
Defines functions cust.colorbar

Documented in cust.colorbar

cust.colorbar <- function(v_area,lon,lat,cbpos='',cbx,cby,figdim,input.mode,force.figdim.widget=F,xpos=-1){
  open.dev <- F
  if(!missing(v_area)){ #' if region information is given
    if(is(v_area, 'character')) {
      r <- regions(v_area) # get regions defintions (extent and name)
      if(is(v_area, 'Extent')) {
        extent.vector <- as.vector(t(sp::bbox(v_area)))
        r <- data.frame(xlim=extent.vector[1:2],ylim=extent.vector[3:4])
        if(missing(lon) | missing(lat)) stop('error in plotmap: provide region information as name or lon, lat data')
    lon <- r$xlim
    lat <- r$ylim
  #   if(any(lon < 0)){
  #     lon[lon < 0] <- 360 + lon[lon < 0]
  # #     grads <- c(abs(diff(lon)),abs(diff(lat)))
  #   }
  grads <- c(abs(diff(lon)),abs(diff(lat)))
  grads2 <- grads/min(grads)
  add <- list()
  if(cbpos == 'b'){
    cbx <- add$cbx <- lon
    cby <- add$cby <- range(c(lat[1]-0.22*min(grads),lat[1]-0.26*min(grads)))
  if(cbpos == 'l'){
    cbx <- add$cbx <- c(lon[1]-0.36*min(grads),lon[1]-0.32*min(grads))
    cby <- add$cby <- lat
  if(cbpos == 't'){
    cbx <- add$cbx <- lon
    cby <- add$cby <- range(c(lat[2]+0.08*min(grads),lat[2]+0.12*min(grads)))
  if(cbpos == 'r'){
    cbx <- add$cbx <- c(lon[2]+0.08*min(grads),lon[2]+0.12*min(grads))
    cby <- add$cby <- lat
  if(missing(cbx) | missing(cby)){
    widget.on <- T
    enter <- 'e'
    dev.open <- F
    while(enter == 'e'){
      open.dev <- T
      par(mar=c(4*grads2[2], 4*grads2[1], 4*grads2[2], 4*grads2[1])) # y1,x1,y2,x2
      if(missing(input.mode)) input.mode <- c()
      if(is.null(input.mode)) input.mode <- readline("\nPlease type 'm' if you want to perform colorbar placement by hand (mouse cursor) \nor a letter (b, l, t, r) referring to a side of the plot (bottom, left, top, right).")
      if(input.mode == 'l'){
        add$cbx <- c(lon[1]-0.36*min(grads),lon[1]-0.32*min(grads))
        add$cby <- lat
      if(input.mode == 'r'){
        add$cbx <- c(lon[2]+0.08*min(grads),lon[2]+0.12*min(grads))
        add$cby <- lat
      if(input.mode == 'b'){
        add$cbx <- lon
        add$cby <- range(c(lat[1]-0.22*min(grads),lat[1]-0.26*min(grads)))
      if(input.mode == 't'){
        add$cbx <- lon
        add$cby <- range(c(lat[2]+0.08*min(grads),lat[2]+0.12*min(grads)))
      if(input.mode == 'm'){
        cat("\nPlease select the lower left colorbar-position of the new region, coded as 'cbx1' and 'cby1':")
        p1 <- locator(n=1)
        cat("\nPlease select the upper right colorbar-position of the new region, coded as 'cbx2' and 'cby2'.")
        #       cat("\nDon't select large cby2-value as procedure is tick-mark procedure is optimized for small cby2-cby1.")
        cat('\n(example colorbar based on selected points will be shown later)')
        p2 <- locator(n=1)
        add$cbx <- range(c(p1$x,p2$x))
        add$cby <- range(c(p1$y,p2$y))
      align <- set.colorbar(cbx=add$cbx,cby=add$cby,cb.xlab='cb.xlab',cb.title='cb.title')
      align <- c(align$gradient,align$oticks)
      enter <- readline("\nPress <Enter> to continue, 'e' to return editing colorbar position or any other key to abort the operation.")
      input.mode <- c() # reset input mode
      if(open.dev) dev.off()
    cat(paste(paste("selected colorbar positions (can be entered also as argument!):\ncbx "),paste(add$cbx,collapse=" "), "\ncby ",paste(add$cby,collapse=" ")),'\n')
    widget.on <- F
    add$cbx <- cbx
    add$cby <- cby
    grads <- abs(diff(cby))-abs(diff(cbx))    
    gradient <- c('x','y')[((grads > 0)+1)]
    if(gradient == 'x'){
      oticks <- "b"
      oticks <- c('l','r')[((mean(cbx) > mean(lon))+1)]
    align <- c(gradient,oticks)
  enter <- ""
  if(missing(figdim) & !force.figdim.widget){
    figdim <- c(7,7)
      if(force.figdim.widget & !widget.on){
        open.dev <- T
        par(mar=c(7*grads2[2], 2*grads2[1], 1*grads2[2], 6*grads2[1])) # y1,x1,y2,x2
      enter <- readline("\nYou can resize the window to appropriate size. Try to avoid white space. Press <Enter> when done.")
      figdim <- dev.size()
  add$align <- align  
  add$figdim <- figdim
  if(enter != "") stop("Operation stopped by user")

Try the oceanmap package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

oceanmap documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 5:08 p.m.