
Defines functions is_na_strings is_waiver na_strings next_sheet current_sheet wb_create_columns validate_cf_params wb_check_overwrite_tables wb_validate_table_name wb_validate_sheet

Documented in current_sheet na_strings next_sheet

#' Validate sheet
#' @param wb A workbook
#' @param sheet The sheet name to validate
#' @return The sheet name -- or the position?  This should be consistent
#' @noRd
wb_validate_sheet <- function(wb, sheet) {

#' Validate table name for a workbook
#' @param wb a workbook
#' @param tableName Table name
#' @return A valid table name as a `character`
#' @noRd
wb_validate_table_name <- function(wb, tableName) {
  # returns the new tableName -- basically just lowercase
  tableName <- tolower(tableName) ## Excel forces named regions to lowercase

  # TODO set these to warnings? trim and peplace bad characters with

  # TODO add a strict = getOption("openxlsx2.tableName.strict", FALSE)
  # param to force these to allow to stopping
  if (nchar(tableName) > 255) {
    stop("`table_name` must be less than 255 characters.", call. = FALSE)

  if (grepl("\\$|\\s", tableName)) {
    stop("`table_name` cannot contain spaces or the '$' character.", call. = FALSE)

  # if (!grepl("^[A-Za-z_]", tableName, perl = TRUE))
  #   stop("`table_name` must begin with a letter or an underscore", call. = FALSE)

  if (grepl("R[0-9]+C[0-9]+", tableName, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    stop("`table_name` cannot be the same as a cell reference, such as R1C1.", call. = FALSE)

  if (grepl("^[A-Z]{1,3}[0-9]+$", tableName, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    stop("`table_name` cannot be the same as a cell reference.", call. = FALSE)

  # only place where self is needed
  if (tableName %in% wb$tables$tab_name) {
    stop(sprintf("`table_name = '%s'` already exists.", tableName), call. = FALSE)


#' Checks for overwrite columns
#' @param wb workbook
#' @param sheet sheet
#' @param new_rows new_rows
#' @param new_cols new_cols
#' @param error_msg error_msg
#' @param check_table_header_only check_table_header_only
#' @noRd
wb_check_overwrite_tables <- function(
  # why does error_msg need to be a param?
  error_msg = "Cannot overwrite existing table with another table.",
  check_table_header_only = FALSE
) {
  # TODO pull out -- no assignemnts made
  ## check not overwriting another table
  if (!is.null(wb$tables)) {
    tableSheets <- wb$tables$tab_sheet
    sheetNo <- wb_validate_sheet(wb, sheet)

    to_check <- tableSheets %in% sheetNo & wb$tables$tab_act == 1

    if (length(to_check)) {
      ## only look at tables on this sheet

      exTable <- wb$tables[to_check, ]

      exTable$rows <- lapply(
        function(rectCoords) {
          as.numeric(unlist(regmatches(rectCoords, gregexpr("[0-9]+", rectCoords))))
      exTable$cols <- lapply(
        function(rectCoords) {
          col2int(unlist(regmatches(rectCoords, gregexpr("[A-Z]+", rectCoords))))

      if (check_table_header_only) {
        exTable$rows <- lapply(exTable$rows, function(x) c(x[1], x[1]))

      ## loop through existing tables checking if any over lap with new table
      for (i in seq_len(NROW(exTable))) {
        existing_cols <- exTable$cols[[i]]
        existing_rows <- exTable$rows[[i]]

        if ((min(new_cols) <= max(existing_cols)) &&
            (max(new_cols) >= min(existing_cols)) &&
            (min(new_rows) <= max(existing_rows)) &&
            (max(new_rows) >= min(existing_rows))) {
    } ## end if (sheet %in% tableSheets)
  } ## end (length(tables))


validate_cf_params <- function(params) {
  bad <- names(params) %out% c("border", "gradient", "iconSet", "percent", "rank", "reverse", "showValue")
  if (any(bad)) {
    stop("Invalid parameters: ", toString(names(params)[bad]))

  # assign default values
  params$showValue <- if (is.null(params$showValue)) 1L else as_binary(params$showValue)
  params$gradient  <- if (is.null(params$gradient))  1L else as_binary(params$gradient)
  params$border    <- if (is.null(params$border))    1L else as_binary(params$border)
  params$percent   <- if (is.null(params$percent))   0L else as_binary(params$percent)

  # special check for rank
  params$rank <- params$rank %||% 5L

  if (!is_integer_ish(params$rank)) {
    stop("params$rank must be an integer")

  params$rank <- as.integer(params$rank)


#' create required columns
#' @param wb a workbook object
#' @param sheet a worksheet
#' @param cols the required columns
#' @noRd
wb_create_columns <- function(wb, sheet, cols) {

  col_df <- wb$worksheets[[sheet]]$unfold_cols()

  # create empty cols
  if (NROW(col_df) == 0)
    col_df <- col_to_df(read_xml(wb$createCols(sheet, n = max(cols))))

  # found a few cols, but not all required cols. create the missing columns
  if (!all(cols %in% as.numeric(col_df$min))) {
    beg <- max(as.numeric(col_df$min)) + 1
    end <- max(cols)

    # new columns
    new_cols <- col_to_df(read_xml(wb$createCols(sheet, beg = beg, end = end)))

    # rbind only the missing columns. avoiding dups
    sel <- !new_cols$min %in% col_df$min
    col_df <- rbind(col_df, new_cols[sel, ])
    col_df <- col_df[order(as.numeric(col_df[, "min"])), ]


# waivers -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' `openxlsx2` waivers
#' Waiver functions for `openxlsx2` functions.
#' * `current_sheet()` uses [wb_get_active_sheet()] by default if performing
#'   actions on a worksheet, for example when you add data.
#' * `next_sheet()` is used when you add a new worksheet, a new chartsheet or
#'   when you add a pivot table
#' @name waivers
#' @returns An object of class `openxlsx2_waiver`

#' @rdname waivers
#' @export
current_sheet <- function() {
  structure("current_sheet", class = "openxlsx2_waiver")

#' @rdname waivers
#' @export
next_sheet <- function() {
  structure("next_sheet", class = "openxlsx2_waiver")

#' @rdname waivers
#' @export
na_strings <- function() {
  structure("na_strings", class = "openxlsx2_waiver")

# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

is_waiver <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "openxlsx2_waiver")

is_na_strings <- function(x) {
  is_waiver(x) && isTRUE(x == "na_strings")

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openxlsx2 documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:07 a.m.