clim_plot: plots ".gz"-file climatologies

View source: R/clim_plot.r

clim_plotR Documentation

plots '.gz'-file climatologies


Creates climatology plots of '.gz'-files. ATTENTION! This function requires an ImageMagick installation, but runs also under Windows operating systems.


clim_plot(obj, folder,plotfolder=".", plotname, question=T, sst.frontcolor='red', 
          chla.frontcolor='blue', sidelabels = F, Ylab = F, axeslabels = T, v_area, ...)



Character string indicating search criteria for climatology '.gz'-files.


directory where data files are located (optional).


directory where image should be saved.


the name of the output file. If not provided, value will be derived from '.gz'-filenames.


whether the user shall be informed about the number of figures to plot before running the procedure (default is TRUE).


color map to be plotted for chlorophyll fronts (default is blue; obtained from cmap-dataset)


color map to be plotted for sea surface temperature fronts (default is red; obtained from cmap-dataset)


whether an additional y-axis label and title should be added to the plot device (default is FALSE). If TRUE, y-axis label is defined by Ylab, the additional title is derived from the date-information and gives the month information.


an additional title for the y axis (default is date information), only used when sidelabels is set TRUE. Default value is year-information.


whether axeslabels should be shown (default is TRUE, set as 'longitude' and 'latitude')


character string identifying the region that should be plotted, or in case of obj == 'bathy', also a Raster* or Extent object. If missing, region is derived from the '.gz'-filename. See region_definitions for area definitions and use add.region to add new regions.


Additional arguments to be passed to v and plotmap (e.g. main, sidelabels, Ylab, scale_arrow, minv, maxv, adaptive.vals, cb.xlab, suffix, v_area, v_image, v_contour, v_arrows, fill, col, border, grid, grid.res, bwd, axeslabels, ticklabels, cex.lab, cex.ticks)


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

v, readbin, name_split, regions, plotmap


## Example 1: plot seasonal '.gz'-files, following default plot-procedure
path <- system.file("test_files", package="oceanmap")
gz.file <- Sys.glob(paste0(path,'/*.gz'))[1] # load sample-'.gz'-files
check_gzfiles(folder=path) # return file summary-table
gz.files <- Sys.glob(paste0(path,'/*1s_*.gz')) # load seasonal '.gz'-files
# v(gz.files) # as single plots

## as combined climatology plot, saved in plotfolder
# clim_plot(gz.files,plotname='chla.summary.png') 

oceanmap documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 5:08 p.m.

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