
Defines functions reg_comp

#' @importFrom stats model.matrix confint.lm
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
reg_comp <- function(formula, data, conf.level = 0.95, iterm, title = "model") {

  model      <- lm(formula = formula, data = data)
  nam        <- names(model.frame(model))
  response   <- nam[1]
  predictors <- nam[-1]
  output     <- summary(model)
  anovam     <- anova(model)
  dep        <- model.frame(model)[1]
  rsq        <- output$r.squared
  r          <- sqrt(rsq)
  adjr       <- output$adj.r.squared
  sigma      <- output$sigma
  cv         <- (output$sigma / mean(dep[[1]])) * 100
  mae        <- mean(abs(residuals(model)))
  aic        <- ols_aic(model)
  sbc        <- ols_sbc(model)
  sbic       <- ols_sbic(model, model)
  prsq       <- ols_pred_rsq(model)
  n          <- length(anovam$Df)
  mse        <- anovam$`Mean Sq`[n]
  error_df   <- anovam$Df[n]
  model_df   <- sum(anovam$Df) - error_df
  total_df   <- sum(anovam$Df)
  ess        <- anovam$`Sum Sq`[n]
  tss        <- sum(anovam$`Sum Sq`)
  rss        <- tss - ess
  rms        <- rss / model_df
  ems        <- ess / error_df
  f          <- rms / ems
  p          <- pf(f, model_df, error_df, lower.tail = F)

  # standardised betas
  if (iterm) {

    data_scaled <- data

    is_num    <- unname(unlist(lapply(data_scaled, is.numeric)))
    num_scale <- as.data.frame(lapply(data_scaled[, is_num], scale))
    newdata   <- cbind(data_scaled[, !is_num], num_scale)
    model2    <- lm(formula, data = newdata)
    output2   <- summary(model2)
    b         <- output2$coef[-1, 1]
    g         <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(model2)[, -1])
    sx        <- sapply(g, sd)
    sy        <- sapply(model2$model[1], sd)
    sbeta     <- b * sx / sy
    sbetas    <- sbeta

  } else {

    b        <- output$coef[-1, 1]
    g        <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(model)[, -1])
    sx       <- sapply(g, sd)
    sy       <- sapply(model$model[1], sd)
    sbeta    <- b * sx / sy
    sbetas   <- sbeta


  betas      <- coefficients(model)
  std_errors <- output$coefficients[, 2]
  tvalues    <- output$coefficients[, 3]
  pvalues    <- output$coefficients[, 4]
  df         <- rep(1, n)
  conf_lm    <- confint.lm(model, level = conf.level)
  mvars      <- names(model$coefficients)

  result <- list(
    r          = r,
    rsq        = rsq,
    adjr       = adjr,
    sigma      = sigma,
    cv         = cv,
    mse        = mse,
    mae        = mae,
    aic        = aic,
    sbc        = sbc,
    sbic       = sbic,
    prsq       = prsq,
    error_df   = error_df,
    model_df   = model_df,
    total_df   = total_df,
    ess        = ess,
    rss        = rss,
    tss        = tss,
    rms        = rms,
    ems        = ems,
    f          = f,
    p          = p,
    n          = n,
    betas      = betas,
    sbetas     = sbetas,
    std_errors = std_errors,
    tvalues    = tvalues,
    pvalues    = pvalues,
    df         = df,
    conf_lm    = conf_lm,
    title      = title,
    dependent  = response,
    predictors = predictors,
    mvars      = mvars,
    model      = model


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olsrr documentation built on Feb. 10, 2020, 5:07 p.m.