
Defines functions ols_prep_avplot_data ols_prep_regress_x ols_prep_regress_y ols_prep_cdplot_data ols_prep_outlier_obs ols_prep_cdplot_outliers ols_prep_dfbeta_data ols_prep_dfbeta_outliers ols_prep_dsrvf_data ols_prep_rfsplot_fmdata ols_prep_rfsplot_rsdata ols_prep_rvsrplot_data ols_prep_rstudlev_data ols_prep_srplot_data ols_prep_srchart_data

Documented in ols_prep_avplot_data ols_prep_cdplot_data ols_prep_cdplot_outliers ols_prep_dfbeta_data ols_prep_dfbeta_outliers ols_prep_dsrvf_data ols_prep_outlier_obs ols_prep_regress_x ols_prep_regress_y ols_prep_rfsplot_fmdata ols_prep_rfsplot_rsdata ols_prep_rstudlev_data ols_prep_rvsrplot_data ols_prep_srchart_data ols_prep_srplot_data

#' Added variable plot data
#' Data for generating the added variable plots.
#' @param model An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt, data = mtcars)
#' ols_prep_avplot_data(model)
#' @importFrom stats model.frame residuals as.formula
#' @export
ols_prep_avplot_data <- function(model) {

  m1 <- as.data.frame(model.frame(model))[1]
  m2 <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(model))[, -1]
  as.data.frame(cbind(m1, m2))

#' Regress predictor on other predictors
#' Regress a predictor in the model on all the other predictors.
#' @param data A \code{data.frame}.
#' @param i A numeric vector (indicates the predictor in the model).
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt, data = mtcars)
#' data <- ols_prep_avplot_data(model)
#' ols_prep_regress_x(data, 1)
#' @importFrom stats lsfit
#' @export
ols_prep_regress_x <- function(data, i) {

  x <- remove_columns(data, i)
  y <- select_columns(data, i)
  lsfit(x, y)$residuals


#' Regress y on other predictors
#' Regress y on all the predictors except the ith predictor.
#' @param data A \code{data.frame}.
#' @param i A numeric vector (indicates the predictor in the model).
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt, data = mtcars)
#' data <- ols_prep_avplot_data(model)
#' ols_prep_regress_y(data, 1)
#' @export
ols_prep_regress_y <- function(data, i) {

  x <- remove_columns(data, i)
  y <- select_columns(data)
  lsfit(x, y)$residuals


#' Cooks' D plot data
#' Prepare data for cook's d bar plot.
#' @param model An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt, data = mtcars)
#' ols_prep_cdplot_data(model)
#' @export
ols_prep_cdplot_data <- function(model) {

  cd        <- NULL
  color     <- NULL
  cooksd    <- cooks.distance(model)
  n         <- length(cooksd)
  obs       <- seq_len(n)
  ckd       <- data.frame(obs = obs, cd = cooksd)
  ts        <- 4 / n
  cooks_max <- max(cooksd)

  ckd$color     <- ifelse(ckd$cd >= ts, "outlier", "normal")
  ckd$fct_color <- ordered(factor(ckd$color), levels = c("normal", "outlier"))

  # ckd %<>%
  #   mutate(
  #     color = ifelse(cd >= ts, "outlier", "normal"),
  #     fct_color = color %>%
  #       factor() %>%
  #       ordered(levels = c("normal", "outlier"))
  #   )

  maxx <- cooks_max * 0.01 + cooks_max
  list(ckd = ckd, maxx = maxx, ts = ts)


#' Cooks' D outlier observations
#' Identify outliers in cook's d plot.
#' @param k Cooks' d bar plot data.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt, data = mtcars)
#' k <- ols_prep_cdplot_data(model)
#' ols_prep_outlier_obs(k)
#' @export
ols_prep_outlier_obs <- function(k) {

  ckd   <- NULL
  color <- NULL
  obs   <- NULL

  data <- k$ckd
  data$txt <- ifelse(data$color == "outlier", data$obs, NA)


#' Cooks' d outlier data
#' Outlier data for cook's d bar plot.
#' @param k Cooks' d bar plot data.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt, data = mtcars)
#' k <- ols_prep_cdplot_data(model)
#' ols_prep_cdplot_outliers(k)
#' @export
ols_prep_cdplot_outliers <- function(k) {

  color <- NULL
  ckd   <- NULL
  obs   <- NULL
  cd    <- NULL

  result <- k$ckd[k$ckd$color == "outlier", c("obs", "cd")]
  names(result) <- c("observation", "cooks_distance")


#' DFBETAs plot data
#' Prepares the data for dfbetas plot.
#' @param d A \code{tibble} or \code{data.frame} with dfbetas.
#' @param threshold The threshold for outliers.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt + qsec, data = mtcars)
#' dfb <- dfbetas(model)
#' n <- nrow(dfb)
#' threshold <- 2 / sqrt(n)
#' dbetas  <- dfb[, 1]
#' df_data <- data.frame(obs = seq_len(n), dbetas = dbetas)
#' ols_prep_dfbeta_data(df_data, threshold)
#' @export
ols_prep_dfbeta_data <- function(d, threshold) {

  color       <- NULL
  obs         <- NULL
  d$color     <- ifelse(((d$dbetas >= threshold) | (d$dbetas <= -threshold)), c("outlier"), c("normal"))
  d$fct_color <- ordered(factor(d$color), levels = c("normal", "outlier"))
  d$txt       <- ifelse(d$color == "outlier", d$obs, NA)


  # d %>%
  #   mutate(
  #     color = ifelse(((d$dbetas >= threshold) | (d$dbetas <= -threshold)),
  #                    c("outlier"), c("normal")),
  #     fct_color = color %>%
  #       factor() %>%
  #       ordered(levels = c("normal", "outlier")),
  #     txt = ifelse(color == "outlier", obs, NA)
  #   )


#' DFBETAs plot outliers
#' Data for identifying outliers in dfbetas plot.
#' @param d A \code{tibble} or \code{data.frame}.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt + qsec, data = mtcars)
#' dfb <- dfbetas(model)
#' n <- nrow(dfb)
#' threshold <- 2 / sqrt(n)
#' dbetas  <- dfb[, 1]
#' df_data <- data.frame(obs = seq_len(n), dbetas = dbetas)
#' d <- ols_prep_dfbeta_data(df_data, threshold)
#' ols_prep_dfbeta_outliers(d)
#' @export
ols_prep_dfbeta_outliers <- function(d) {

  color  <- NULL
  obs    <- NULL
  dbetas <- NULL

  d[d$color == "outlier", c("obs", "dbetas")]


#' Deleted studentized residual plot data
#' Generates data for deleted studentized residual vs fitted plot.
#' @param model An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt + qsec, data = mtcars)
#' ols_prep_dsrvf_data(model)
#' @export
ols_prep_dsrvf_data <- function(model) {

  dsr     <- NULL
  color   <- NULL
  pred    <- fitted(model)
  dsresid <- unname(rstudent(model))
  n       <- length(dsresid)
  ds      <- data.frame(obs = seq_len(n), dsr = dsresid)

  ds$color     <- ifelse((abs(ds$dsr) >= 2), "outlier", "normal")
  ds$fct_color <- ordered(factor(ds$color), levels = c("normal", "outlier"))

  # ds %<>%
  #   mutate(
  #     color = ifelse((abs(dsr) >= 2), "outlier", "normal"),
  #     fct_color = color %>%
  #       factor() %>%
  #       ordered(levels = c("normal", "outlier"))
  #   )

  ds2 <- data.frame(obs       = seq_len(n),
                    pred      = pred,
                    dsr       = ds$dsr,
                    color     = ds$color,
                    fct_color = ds$fct_color)

  minx <- min(ds2$dsr) - 1
  maxx <- max(ds2$dsr) + 1
  cminx <- ifelse(minx < -2, minx, -2.5)
  cmaxx <- ifelse(maxx > 2, maxx, 2.5)

  list(ds = ds2, cminx = cminx, cmaxx = cmaxx)


#' Residual fit spread plot data
#' Data for generating residual fit spread plot.
#' @param model An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt + qsec, data = mtcars)
#' ols_prep_rfsplot_fmdata(model)
#' ols_prep_rfsplot_rsdata(model)
#' @export
ols_prep_rfsplot_fmdata<- function(model) {

  predicted <- fitted(model)
  pred_m    <- mean(predicted)
  y         <- predicted - pred_m
  percenti  <- ecdf(y)
  x         <- percenti(y)

  data.frame(x, y)


#' @rdname ols_prep_rfsplot_fmdata
#' @export
ols_prep_rfsplot_rsdata <- function(model) {

  y         <- residuals(model)
  residtile <- ecdf(y)
  x         <- residtile(y)

  data.frame(x, y)


#' Residual vs regressor plot data
#' Data for generating residual vs regressor plot.
#' @param model An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt + qsec, data = mtcars)
#' ols_prep_rvsrplot_data(model)
#' @export
ols_prep_rvsrplot_data <- function(model) {

  np     <- length(coefficients(model)) - 1
  dat    <- model.frame(model)[, -1]
  pnames <- names(coefficients(model))[-1]
  list(np = np, dat = dat, pnames = pnames)


#' Studentized residual vs leverage plot data
#' Generates data for studentized resiudual vs leverage plot.
#' @param model An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(read ~ write + math + science, data = hsb)
#' ols_prep_rstudlev_data(model)
#' @export
ols_prep_rstudlev_data <- function(model) {

color     <- NULL
leverage  <- unname(hatvalues(model))
rstudent  <- unname(rstudent(model))
k         <- length(coefficients(model))
n         <- nrow(model.frame(model))
lev_thrsh <- (2 * k) / n
rst_thrsh <- 2
miny      <- min(rstudent) - 3
maxy      <- max(rstudent) + 3
minx      <- min(leverage)
maxx      <- ifelse((max(leverage) > lev_thrsh), max(leverage), (lev_thrsh + 0.05))
levrstud  <- data.frame(obs = seq_len(n), leverage, rstudent)

levrstud$color1 <- ifelse((levrstud$leverage < lev_thrsh & abs(levrstud$rstudent) < 2), "normal", NA)
levrstud$color2 <- ifelse((levrstud$leverage > lev_thrsh & abs(levrstud$rstudent) < 2), "leverage", NA)
levrstud$color3 <- ifelse((levrstud$leverage < lev_thrsh & abs(levrstud$rstudent) > 2), "outlier", NA)
levrstud$color4 <- ifelse((levrstud$leverage > lev_thrsh & abs(levrstud$rstudent) > 2), "outlier & leverage", NA)

d1 <- levrstud[!is.na(levrstud$color1), c("obs", "leverage", "rstudent", "color1")]
d2 <- levrstud[!is.na(levrstud$color2), c("obs", "leverage", "rstudent", "color2")]
d3 <- levrstud[!is.na(levrstud$color3), c("obs", "leverage", "rstudent", "color3")]
d4 <- levrstud[!is.na(levrstud$color4), c("obs", "leverage", "rstudent", "color4")]

colnames(d1) <- c("obs", "leverage", "rstudent", "color")
colnames(d2) <- c("obs", "leverage", "rstudent", "color")
colnames(d3) <- c("obs", "leverage", "rstudent", "color")
colnames(d4) <- c("obs", "leverage", "rstudent", "color")

out <- rbind(d1, d2, d3, d4)
out$fct_color <- ordered(factor(out$color), levels = c("normal", "leverage", "outlier", "outlier & leverage"))
levdata <- out[order(out$obs), ]

  list(levrstud  = levdata,
       lev_thrsh = lev_thrsh,
       minx      = minx,
       miny      = miny,
       maxx      = maxx,
       maxy      = maxy


#' Studentized residual plot data
#' Generates data for studentized residual plot.
#' @param model An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(read ~ write + math + science, data = hsb)
#' ols_prep_srplot_data(model)
#' @export
ols_prep_srplot_data<- function(model) {

  color <- NULL
  dstud <- unname(rstudent(model))
  obs   <- seq_len(length(dstud))
  dsr   <- data.frame(obs = obs, dsr = dstud) 
  dsr$color     <- ifelse((abs(dsr$dsr) >= 3), "outlier", "normal")
  dsr$fct_color <- ordered(factor(dsr$color), levels = c("normal", "outlier"))
    # mutate(
    #   color = ifelse((abs(dsr) >= 3), "outlier", "normal"),
    #   fct_color = color %>%
    #     factor() %>%
    #     ordered(levels = c("normal", "outlier"))
    # )

  cminxx <- floor(min(dsr$dsr) - 1)
  cmaxxx <- floor(max(dsr$dsr) - 1)
  cminx  <- ifelse(cminxx > -3, -3, cminxx)
  cmaxx  <- ifelse(cmaxxx < 3, 3, cmaxxx)
  nseq   <- seq_len(abs(cminx + 1)) * -1
  pseq   <- seq_len(cmaxx - 1)
  list(cminx = cminx,
       cmaxx = cmaxx,
       nseq  = nseq,
       pseq  = pseq,
       dsr   = dsr)


#' Standardized residual chart data
#' Generates data for standardized residual chart.
#' @param model An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @examples
#' model <- lm(read ~ write + math + science, data = hsb)
#' ols_prep_srchart_data(model)
#' @export
ols_prep_srchart_data <- function(model) {

  color     <- NULL
  sdres     <- rstandard(model)
  sdres_out <- abs(sdres) > 2
  outlier   <- sdres[sdres_out]
  obs       <- seq_len(length(sdres))
  out           <- data.frame(obs = obs, sdres = sdres) 
  out$color     <- ifelse(((out$sdres >= 2) | (out$sdres <= -2)), c("outlier"), c("normal"))
  out$fct_color <- ordered( factor(out$color), levels = c("normal", "outlier"))
  out$txt       <- ifelse(out$color == "outlier", out$obs, NA)



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