
# Oracle --------------------------------------------------------------------

# Simple class prototype to avoid messages about unknown classes from setMethod
setClass("Oracle", where = class_cache)

setMethod("sqlCreateTable", "Oracle",
  function(con, table, fields, row.names = NA, temporary = FALSE, ..., field.types = NULL) {
    table <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table)
    fields <- createFields(con, fields, field.types, row.names)

        "CREATE ", if (temporary) " GLOBAL TEMPORARY ", "TABLE ", table, " (\n",
        "  ", paste(fields, collapse = ",\n  "), "\n)\n", if (temporary) " ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS"

#' @rdname odbcConnectionTables
#' @details Query, rather than use SQLTables ODBC API for performance reasons on Oracle.
#' Main functional difference between the implementation of SQLTables ( OEM driver )
#' and the query below is that the OEM implementation also looks through the synonyms.
#' Given the performance reports, we sacrifice the synonym look-through for
#' better execution time.
  c("Oracle", "character"),
  function(conn, name, catalog_name = NULL, schema_name = NULL, table_type = NULL) {

    qTable <- getSelector("object_name", name)
    if (is.null(schema_name)) {
      query <- paste0(
        " SELECT null AS \"table_catalog\", '", conn@info$username ,"' AS \"table_schema\", object_name AS \"table_name\", object_type AS \"table_type\", null AS \"table_remarks\"",
        " FROM user_objects ",
        " WHERE 1 = 1 ", qTable,
        " AND ( object_type = 'TABLE' OR object_type = 'VIEW' ) ")
    } else {
      qSchema <- getSelector("owner", schema_name)
      query <- paste0(
        " SELECT null AS \"table_catalog\", owner AS \"table_schema\", object_name AS \"table_name\", object_type AS \"table_type\", null AS \"table_remarks\"",
        " FROM all_objects ",
        " WHERE 1 = 1 ", qSchema, qTable,
        " AND ( object_type = 'TABLE' OR object_type = 'VIEW' ) ")

    dbGetQuery(conn, query)

#' @rdname odbcConnectionColumns
#' @details Query, rather than use SQLColumns ODBC API for ORACLE since when using the API
#' we bind a BIGINT to one of the column results.  Oracle's OEM driver is unable to handle.
  c("Oracle", "character"),
  function(conn, name, catalog_name = NULL, schema_name = NULL, column_name = NULL) {

    query <- ""
    baseSelect <- paste0(
      column_name AS \"name\",
      data_type AS \"field.type\",
      table_name AS \"table_name\",
      owner AS \"schema_name\",
      null AS \"catalog_name\",
      null AS \"data_type\",
      decode(data_type,'CHAR',char_length,'NCHAR',char_length, 'VARCHAR2',char_length,'NVARCHAR2',char_length, 'RAW',data_length, 'ROWID', data_length, 'UNDEFINED', 0, data_precision) AS \"column_size\", decode(data_type, 'DATE',16,'FLOAT',8,'BINARY_FLOAT',4,'BINARY_DOUBLE',8,'LONG RAW',2147483647,'LONG',2147483647,'CLOB',2147483647,'NCLOB',2147483647,'BLOB',2147483647,'BFILE',2147483647,'CHAR',data_length,'NCHAR',data_length,'VARCHAR2',data_length,'NVARCHAR2',data_length,'NUMBER',NVL(data_precision+2,40),data_length) AS \"buffer_length\",
      data_scale AS \"decimal_digits\",
      null AS \"numeric_precision_radix\",
      null AS \"remarks\",
      null AS \"column_default\",
      null AS \"sql_data_type\",
      null AS \"sql_datetime_subtype\",
      decode(data_type,'CHAR',data_length,'VARCHAR2',data_length,'NVARCHAR2',data_length,'NCHAR',data_length, 0) AS \"char_octet_length\",
      column_id AS \"ordinal_position\",
      decode(nullable, 'Y', 1, 'N', 0) AS \"nullable\"")
    qTable <- getSelector("table_name", name)
    if (is.null(schema_name)) {
      baseSelect <- gsub("owner AS \"schema_name\"", paste0("'", conn@info$username, "' AS \"schema_name\""), baseSelect);
      query <- paste0(
         " FROM user_tab_columns ",
         " WHERE 1 = 1 ", qTable );
    } else {
      qSchema <- getSelector("owner", schema_name)
      query <- paste0(
        " FROM all_tab_columns ",
        " WHERE 1 = 1 ", qSchema, qTable )

    dbGetQuery(conn, query);

# Teradata --------------------------------------------------------------------

setClass("Teradata", where = class_cache)

setMethod("sqlCreateTable", "Teradata",
  function(con, table, fields, row.names = NA, temporary = FALSE, ..., field.types = NULL) {
    table <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table)
    fields <- createFields(con, fields, field.types, row.names)

        "CREATE ", if (temporary) " MULTISET VOLATILE ", "TABLE ", table, " (\n",
        "  ", paste(fields, collapse = ",\n  "), "\n)\n", if (temporary) " ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS"

  "dbListTables", "Teradata",
  function(conn, ...) {
    c(dbGetQuery(conn, "HELP VOLATILE TABLE")[["Table SQL Name"]],
      odbcConnectionTables(conn, ...)$table_name)

# SAP HANA ----------------------------------------------------------------

setClass("HDB", where = class_cache)

setMethod("sqlCreateTable", "HDB",
  function(con, table, fields, row.names = NA, temporary = FALSE, ..., field.types = NULL) {
    table <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table)
    fields <- createFields(con, fields, field.types, row.names)

      "CREATE ", if (temporary) "LOCAL TEMPORARY COLUMN ",
      "TABLE ", table, " (\n",
      "  ", paste(fields, collapse = ",\n  "),

# Hive --------------------------------------------------------------------

setClass("Hive", where = class_cache)

  # only need to override dbQuteString when x is character.
  # DBI:::quote_string just returns x when it is of class SQL, so no need to override that.
  "dbQuoteString", signature("Hive", "character"),
  function(conn, x, ...) {
    if (is(x, "SQL")) return(x)
    x <- gsub("'", "\\\\'", enc2utf8(x))
    if (length(x) == 0L) {
    } else {
      str <- paste0("'", x, "'")
      str[is.na(x)] <- "NULL"

# DB2 ----------------------------------------------------------------

setClass("DB2/AIX64", where = class_cache)

setMethod("sqlCreateTable", "DB2/AIX64",
  function(con, table, fields, row.names = NA, temporary = FALSE, ..., field.types = NULL) {
    table <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table)
    fields <- createFields(con, fields, field.types, row.names)

      if (temporary) "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY" else "CREATE",
      " TABLE ", table, " (\n",
      "  ", paste(fields, collapse = ",\n  "),
      "\n)\n", if (temporary) " ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS"

# Microsoft SQL Server ---------------------------------------------------------

# Simple class prototype to avoid messages about unknown classes from setMethod
setClass("Microsoft SQL Server", where = class_cache)

# For SQL Server, conn@quote will return the quotation mark, however
# both quotation marks as well as square bracket are used interchangeably for
# delimited identifiers.  See:
# https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/databases/database-identifiers?view=sql-server-ver16
# Therefore strip the brackets first, and then call the DBI method that strips
# the quotation marks.
# TODO: the generic implementation in DBI should take a quote char as
# parameter.
setMethod("dbUnquoteIdentifier", c("Microsoft SQL Server", "SQL"),
  function(conn, x, ...) {
    x <- gsub("(\\[)([^\\.]+?)(\\])", "\\2", x)
    callNextMethod( conn, x, ... )

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odbc documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:04 p.m.