
# To run these tests:
#   library(optimx)
#   library(svUnit)
#   runit.all <- system.file("unit1", "runit.1.R", package = "optimx")
#   source(runit.1); clearLog(); test.1()
#   Log()


# test.1 <- function() {

# test 1 parameter function

#  checkTrue(require(optimr))  # from svUnit

  f1<-function(xx){ # function of one parameter

  x0 <- .1234
  lb <- -1
  ub <- 10

  cat("R has optimize function for [1D] functions\n")
  aoptimize <- optimize(f1, c(-1, 10))

  cat("or we can use optim() with method='Brent' \n")
  abrent <- optim(x0, f1, lower=lb, upper=ub, method="Brent", control=list(trace=1))

  ansone<-opm(x0, f1, control=list(trace=1, all.methods=TRUE))
  ansone.sum<-summary(ansone, order=value)

# test 2
  x0 = 1
#  ansoneb<-optimx(x0, f1, lower=c(-1), upper=c(10),control=list(all.methods=TRUE))
#   ansoneb<-optimx(x0, f1, lower=lb, upper=ub,control=list(all.methods=TRUE))
#  ansoneb.sum<-summary(ansoneb, order= "value")

#  ansoneb.sum.target<- structure(list(p1 = 0.555555555557684, value = 2.35390946502058, 
#	    fevals = 17, gevals = NA_real_, niter = NA_real_, convcode = 0, 
#	    kkt1 = TRUE, kkt2 = TRUE, xtimes = 0), .Names = c("p1", "value", 
#	    "fevals", "gevals", "niter", "convcode", "kkt1", "kkt2", "xtimes"
#	    ), details = structure(list("bobyqa", 5.52926311436595e-11, 
#	    structure(14.0000000000441, .Dim = c(1L, 1L)), 14.0000000000441, "none"), 
#	    .Dim = c(1L, 5L), .Dimnames = list("bobyqa", c("method", "ngatend", "nhatend",
#	    "hev", "message" ))), maximize = FALSE, npar = 1L, row.names = "bobyqa", 
#	    class = c("optimx", "data.frame"))

#	ansoneb.sum$xtimes <- ansoneb.sum.target$xtimes <- NULL
#	checkEquals(ansoneb.sum, ansoneb.sum.target)

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optimr documentation built on Dec. 18, 2019, 1:36 a.m.