
Defines functions predict.ordfor

Documented in predict.ordfor

#' Prediction using ordinal forest objects
#' Prediction of test data using ordinal forest.
#' @param object object of class \code{ordfor}. See function \code{\link{ordfor}}.
#' @param newdata data.frame. Data frame containing new data.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return
#' \code{predict.ordfor} returns an object of class \code{ordforpred}.
#' An object of class "\code{ordforpred}" is a list containing the following components: 
#' \item{ypred}{ vector of length \code{nrow(newdata)}. Factor-valued test data predictions. }
#' \item{classprobs}{ predicted class probabilities. Only provided, if the performance function based on the ranked probability score was used, while training the ordinal forest (see \code{\link{ordfor}}).
#' Matrix of dimension \code{nrow(newdata)} x J (NA, if the ranked probability was not used while training). The value in the j-th column of the i-th row contains the predicted probability that test observation i is of class j. }
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Hornung R. (2020) Ordinal Forests. Journal of Classification 37, 4–17. <\doi{10.1007/s00357-018-9302-x}>.
#'   }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(hearth)
#' set.seed(123)
#' trainind <- sort(sample(1:nrow(hearth), size=floor(nrow(hearth)*(1/2))))
#' testind <- sort(sample(setdiff(1:nrow(hearth), trainind), size=20))
#' datatrain <- hearth[trainind,]
#' datatest <- hearth[testind,]
#' ordforres <- ordfor(depvar="Class", data=datatrain, perffunction = "probability", nsets=50,
#'   nbest=5, ntreeperdiv=100, ntreefinal=1000)
#' # NOTE: nsets=50 is not enough, because the prediction performance of the resulting 
#' # ordinal forest will be suboptimal!! In practice, nsets=1000 (default value) or a larger
#' # number should be used.
#' preds <- predict(ordforres, newdata=datatest)
#' preds
#' table(data.frame(true_values=datatest$Class, predictions=preds$ypred))
#' head(preds$classprobs)
#' }
#' @importFrom stats predict qnorm runif
#' @export
predict.ordfor <-
  function(object, newdata, ...) {
    # Ensure that 'object' is of class 'ordfor':
    if (!inherits(object, "ordfor"))
      stop("object not of class ordfor")
    # Extract some information from 'object':
    nforests <- length(object$perffunctionvalues)
    classes <- object$classes
    bordersb <- object$bordersb
    perffunctionvalues <- object$perffunctionvalues
    J <- length(classes)
    # Calculations of class probabilities using individual tree predictions:
    newdata <- newdata[,object$forestfinal$forest$independent.variable.names]
    if(!("predictionsrps" %in% names(object$forestfinal))) {
      yforestpredmetricmat <- predict(object=object$forestfinal, data=newdata, predict.all = TRUE)$predictions
        ynumpred <- Reduce("+", lapply(qnorm(object$bordersbest)[1:J], function(x) x <= yforestpredmetricmat))
        ynumpred <- Reduce("+", lapply(c((1:J) - 0.5, J + 0.5)[1:J], function(x) x <= yforestpredmetricmat))
        ynumpred <- matrix(nrow=1, ncol=length(ynumpred), data=ynumpred)
      freqs <- sapply(1:J, function(x) rowSums(ynumpred == x, na.rm = TRUE))/object$ntreefinal
        freqs <- matrix(nrow=1, ncol=length(freqs), data=freqs)
      colnames(freqs) <- classes
      rownames(freqs) <- 1:nrow(freqs)
      # Recode the predictions as a factor variable with levels
      # equal to that of the training data:
      ynumpred <- apply(freqs, 1, nnet::which.is.max)
      ypred <- factor(classes[ynumpred], levels=classes)
      # Output informations:
      res <- list(ypred=ypred, classprobs=NA)
    } else {
      classprobs <- do.call("rbind", lapply(predict(object=object$forestfinal, data=newdata, userps=TRUE)$predictionsrps, function(x) x[[1]]))
      # Recode the predictions as a factor variable with levels
      # equal to that of the training data:
      ynumpred <- apply(classprobs, 1, nnet::which.is.max)
      ypred <- factor(classes[ynumpred], levels=classes)
      # Output informations:
      res <- list(ypred=ypred, classprobs=classprobs)
    class(res) <- "ordforpred"
    # Output results:

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