
Defines functions getMatchingTranscriptIds

Documented in getMatchingTranscriptIds

#' Gets a list of IDs of transcripts that match a particular pattern.
#' Gets a list of IDs of transcripts (i.e. transcript names) that match a
#' particular pattern.
#' The results can be exhaustive, by omitting page.length and
#' page.number, or they  can be a subset (a 'page') of results, by
#' given page.length and page.number values.
#' The order of the list can be specified.  If ommitted, the transcripts
#' are listed in ID order.
#' The expression language is currently not well defined, but is based on JavaScript
#' syntax.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{The \emph{labels} function can be used to represent a list of all the annotation
#'        labels on a given layer. For example, each transcript can have multiple
#'        participants, so the participant labels (names) are represented by:  
#'        \emph{labels('participant')}}
#'  \item{Use the \emph{includes} function on a list to test whether the list contains a
#'        given element. e.g. to match transcripts that include the participant 'Joe' use:  
#'        \emph{labels('participant').includes('Joe')}}
#'  \item{Use the \emph{first} function to identify the first (or the only) annotation on
#'        a given layer. e.g. the annotation representing the transcript's corpus is:  
#'        \emph{first('corpus')}}
#'  \item{Single annotations have various attributes, including 'id', 'label', 'ordinal', etc.
#'        e.g. the name of the transcript's corpus is:  
#'        \emph{first('corpus').label}}
#'  \item{Regular expressions can be matched by using expressions like
#'        '/regex/.test(str)', e.g. to test if the ID starts with 'BR' use:  
#'        \emph{/^BR.+/.test(id)}  
#'        or to test if the transcript's corpus includes a B use:  
#'        \emph{/.*B.*/.test(first('corpus').label)}}
#' }
#' Expressions such as those in the examples can be used.
#' @param labbcat.url URL to the LaBB-CAT instance
#' @param expression An expression that determines which transcripts match
#' @param page.length The maximum number of IDs to return, or null to return all
#' @param page.number The zero-based page number to return, or null to return the first page
#' @param order An expression that determines the order the transcripts are
#' listed in - if specified, this must include the keyword 'ASC' for ascending or 'DESC'
#' for descending order.
#' @return A list of transcript IDs (i.e. transcript names)
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' ## define the LaBB-CAT URL
#' labbcat.url <- "https://labbcat.canterbury.ac.nz/demo/"
#' ## Get all transcripts whose names start with "BR"
#' transcripts <- getMatchingTranscriptIds(labbcat.url, "/^BR.+/.test(id)")
#' ## Get the first twenty transcripts in the "QB" corpus
#' transcripts <- getMatchingTranscriptIds(
#'         labbcat.url, "first('corpus').label = 'QB'", 20, 0)
#' ## Get the second transcript that has "QB247_Jacqui" as a speaker
#' transcripts <- getMatchingTranscriptIds(
#'         labbcat.url, "labels('participant').includes('QB247_Jacqui')", 1, 1)
#' ## Get all transcripts in the QB corpus whose names start with "BR"
#' ## in word-count order 
#' transcripts <- getMatchingTranscriptIds(
#'         labbcat.url, "first('corpus').label = 'QB' && /^BR.+/.test(id)",
#'         order="first('transcript_word_count').label ASC")
#' }
#' @keywords transcript expression
getMatchingTranscriptIds <- function(labbcat.url, expression, page.length = NULL, page.number = NULL, order = NULL) {
    parameters <- list(expression=expression)
    if (!is.null(page.length)) parameters <- append(parameters, list(pageLength=page.length))
    if (!is.null(page.number)) parameters <- append(parameters, list(pageNumber=page.number))
    if (!is.null(order)) parameters <- append(parameters, list(order=order))
    resp <- store.get(labbcat.url, "getMatchingTranscriptIds", parameters)
    if (is.null(resp)) return()
    resp.content <- httr::content(resp, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
    if (httr::status_code(resp) != 200) { # 200 = OK
        print(paste("ERROR: ", httr::http_status(resp)$message))
    resp.json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(resp.content)
    for (error in resp.json$errors) print(error)

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nzilbb.labbcat documentation built on July 26, 2023, 6:08 p.m.