
Defines functions opdisDownsampling

Documented in opdisDownsampling

# Samples a subset of data based on the similarity of its probability
# distribution to that of the original data
#' @useDynLib(opdisDownsampling, .registration = TRUE)
#' @importFrom methods hasArg
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom benchmarkme get_ram
#' @importFrom memuse Sys.meminfo
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel stopImplicitCluster
#' @import foreach
#' @export
opdisDownsampling <- function(Data, Cls, Size, Seed, nTrials = 1000, TestStat = "ad",
                              MaxCores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), JobSize = 10000, PCAimportance = FALSE) {
  dfx <- data.frame(Data)
  if (hasArg("Cls") == TRUE) {
    if (length(Cls) != nrow(dfx)) {
      stop("opdisDownsampling: Unequal number of cases and class memberships.")
  } else {
    Cls <- rep(1, nrow(dfx))
  dfx$Cls <- Cls
  dfxempty <- dfx[0,]
  if (Size >= nrow(dfx)) {
    warning("opdisDownsampling: Size >= length of 'Data'.
    Nothing to downsample.", call. = FALSE )
    ReducedData <- dfx
    RemovedData <- dfxempty
  } else {
    if (Size == 0) {
      warning("opdisDownsampling: Size = 0.
    All data will be removed.", call. = FALSE )
      ReducedData <- dfxempty
      RemovedData <- dfx
    } else {
      if (is.numeric(as.matrix(na.omit(Data))) == FALSE) {
        warning("opdisDownsampling: Only numeric data allowed.
    Nothing to downsample.", call. = FALSE )
        ReducedData <- dfx
        RemovedData <- dfxempty
      } else {
        if (!missing(Seed)) {
          Seed <- Seed
        } else {
          Seed <- 42
        num_workers <- parallel::detectCores()
        nProc <- min(num_workers - 1, MaxCores)
        list.of.seeds.all <- 1:nTrials + Seed - 1
        if (!missing(JobSize)) {
          JobSize <- JobSize
        } else {
                 Windows = {
                   JobSize <- as.numeric(memuse::Sys.meminfo()$freeram) * 0.8 * nTrials *
                     (dim(subset(dfx, select = -c(Cls)))[1] * dim(subset(dfx, select = -c(Cls)))[2])
                 JobSize <- as.numeric(benchmarkme::get_ram()) * 0.8 * nTrials *
                   (dim(subset(dfx, select = -c(Cls)))[1] * dim(subset(dfx, select = -c(Cls)))[2])
        if (nProc > 1) {
          list.of.seeds <- split(list.of.seeds.all, ceiling(seq_along(list.of.seeds.all) / max(
            nTrials / nProc,
        } else {
          list.of.seeds <- split(list.of.seeds.all, 1)
        # Main part. For reasons of computing speed, three separate
        # versions are available, i.e., for Windows, Linux, and for single-core
        # processing.
        nlist.of.seeds <- as.integer(unlist(lapply(list.of.seeds, length)))
        ADstatAll <- vector()
        ReducedDataI <- list()
        RemovedDataI <- list()
        for (i in seq(list.of.seeds)) {
          ADstat <- vector()
          if (nProc > 1) {
                   Windows = {
                     x <- integer()
                     ReducedDataMat <- foreach::foreach(x = 1:nlist.of.seeds[i]) %dopar% {
                         DataAndClasses = dfx, TestStat = TestStat,
                         Size = Size, Seed = list.of.seeds[[i]][x]
                     ReducedDataMat <- parallel::mclapply(1:nlist.of.seeds[i], function(x) {
                         DataAndClasses = dfx, TestStat = TestStat,
                         Size = Size, Seed = list.of.seeds[[i]][x]
                     }, mc.cores = nProc)
          } else {
            ReducedDataMat <- lapply(1:nlist.of.seeds[i], function(x) {
                DataAndClasses = dfx, TestStat = TestStat,
                Size = Size, Seed = list.of.seeds[[i]][x]
          ADstat <- rbind(ADstat, unlist(lapply(ReducedDataMat, "[[", "ADv")))
          ADstatMat <- data.frame(matrix(ADstat, ncol = nlist.of.seeds[i]))
          if (PCAimportance == TRUE & nlist.of.seeds[i] > 1 & ncol(dfx) > 2) {
            pca1 <- prcomp(dfx[1:(ncol(dfx) - 1)],
                           retx = TRUE, center = TRUE,
                           scale = TRUE
            is.integer0 <- function(x) {
              is.integer(x) && length(x) == 0L
            selectedVars <- which(names(dfx) %in% relevant_PCAvariables(res.pca = pca1))
            if (is.integer0(selectedVars) == FALSE) {
              ADstatMat <- ADstatMat[c(selectedVars), ]
          BestTrial <- which.min(apply(ADstatMat, 2, function(x) max(x)))
          BestTrialStat <- min(apply(ADstatMat, 2, function(x) max(x)))
          ADstatAll <- append(ADstatAll, BestTrialStat)
          ReducedDataI[[i]] <- ReducedDataMat[[BestTrial]][["ReducedDataList"]]
          RemovedDataI[[i]] <- ReducedDataMat[[BestTrial]][["RemovedDataList"]]
        BestTrialAll <- which.min(ADstatAll)
        ReducedData <- ReducedDataI[[BestTrialAll]]
        RemovedData <- RemovedDataI[[BestTrialAll]]
        if (hasArg("Cls") == FALSE) {
          ReducedData <- as.vector(ReducedData$Data)
          RemovedData <- as.vector(RemovedData$Data)
  return(list(ReducedData = ReducedData, RemovedData = RemovedData, ReducedInstances = rownames(ReducedData)))

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opdisDownsampling documentation built on May 24, 2022, 5:05 p.m.