

get_wml_node <- function(x){
  xml_ <- to_wml(x)
  read_xml( wml_str(xml_) )

test_that("run_autonum wml", {

  z <- expand.grid(
    pre_label = c("Table ", "Tableau "),
    post_label = c(": ", " : "),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  z$bkm <- c("bkm1", "bkm2", "bkm3", "null")
  z$bkm_all <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 2)
  z$seq_id <- c("tab", "tbl", "fig", "plt")
  runs <- mapply(.pre = z$pre_label,
         .post = z$post_label,
         .bkm = z$bkm,
         .bkm_all = z$bkm_all,
         .seq_id = z$seq_id,
         FUN = function(.pre, .post, .bkm, .bkm_all, .seq_id) {
           z <- run_autonum(
             pre_label = .pre,
             seq_id = .seq_id,
             post_label = .post,
             bkm = if (.bkm %in% "null") NULL else .bkm,
             bkm_all = .bkm_all)
         }, SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
         USE.NAMES = FALSE)

  bkm_pattern <- "<w\\:bookmarkStart w\\:id=\"[0-9a-z\\-]+\" w\\:name=\"%s\"/>"
  expect_match(object = runs[[1]], regexp = sprintf(bkm_pattern, z$bkm[1]))
  expect_match(object = runs[[2]], regexp = sprintf(bkm_pattern, z$bkm[2]))
  expect_match(object = runs[[3]], regexp = sprintf(bkm_pattern, z$bkm[3]))
  expect_no_match(object = runs[[4]], regexp = sprintf(bkm_pattern, z$bkm[4]))

  expect_match(object = runs[[3]], regexp = sprintf(paste0("^", bkm_pattern), z$bkm[3]))
  expect_no_match(object = runs[[4]], regexp = sprintf(paste0("^", bkm_pattern), z$bkm[4]))

  node <- read_xml(wml_str(runs[[1]]))
  expect_equal(xml_text(xml_child(node, "w:r")), "Table ")
  expect_equal(xml_text(xml_child(node, xml_length(node))), ": ")
  node <- read_xml(wml_str(runs[[4]]))
  expect_equal(xml_text(xml_child(node, "w:r")), "Tableau ")
  expect_equal(xml_text(xml_child(node, xml_length(node))), " : ")

  seq_pattern <- "<w\\:instrText xml\\:space=\"preserve\" w\\:dirty=\"true\">SEQ %s"
  expect_match(object = runs[[1]], regexp = sprintf(seq_pattern, z$seq_id[1]))
  expect_match(object = runs[[2]], regexp = sprintf(seq_pattern, z$seq_id[2]))
  expect_match(object = runs[[3]], regexp = sprintf(seq_pattern, z$seq_id[3]))
  expect_match(object = runs[[4]], regexp = sprintf(seq_pattern, z$seq_id[4]))

  z <- run_autonum(seq_id = "tbl", start_at = 2, tnd = 2, tns = ".")
  node <- read_xml(wml_str(to_wml(z)))
  expect_equal(xml_text(node), "Table STYLEREF 2 \\r.SEQ tbl \\* Arabic \\r 2: ")
  z <- run_autonum(seq_id = "tbl", tnd = 1, tns = "-")
  node <- read_xml(wml_str(to_wml(z)))
  expect_equal(xml_text(node), "Table STYLEREF 1 \\r-SEQ tbl \\* Arabic: ")

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officer documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.