized.", sep="") )
   # display message from Fortran
   msg.lines <- msgNorm( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( msg )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ){
      result <- invisible(NULL)
      result <- tmp$y.imp
impNorm.norm <- function( obj, param = obj$param,
   seeds = NULL, method="random", ...){
   # S3 method for class "norm"
   result <- impNorm.default( obj$y, x = obj$x,
      intercept = FALSE, param = param, seeds = seeds,
      method = method, ... )
impNorm.formula <- function( formula, data, param, 
   seeds=NULL, method="random", ... ){
   # S3 method for formula object
   # Prepare the model frame
   mf <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
   mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
   mf$param <- mf$seeds <- mf$method <- NULL
   m <- match( c("formula","data"), names(mf), 0L)
   mf <- mf[c(1L,m)]
   mf$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mf <- eval( mf, parent.frame() )
   # Extract the matrix of response variables
   y <- model.response( mf )
   y <- data.matrix( y )
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( ncol(y) == 1 ) colnames(y) <- all.vars(formula)[1]
   # Extract the matrix of predictors
   x <- model.matrix( formula, mf )
   if( any( is.na(x) ) ){
      stop( "Missing values in predictors not allowed." )
   result <- impNorm.default( y, x = x,
      intercept = FALSE, param = param, 
      seeds = seeds, method = method, ... )
logpostNorm <- function( obj, ...){
   # S3 generic function
logpostNorm.default <- function(obj, x=NULL, intercept=TRUE, param,
   prior="uniform", prior.df=NULL, prior.sscp=NULL, ...){
   y <- obj
   if( inherits(y, "data.frame") ){
      status <- logical( length(y) )
      for( j in 1:length(y) ) status[j] <- is.factor( y[[j]] )
      if( any(status) ){ 
         msg <- paste( "Factors in argument \"y\"",
               "converted to mode \"numeric\"." )
         warning( msg )
   y <- data.matrix(y)
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( is.null( colnames(y) ) ){
      colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character( 1:ncol(y) ), sep="" )
   if( mode(y) != "numeric" )
      stop("First argument should be of mode \"numeric\".")
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( is.null( colnames(y) ) ){
      colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character( 1:ncol(y) ), sep="" )
   # get matrix of predictors
   if( is.null(x) ){
      # default to a column of ones
      x <- matrix( 1., nrow(y), 1)
      colnames(x) <- "CONST"
      # check dimensions of x and coerce to a numeric matrix
      if( inherits(x, "data.frame") ){
         status <- logical( length(x) )
         for( j in 1:length(x) ) status[j] <- is.factor( x[[j]] )
         if( any(status) ){ 
         msg <- paste( "Factors in argument \"x\"",
               "converted to mode \"numeric\"." )
         warning( msg )
      x <- data.matrix(x)
      if( nrow(x) != nrow(y) ){
         stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
      if( any( is.na(x) ) ){
         stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
      if( is.null( colnames(x) )) {
      	    colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character( 1:ncol(x) ),
	    sep="" )
      if( intercept ){
         x <- cbind( CONST=1., x )
   rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
   storage.mode(x) <- "double"
   # missing-value code to pass to Fortran
   mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
   y[ is.na(y) ] <- mvcode
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 8L )
   # check user-supplied parameter values
   beta <- data.matrix( param$beta )
   sigma <- data.matrix( param$sigma )
   if( ( nrow(beta)!=ncol(x) ) | (ncol(beta)!=ncol(y)) )
      stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
   if( ( nrow(sigma)!=ncol(y) ) | (ncol(sigma)!=ncol(y)) )
      stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
   storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
   storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
   rownames( beta ) <- colnames( x )
   colnames( beta ) <- colnames( y )
   rownames( sigma ) <- colnames( y )
   colnames( sigma ) <- colnames( y )
   if( prior == "uniform" ){
      prior.type.int <- 1L
      prior.df <- -( ncol(y) + 1 ) 
      prior.sscp <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )

   else if( prior == "jeffreys" ){
      prior.type.int <- 2L
      prior.df <- 0.
      prior.sscp <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )
   else if( prior == "ridge" ){
      prior.type.int <- 3L
      if( is.null( prior.df  ) )
         stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
      length( prior.df ) <- 1
      prior.sscp <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )
   else if( prior == "invwish" ){
      prior.type.int <- 4L
      if( is.null( prior.df ) )
         stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
      length( prior.df ) <- 1
      if( is.null( prior.sscp ) )
         stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
      prior.sscp <- data.matrix( prior.sscp )
      if( ( nrow( prior.sscp )!=ncol(y) ) | ( ncol( prior.sscp )!=ncol(y) ) )
         stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
      msg <- paste( "Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.", sep="")
      stop( msg )
   storage.mode( prior.type.int ) <- "integer"
   length( prior.type.int ) <- 1
   storage.mode( prior.df ) <- "double"
   storage.mode( prior.sscp ) <- "double"
   tmp <- .Fortran("norm_logpost",
         n = nrow(y),
         r = ncol(y),
         p = ncol(x),
         x = x,
         y = y,
         mvcode = mvcode,
         beta = beta,
         sigma = sigma,
         prior.type.int = prior.type.int,
         prior.df = prior.df,
         prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
	 logpost = numeric(1), 
         status = integer(1),
	 msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
         msg.codes = msg.codes,
         msg.len.actual = integer(1),
   # display message from Fortran
   msg.lines <- msgNorm( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat(msg)
   if( tmp$status != 0 ){
      result <- invisible(NULL)
      result <- tmp$logpost
logpostNorm.norm <- function( obj, param = obj$param,
   prior = obj$prior, prior.df = obj$prior.df,
   prior.sscp = obj$prior.sscp, ...){
   # S3 method for class "norm"
   result <- logpostNorm.default( obj$y, x = obj$x,
      intercept = FALSE, param = param,
      prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp)
logpostNorm.formula <- function( formula, data, param, 
   prior="uniform", prior.df=NULL, prior.sscp=NULL, ...){
   # S3 method for formula object
   # Prepare the model frame
   mf <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
   mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
   mf$param <- mf$prior <- mf$prior.df <-
      mf$prior.sscp <- NULL
   m <- match( c("formula","data"), names(mf), 0L)
   mf <- mf[c(1L,m)]
   mf$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mf <- eval( mf, parent.frame() )
   # Extract the matrix of response variables
   y <- model.response( mf )
   y <- data.matrix( y )
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( ncol(y) == 1 ) colnames(y) <- all.vars(formula)[1]
   # Extract the matrix of predictors
   x <- model.matrix( formula, mf )
   if( any( is.na(x) ) ){
      stop( "Missing values in predictors not allowed." )
   result <- logpostNorm.default( y, x = x,
      intercept = FALSE, param = param, 
      prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp)
loglikNorm <- function(obj, ...){
   # S3 generic function
loglikNorm.default <- function(obj, x=NULL, intercept=TRUE,
   param, ...){
   y <- obj
   if( inherits(y, "data.frame") ){
      status <- logical( length(y) )
      for( j in 1:length(y) ) status[j] <- is.factor( y[[j]] )
      if( any(status) ){ 
         msg <- paste( "Factors in argument \"y\"",
               "converted to mode \"numeric\"." )
         warning( msg )
   y <- data.matrix(y)
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( is.null( colnames(y) ) ){
      colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character( 1:ncol(y) ), sep="" )
   if( mode(y) != "numeric" )
      stop("First argument should be of mode \"numeric\".")
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( is.null( colnames(y) ) ){
      colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character( 1:ncol(y) ), sep="" )
   # get matrix of predictors
   if( is.null(x) ){
      # default to a column of ones
      x <- matrix( 1., nrow(y), 1)
      colnames(x) <- "CONST"
      # check dimensions of x and coerce to a numeric matrix
      if( inherits(x, "data.frame") ){
         status <- logical( length(x) )
         for( j in 1:length(x) ) status[j] <- is.factor( x[[j]] )
         if( any(status) ){ 
         msg <- paste( "Factors in argument \"x\"",
               "converted to mode \"numeric\"." )
         warning( msg )
      x <- data.matrix(x)
      if( nrow(x) != nrow(y) ){
         stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
      if( any( is.na(x) ) ){
         stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
      if( is.null( colnames(x) )) {
      	    colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character( 1:ncol(x) ),
	    sep="" )
      if( intercept ){
         x <- cbind( CONST=1., x )
   rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
   storage.mode(x) <- "double"
   # missing-value code to pass to Fortran
   mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
   y[ is.na(y) ] <- mvcode
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 8L )
   # check user-supplied parameter values
   beta <- data.matrix( param$beta )
   sigma <- data.matrix( param$sigma )
   if( ( nrow(beta)!=ncol(x) ) | (ncol(beta)!=ncol(y)) )
      stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
   if( ( nrow(sigma)!=ncol(y) ) | (ncol(sigma)!=ncol(y)) )
      stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
   storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
   storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
   rownames( beta ) <- colnames( x )
   colnames( beta ) <- colnames( y )
   rownames( sigma ) <- colnames( y )
   colnames( sigma ) <- colnames( y )
   # uniform prior
   prior.type.int <- 1L
   storage.mode( prior.type.int ) <- "integer"
   prior.df <- -( ncol(y) + 1 ) 
   prior.sscp <- matrix( 0., ncol(y), ncol(y) )
   storage.mode( prior.df ) <- "double"
   storage.mode( prior.sscp ) <- "double"
   tmp <- .Fortran("norm_logpost",
         n = nrow(y),
         r = ncol(y),
         p = ncol(x),
         x = x,
         y = y,
         mvcode = mvcode,
         beta = beta,
         sigma = sigma,
         prior.type.int = prior.type.int,
         prior.df = prior.df,
         prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
	 logpost = numeric(1), 
         status = integer(1),
         msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
         msg.codes = msg.codes,
         msg.len.actual = integer(1),
   # display message from Fortran
   msg.lines <- msgNorm( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat(msg)
   if( tmp$status != 0 ){
      result <- invisible(NULL)
      result <- tmp$logpost
loglikNorm.norm <- function( obj, param = obj$param, ...){
   # S3 method for class "norm"
   result <- loglikNorm.default( obj$y, x = obj$x,
      intercept = FALSE, param = param)
loglikNorm.formula <- function( formula, data, param, ...){
   # S3 method for formula object
   # Prepare the model frame
   mf <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
   mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
   mf$param <- NULL
   m <- match( c("formula","data"), names(mf), 0L)
   mf <- mf[c(1L,m)]
   mf$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mf <- eval( mf, parent.frame() )
   # Extract the matrix of response variables
   y <- model.response( mf )
   y <- data.matrix( y )
   storage.mode(y) <- "double"
   if( ncol(y) == 1 ) colnames(y) <- all.vars(formula)[1]
   # Extract the matrix of predictors
   x <- model.matrix( formula, mf )
   if( any( is.na(x) ) ){
      stop( "Missing values in predictors not allowed." )
   result <- loglikNorm.default( y, x = x,
      intercept = FALSE, param = param)
print.norm <- function( x, ... ){
   # S3 method for class "norm"
   cat( "This is an object of class \"norm\";\n" )
   cat( "use summary() to view its contents.\n" )
   return( invisible(x) )}
summary.norm <- function( object,
   show.variables = (object$method=="EM"), 
   show.patterns = (object$method=="EM"),
   show.params = (object$method=="EM"), ... ){
   # S3 method for class "norm"
   if( !inherits(object, "norm") )
      stop("Argument should be of class \"norm.\"")
   result <- object
   result$show.variables <- show.variables
   result$show.patterns <- show.patterns
   result$show.params <- show.params
   result$miss.patt.strings <- 
      turn.miss.patt.into.strings( object$miss.patt )
   # summary table for X variables
   x.table <- matrix( numeric(1), ncol(object$x), 5 )
   rownames(x.table) <- colnames(object$x)
   colnames(x.table) <- c("Mean", "SD", "Observed", 
      "Missing", "Pct.Missing")
   x.table[,1] <- apply( object$x, 2, mean )
   x.table[,2] <- sqrt( diag( var( object$x ) ) )
   x.table[,3] <- nrow( object$x )
   x.table[,4] <- 0
   x.table[,5] <- 0.
   result$x.table <- x.table
   # summary table for Y variables
   y.table <- matrix( numeric(1), ncol(object$y), 5 )
   rownames(y.table) <- colnames( object$y )
   colnames(y.table) <- c("Mean", "SD", "Observed", 
      "Missing", "Pct.Missing")
   y.table[,1] <- object$ybar
   y.table[,2] <- object$ysdv
   y.table[,3] <- object$n.obs
   y.table[,4] <- nrow( object$y ) - object$n.obs
   y.table[,5] <- 100*( nrow( object$y ) - object$n.obs ) / nrow(object$y)
   result$y.table <- y.table
   # summary of EM or MCMC run
   if( object$method == "EM" ){
      # estimate componentwise rate of convergence from last
      # two iterations
      if( object$iter < 2 ){
         conv.rate <- NULL
         # estimate rate of convergence
         tmpA <- object$param.rate$beta
         tmpB <- object$param.rate$sigma
         tmpB <- tmpB[ row(tmpB) >= col(tmpB) ]
         tmp <- c(tmpA,tmpB)
         if( all( tmp == 0. ) ){
            conv.rate <- 0.
            conv.rate <- round( median( tmp[(tmp>0)&(tmp<1)] ), 5)
            if( is.na(conv.rate) ) conv.rate <- NULL
      # get worst fraction of missing information from power method
      if( object$em.worst.ok ){
         worst.frac <- object$worst.frac
         worst.frac <- NA
      em.summary <- c(
         "Method:" = "EM",
         "Prior:" = paste("\"", object$prior, "\"", sep=""),
         "Prior df:" = object$prior.df,
         "Convergence criterion:" = format(object$criterion),
         "Iterations:" = format( object$iter ),
         "Converged:" = format( object$converged ),
         "Max. rel. difference:" = format(object$rel.diff, digits=5),
         "-2 Loglikelihood:" = format(-2.*object$loglik[object$iter]),
         "-2 Log-posterior density:" = format(-2.*object$logpost[object$iter]),
         "Worst fraction missing information:" = round(worst.frac,4) )
      result$em.summary <- em.summary
   else if( object$method == "MCMC" ){
      mcmc.summary <- c(
         "Method:" = "MCMC",
         "Prior:" = paste("\"", object$prior, "\"", sep=""),
         "Prior df:" = object$prior.df,
         "Iterations:" = format( object$iter ),
         "Cycles per iteration:" = format(object$multicycle),
         "Impute every k iterations, k =" = format(object$impute.every),
         "No. of imputations created:" = format(length(object$imp.list)),
         "series.worst present:" = format( !is.null(object$series.worst) ),
         "series.beta  present:" = format( !is.null(object$series.beta ) ),
         "series.sigma present:" = format( !is.null(object$series.sigma) ) )
      result$mcmc.summary <- mcmc.summary
   # set class and return
   class(result) <- c("summary.norm", class(result))
   return( result )}
# private function used by print.summary.norm
turn.miss.patt.into.strings <- function(miss.patt){
   result <- ""
   for( j in 1:ncol(miss.patt) ){
      tmp <- rep(".", nrow(miss.patt) )
      tmp[ miss.patt[,j] ] <- "m"
      result <- paste(result, tmp, sep="")
print.summary.norm <- function( x, ... ){ 
   # S3 method for class "summary.norm"
   if( !inherits(x, "summary.norm") )
      stop("Argument should be of class summary.norm")
   if( x$show.variables ){
      # print x.table
      cat("Predictor (X) variables:\n")
      print( x$x.table )
      # print y.table
      cat("Response (Y) variables:\n")
      print( x$y.table )
   if( x$show.patterns ){
      # print missing pattern strings
      cat("Missingness patterns for response (Y) variables\n")
      cat("   (. denotes observed value, m denotes missing value)\n")
      cat("   (variable names are displayed vertically)\n")
      cat("   (rightmost column is the frequency):\n")
      tmp <- format( colnames(x$y), justify="right")
      header <- ""
      for(i in 1:ncol( x$y )) header <- paste(header, " ", sep="")
      header <- rep( header, nchar( tmp[1] ) )
      for( i in 1: nchar( tmp[1] ) ){
         for( j in 1:ncol( x$y ) ){
         substring( header[i], j, j ) <- substring( tmp[j], i, i )
      cat( header, sep="\n")
      cat( paste(x$miss.patt.strings, 
          format(x$miss.patt.freq)), sep="\n")
   if( x$method == "EM" ){
      cat( paste( format(names(x$em.summary)), 
         x$em.summary ), sep="\n")
   else if( x$method == "MCMC" ) {
      cat( paste( format(names(x$mcmc.summary)),
         x$mcmc.summary ), sep="\n")
   if( x$msg != "OK\n"){
      cat( x$msg )
   if( x$show.params ){
      # print beta
      cat("Estimated coefficients (beta):\n")
      print( x$param$beta )
      # print sigma
      cat("Estimated covariance matrix (sigma):\n")
      print( x$param$sigma )
   return( invisible(x) )}
msgNorm <- function( msg.codes, msg.len.actual ){
   # private function 
   # converts matrix of integer message codes
   # to character text;
   # relies on internal package data object
   # icodesNorm
   if( msg.len.actual == 0 ){
      msg.lines <- NULL
      msg.lines <- character( msg.len.actual )
      for( i in 1:msg.len.actual ){
         if( msg.codes[i,1L] == 1L ){
            msg.lines[i] <- icodesNorm$comments[ msg.codes[i,4L] ]
         else if( msg.codes[i,1L] == 2L ){
            msg.lines[i] <- paste( "OCCURRED IN:", 
               icodesNorm$subnames[ msg.codes[i,3L] ],
               "in MOD",
               icodesNorm$modnames[ msg.codes[i,2L] ],
               sep=" " )
         else if( msg.codes[i,1L] == 3L ){
            msg.lines[i] <- paste( "Observation", 
   	    format( msg.codes[i,5L] ),
               sep=" " )
         else if( msg.codes[i,1L] == 4L ){
            msg.lines[i] <- paste( "Variable", 
   	    format( msg.codes[i,6L] ),
               sep=" " )
         else if( msg.codes[i,1L] == 5L ){
            msg.lines[i] <- paste( "Iteration", 
   	    format( msg.codes[i,7L] ),
               sep=" " )
         else if( msg.codes[i,1L] == 6L ){
            msg.lines[i] <- paste( "Iteration ", 
   	    format( msg.codes[i,7L] ),
               ", Cycle ",
   	    format( msg.codes[i,8L] ),
               sep="" )
            msg.lines[i] <- "???"
   return( msg.lines ) }

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norm2 documentation built on Feb. 12, 2021, 5:10 p.m.