cust.colorbar: defines colorbar settings for 'v.raster' and...

View source: R/cust.colorbar.r

cust.colorbarR Documentation

defines colorbar settings for v.raster and add.region-calls.


function (used by v) to define the colorbar placement and figure dimensions. Unlike set.colorbar the colorbar is not added to an existing plot but to a dummy device.


cust.colorbar(v_area, lon, lat, cbpos='', cbx, cby, 
              figdim, input.mode, force.figdim.widget=F, xpos=-1)



region-keyword predefined by the region_definitions-dataset or an extent.


Vector returning longitude coordinates of the area to be plotted.


Vector returning latitude coordinates of the area to be plotted.


letter ("b", "l", "t", "r") indicating the position of the colorbar (bottom, left, top, right). Overwrites cbx and cby values.


the horizontal limits (x1, x2) of the colorbar. If missing, the user will be asked for manual colorbar placement.


the vertical limits (y1, y2) of the colorbar. If missing, the user will be asked for manual colorbar placement.


numeric vector indicating the width and height of the plot device in inches. If missing and force.figdim.widget is set FALSE, figdim is assigned a default width and height of 7in, otherwise the user will be asked to resize the plot device to set plot dimensions.


character indicating the input mode of the function: 'i' for manual colorbar placement, 'v' for a vertical colorbar on the right side of the plot or 'h' for a hoizontal colorbar below the plot..


whether figdim should be assigned by a widget if missing.


integer: initial position of the top left corner of the figure window on the pc-screen, given in pixels. Negative values are from the opposite corner. (default is -1). Disregarded under Mac OS.


like set.colobar cust.colobar defines colorbar settings, but furthermore the default figure size. The function is used by calls of v on non-'.gz'-files and add.region.


a list of colorbar definition vectors: cbx, cby, figdim and align of which the latter holds the values of gradient and oticks. See function argmuments for more details.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

set.colorbar, add.region and v.raster


## Example:
path <- system.file("test_files", package="oceanmap")
nfiles <- Sys.glob(paste0(path,'/herring*.nc')) # load sample-'.nc'-files
rfile <- nc2raster(nfiles[1], varname='Conc', layer=1)

ext <- extent(rfile)
#cb <- cust.colorbar(ext) # starts new plot device to define colorbar placement
#cust.colorbar(ext, cbx=cb$cbx, cby=cb$cby) # if cbx and cby are given no figure is produced

#set.colorbar(cb$cbx, cb$cby) # plots to an existing plot

oceanmap documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 5:08 p.m.