getShortestPathTree: Computes a shortest path tree

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References Examples


Given a connected weighted graph, directed or not, getShortestPathTree computes the shortest path tree from a given source node to the rest of the nodes the graph, forming a shortest path tree. This function provides methods to find it with two known algorithms: "Dijkstra" and "Bellman-Ford".


getShortestPathTree(nodes, arcs, algorithm, check.graph = FALSE,
  source.node = 1, directed = TRUE, = TRUE, show.graph = TRUE,
  show.distances = TRUE)



vector containing the nodes of the graph, identified by a number that goes from 1 to the order of the graph.


matrix with the list of arcs of the graph. Each row represents one arc. The first two columns contain the two endpoints of each arc and the third column contains their weights.


denotes the algorithm used to find a shortest path tree: "Dijkstra" or "Bellman-Ford".


logical value indicating if it is necesary to check the graph. Is FALSE by default.


number indicating the source node of the graph. It's node 1 by default.


logical value indicating wheter the graph is directed (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

logical value indicating if the function displays the console output (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The default is TRUE.


logical value indicating if the function displays a graphical representation of the graph and its shortest path tree (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The default is TRUE.


logical value indicating if the function displays in the console output the distances from source to all the other nodes. The default is TRUE.


Given a connected weighted graph, directed or not, a shortest path tree rooted at a source node is a spanning tree such thtat the path distance from the source to any other node is the shortest path distance between them. Differents algorithms were proposed to find a shortest path tree in a graph.

One of these algorithms is Dijkstra's algorithm. Developed by the computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra in 1956 and published in 1959, it is an algorithm that can compute a shortest path tree from a given source node to the others nodes in a connected, directed or not, graph with non-negative weights.

The Bellman-Ford algorithm gets its name for two of the developers, Richard Bellman y Lester Ford Jr., and it was published by them in 1958 and 1956 respectively. The same algorithm also was published independently in 1957 by Edward F. Moore. This algorithm can compute the shortest path from a source node to the rest of nodes in a connected, directed or not, graph with weights that can be negatives. If the graph is connected and there isn't negative cycles, the algorithm always finds a shortest path tree.


getShortestPathTree returns a list with:


vector containing the nodes of the shortest path tree.


matrix containing the list of arcs of the shortest path tree.


value with the sum of weights of the arcs.


vector with distances from source to other nodes


number of stages required.


time needed to find the shortest path tree.

This function also represents the graph with the shortest path tree and prints to the console the results with additional information (number of stages, computational time, etc.).


Dijkstra, E. W. (1959). "A note on two problems in connexion with graphs". Numerische Mathematik 1, 269-271.

Bellman, Richard (1958). "On a routing problem". Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 16, 87-90.

Ford Jr., Lester R. (1956). Network Flow Theory. Paper P-923. Santa Monica, California: RAND Corporation.

Moore, Edward F. (1959). "The shortest path through a maze". Proc. Internat. Sympos. Switching Theory 1957, Part II. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press. pp. 285-292.


# Graph
nodes <- 1:5
arcs <- matrix(c(1,2,2, 1,3,2, 1,4,3, 2,5,5, 3,2,4, 3,5,3, 4,3,1, 4,5,0),
               ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
# Shortest path tree
getShortestPathTree(nodes, arcs, algorithm = "Dijkstra", directed=FALSE)
getShortestPathTree(nodes, arcs, algorithm = "Bellman-Ford", directed=FALSE)

# Graph with negative weights
nodes <- 1:5
arcs <- matrix(c(1,2,6, 1,3,7, 2,3,8, 2,4,5, 2,5,-4, 3,4,-3, 3,5,9, 4,2,-2,
                 5,1,2, 5,4,7), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
# Shortest path tree
getShortestPathTree(nodes, arcs, algorithm = "Bellman-Ford", directed=TRUE)

Example output

Loading required package: igraph

Attaching package:igraphThe following objects are masked frompackage:stats:

    decompose, spectrum

The following object is masked frompackage:base:


 Shortest path tree 
 Algorithm: Dijkstra 
 Stages:  4 | Time:  0.009 
      ept1     ept2    weight 
         1        2         2
         1        3         2
         1        4         3
         4        5         0
                   Total = 7 

 Distances from source: 
    source     node  distance 
         1        2         2
         1        3         2
         1        4         3
         1        5         3

 Shortest path tree 
 Algorithm: Bellman-Ford 
 Stages:  4 | Time:  0.002 
      ept1     ept2    weight 
         1        2         2
         1        3         2
         1        4         3
         4        5         0
                   Total = 7 

 Distances from source: 
    source     node  distance 
         1        2         2
         1        3         2
         1        4         3
         1        5         3

 Shortest path tree 
 Algorithm: Bellman-Ford 
 Stages:  4 | Time:  0 
      head     tail    weight 
         1        3         7
         2        5        -4
         3        4        -3
         4        2        -2
                   Total = -2 

 Distances from source: 
    source     node  distance 
         1        2         2
         1        3         7
         1        4         4
         1        5        -2

optrees documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:15 a.m.