Man pages for nortsTest
Assessing Normality of Stationary Process

arch.testThe ARCH effect test function.
autoplot.tsAutomatically create a ggplot for time series objects
check_plotGeneric function for a visual check of residuals in time...
check_residualsGeneric functions for checking residuals in time series...
epps.statisticEstimates the Epps statistic
epps.testThe Epps and Pulley Test for normality.
ggacf'acf' plot
gghistHistogram with optional normal density functions
ggnorm'qqplot' with normal 'qqline'
ggpacf'pacf' plot.
Lm.testThe Lagrange Multiplier test for arch effect.
lobato.statisticComputes the Lobato and Velasco statistic
lobato.testThe Lobato and Velasco's Test for normality
normal.testThe normality test for stationary process
nortsTest-package'Assessing Normality of Stationary Process.'
random.projectionGenerate a random projection
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rp.sampleGenerates a test statistics sample of random projections
rp.testThe k random projections test for normality
seasonal.testThe Seasonal unit root tests function
sieve.bootstrapGenerates a sieve bootstrap sample
uroot.testThe Unit root tests function
vavra.samplevavra test's sieve Bootstrap sample for Anderson Darling...
vavra.testThe Psaradakis and Vavra test for normality
nortsTest documentation built on Aug. 16, 2021, 5:06 p.m.