
Defines functions dfs_pwm

Documented in dfs_pwm

dfs_pwm <- function(xtab, ytab, x, coefm, a = 2, rho, ci = TRUE){

  # conditions
    rho <- rep(rho, length(x))
    coefm <- rep(coefm, length(x))
  stopifnot(length(a)==1, length(rho)==length(x), length(coefm)==length(x)) 

  # Sample and grid sizes: 
  n = length(xtab)
  nx = length(x)
  # Initialization of the desired outputs: 
  res = rep(0, nx)
  Nxk <- rep(0, nx)
  m <- rep(0, nx)
  lowCI_res = rep(0, nx)
  upCI_res = rep(0, nx)
  YXSORT <- NULL       
  # Sort the data points w.r.t the inputs Xi:
  ytab <- ytab[order(xtab)]
  xtab <- sort(xtab)

  # Computatuion of the desired outputs:
  for(k in 1:nx){
    # Fix the evaluation point x(k):
    xk = x[k]
    # Calculate the effective sample size N_x(k)=
    ppk = which(xtab<=xk)
    Nxk[k] = length(ppk)
    # The order m should be defined in terms of N_x(k)
    m[k] = max(3, round(coefm[k]*(Nxk[k]^(1/3))))
    # Compute the mfrontiers at x(k):
    Yxsort = sort(ytab[ppk])

    phim1 <- max(Yxsort)-sum((1:(Nxk[k]-1)/Nxk[k])^m[k]*diff(Yxsort))
    phim2 <- max(Yxsort)-sum((1:(Nxk[k]-1)/Nxk[k])^(a*m[k])*diff(Yxsort))

    # Fix the extreme-value index rho(k):
    rhok = rho[k]
    # compute hat{ell}_xk and tilde{phi}_m(xk):
    aatr = m[k]^(-1/rhok)
    abtr = gamma(1 + 1/rhok)
    actr = (1-(1/a)^(1/rhok))
    # hat{ell}_xk:
    ell = ((aatr*abtr*actr)/(phim2-phim1) )^(rhok)
    # tilde{phi}_m(xk):
    Bias = abtr*(1/(m[k]*ell))^(1/rhok)
    res[k] = phim1 + Bias 
    YXSORT <- c(YXSORT, Yxsort)

    # Empirical asymptotic variance \hat\sigma^2(m,x):
    sigma2 = .C("sigma2m", as.double(Nxk), as.double(m), as.integer(n), as.integer(nx), 
                as.double(YXSORT), sigma2 = as.double(rep(0,nx)), PACKAGE = "npbr") 
    sigma2 = sigma2$sigma2

   # 95% confidence interval of the frontier:
    lowCI_res = res - 1.96*sqrt(sigma2/n)
    upCI_res = res + 1.96*sqrt(sigma2/n)   
    res <- cbind(res, lowCI_res, upCI_res)


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npbr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:45 p.m.