
#' Convert a named matrix or a named or unnamed vector or data.frame to a string
#' This function converts a bounding box into a string for use in web apis
#' @param bbox bounding box as character, matrix, vector or a data.frame with
#' `osm_type` and `osm_id` columns.
#' If character, the bbox will be found (geocoded) and extracted with
#' \link{getbb}. Unnamed vectors will be sorted appropriately and must merely be
#' in the order (x, y, x, y).
#' @return A character string representing min x, min y, max x, and max y
#' bounds. For example: \code{"15.3152361,76.4406446,15.3552361,76.4806446"} is
#' the bounding box for Hampi, India. For data.frames with OSM objects, a
#' character string representing a set of OSM objects in overpass query
#' language. For example: `"relation(id:11747082)"` represents the area of
#' the Catalan Countries. A set of objects can also be represented for multirow
#' data.frames (e.g. `"relation(id:11747082,307833); way(id:22422490)"`).
#' @family queries
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bbox_to_string (getbb ("València"))
#' bbox_to_string (getbb ("València", format_out = "data.frame"))
#' }
bbox_to_string <- function (bbox) {

    if (missing (bbox)) stop ("bbox must be provided")

    if (is.character (bbox)) {
        if (grepl ("(node|way|relation|rel)\\(id:[0-9, ]+\\)", bbox)) {
            return (bbox)
        } else {
            bbox <- getbb (bbox)

    if (inherits (bbox, "data.frame")) {

        if (!all (c ("osm_type", "osm_id") %in% names (bbox))) {
            stop (
                "bbox must be a data.frame with osm_type and osm_id columns as ",
                "in:\n\t getbb(..., format_out = \"data.frame\")."

        type_id <- split (bbox$osm_id, bbox$osm_type)
        id <- mapply (function (type, ids) {
            paste0 (type, "(id:", paste (ids, collapse = ","), ")")
        }, type = names (type_id), ids = type_id)

        return (paste (id, collapse = "; "))


    if (is.list (bbox)) {
        bbox <- bb_poly_to_mat (bbox)

    if (!is.numeric (bbox)) stop ("bbox must be numeric")

    if (inherits (bbox, "matrix")) {
        if (nrow (bbox) > 2) {
            bbox <- apply (bbox, 2, range)

        if (all (c ("x", "y") %in% tolower (rownames (bbox))) &
            all (c ("min", "max") %in% tolower (colnames (bbox)))) {
            bbox <- c (
                bbox ["y", "min"], bbox ["x", "min"],
                bbox ["y", "max"], bbox ["x", "max"]
        } else if (all (c ("coords.x1", "coords.x2") %in% rownames (bbox)) &
            all (c ("min", "max") %in% colnames (bbox))) {
            bbox <- c (
                bbox ["coords.x2", "min"], bbox ["coords.x1", "min"],
                bbox ["coords.x2", "max"], bbox ["coords.x1", "max"]
        } else {
            # otherwise just presume (x,y) are columns and order the rows
            bbox <- c (
                min (bbox [, 2]), min (bbox [, 1]),
                max (bbox [, 2]), max (bbox [, 1])
    } else {
        if (length (bbox) < 4) {
            stop ("bbox must contain four elements")
        } else if (length (bbox) > 4) {
            message ("only the first four elements of bbox used")

        if (!is.null (names (bbox)) &
            all (names (bbox) %in% c ("left", "bottom", "right", "top"))) {
            bbox <- bbox [c ("bottom", "left", "top", "right")]
        } else {
            x <- sort (bbox [c (1, 3)])
            y <- sort (bbox [c (2, 4)])
            bbox <- c (y [1], x [1], y [2], x [2])

    if (any (is.na (bbox))) {
        stop ("bbox contains 'NA' values")

    return (paste0 (bbox, collapse = ","))

#' Get bounding box for a given place name
#' This function uses the free Nominatim API provided by OpenStreetMap to find
#' the bounding box (bb) associated with place names.
#' It was inspired by the functions
#' `bbox` from the \pkg{sp} package,
#' `bb` from the \pkg{tmaptools} package and
#' `bb_lookup` from the github package \pkg{nominatim} package,
#' which can be found at <https://github.com/hrbrmstr/nominatim>.
#' See <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim> for details.
#' @param place_name The name of the place you're searching for
#' @param display_name_contains Text string to match with display_name field
#' returned by <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim>
#' @param viewbox The bounds in which you're searching
#' @param format_out Character string indicating output format: `matrix`
#' (default), `string` (see [bbox_to_string()]), `data.frame` (all 'hits' returned
#' by Nominatim), `sf_polygon` (for polygons that work with the sf package),
#' `polygon` (full polygonal bounding boxes for each match) or `osm_type_id` (
#' string for quering inside deffined OSM areas [bbox_to_string()]).
#' @param base_url Base website from where data is queried
#' @param featuretype The type of OSM feature (settlement is default; see Note)
#' @param limit How many results should the API return?
#' @param key The API key to use for services that require it
#' @param silent Should the API be printed to screen? TRUE by default
#' @return Defaults to a matrix in the form:
#' \code{
#'   min   max
#' x ...   ...
#' y ...   ...
#' }
#' If `format_out = "polygon"`, one or more two-columns matrices of polygonal
#' longitude-latitude points. Where multiple `place_name` occurrences are found
#' within `nominatim`, each item of the list of coordinates may itself contain
#' multiple coordinate matrices where multiple exact matches exist. If one
#' exact match exists with potentially multiple polygonal boundaries (for
#' example, "london uk" is an exact match, but can mean either greater London or
#' the City of London), only the first is returned. See examples below for
#' illustration.
#' For `format_out = "osm_type_id"`, a character string representing an OSM object in overpass query
#' language. For example: \code{"relation(id:11747082)"} represents the area of
#' the Catalan Countries. If one exact match exists with potentially multiple
#' polygonal boundaries, only the first relation or way is returned. A set of
#' objects can also be represented for multiple results (e.g.
#' `relation(id:11747082,307833); way(id:22422490)`). See examples below for
#' illustration. The OSM objects that can be used as
#' [areas in overpass queries](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Overpass_QL#Map_way/relation_to_area_(map_to_area))
#' \emph{must be closed rings} (ways or relations).
#' @note Specific values of `featuretype` include "street", "city",
# " "county", "state", and "country" (see
#' <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim> for details). The default
#' `featuretype = "settlement"` combines results from all intermediate
#' levels below "country" and above "streets". If the bounding box or polygon of
#' a city is desired, better results will usually be obtained with
#' `featuretype = "city"`.
#' @family queries
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getbb ("Salzburg")
#' # select based on display_name, print query url
#' getbb ("Hereford", display_name_contains = "United States", silent = FALSE)
#' # top 3 matches as data frame
#' getbb ("Hereford", format_out = "data.frame", limit = 3)
#' # Examples of polygonal boundaries
#' bb <- getbb ("london uk", format_out = "polygon") # single match
#' dim (bb [[1]] [[1]]) # matrix of longitude/latitude pairs
#' bb_sf <- getbb ("kathmandu", format_out = "sf_polygon")
#' # sf:::plot.sf(bb_sf) # can be plotted if sf is installed
#' getbb ("london", format_out = "sf_polygon")
#' getbb ("accra", format_out = "sf_polygon") # rectangular bb
#' area <- getbb ("València", format_out = "osm_type_id")
#' # select multiple areas with format_out = "osm_type_id"
#' areas <- getbb ("València", format_out = "data.frame")
#' bbox_to_string (areas [areas$osm_type != "node", ])
#' # Using an alternative service (locationiq requires an API key)
#' # add LOCATIONIQ=type_your_api_key_here to .Renviron:
#' key <- Sys.getenv ("LOCATIONIQ")
#' if (nchar (key) == 32) {
#'     getbb (place_name,
#'         base_url = "https://locationiq.org/v1/search.php",
#'         key = key
#'     )
#' }
#' }
getbb <- function (place_name,
                   display_name_contains = NULL,
                   viewbox = NULL,
                   format_out = "matrix",
                   base_url = "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org",
                   featuretype = "settlement",
                   limit = 10,
                   key = NULL,
                   silent = TRUE) {

    is_polygon <- grepl ("polygon", format_out)

    obj <- get_nominatim_query (

    if (format_out == "data.frame") {
        return (obj)

    if (format_out == "osm_type_id") {

        bbox <- obj [which (obj$osm_type %in% c ("relation", "way")) [1], ]
        if (nrow (bbox) == 0) {
            stop ("No area found for `place_name` ", place_name, ".")

        return (bbox_to_string (bbox))

    bn <- as.numeric (obj$boundingbox [[1]])
    bb_mat <- matrix (c (bn [3:4], bn [1:2]), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    dimnames (bb_mat) <- list (c ("x", "y"), c ("min", "max"))

    if (any (is.na (bb_mat))) {
        stop (paste0 ("`place_name` '", place_name, "' can't be found"))

    if (format_out == "matrix") {
        ret <- bb_mat
    } else if (format_out == "string") {
        ret <- bbox_to_string (bbox = bb_mat)
    } else if (is_polygon) {

        gt_p <- get_geotext_poly (obj)
        gt_mp <- get_geotext_multipoly (obj)

        gt <- c (gt_p, gt_mp)
        # multipolys below are not strict SF MULTIPOLYGONs, rather just cases
        # where nominatim returns lists of multiple items
        if (length (gt) == 0) {
            message ("No polygonal boundary for ", place_name)
            ret <- bb_mat
        } else if (length (gt) == 1) {
            ret <- gt [[1]]
        } else {
            ret <- gt
    } else {
        stop (paste0 (
            "format_out not recognised; please specify one of ",
            "[data.frame, matrix, string, polygon]"

    if (format_out == "sf_polygon") {
        ret <- bb_as_sf_poly (gt_p, gt_mp, place_name)

    return (ret)

get_nominatim_query <- function (place_name,
                                 silent) {

    featuretype <- tolower (featuretype)

    if (base_url == "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org") {
        base_url <- "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search"

    req <- httr2::request (base_url)
    req <- httr2::req_method (req, "GET")
    req <- httr2::req_url_query (req, format = "json")
    req <- httr2::req_url_query (req, q = place_name)
    req <- httr2::req_url_query (req, featuretype = featuretype)

    if (is_polygon) {
        req <- httr2::req_url_query (req, polygon_text = 1)

    if (!is.null (key)) {
        req <- httr2::req_url_query (req, key = key)
    if (!is.null (limit)) {
        req <- httr2::req_url_query (req, limit = limit)

    if (!silent) {
        print (req$url)

    req <- httr2::req_retry (req, max_tries = 10L)

    resp <- httr2::req_perform (req)
    obj <- tryCatch (
        httr2::resp_body_json (resp, simplifyVector = TRUE),
        error = function (e) {
            # nocov start
            message (paste0 (
                "Nominatim did not respond as expected ",
                "(e.g. due to excessive use of their api).\n",
                "Please try again or use a different base_url\n",
                "The url that failed was:\n", req$url
            # nocov end

    # Code optionally select more things stored in obj...
    if (!is.null (display_name_contains)) {
        # nocov start
        obj <- obj [grepl (display_name_contains, obj$display_name), ]
        if (nrow (obj) == 0) {
            stop ("No locations include display name ", display_name_contains)
        # nocov end

    return (obj)

#' Get all polygons from a 'geojson' object
#' @param obj A 'geojson' object
#' @return List of polygon matrices
#' @noRd
get_geotext_poly <- function (obj) {

    . <- NULL # suppress R CMD check note

    indx_multi <- grep ("MULTIPOLYGON", obj$geotext)
    gt_p <- NULL
    indx <- which (!(seq (nrow (obj)) %in% indx_multi))
    gt_p <- obj$geotext [indx] %>%
        gsub ("POLYGON\\(\\(", "", .) %>%
        gsub ("\\)\\)", "", .) %>%
        strsplit (split = ",")
    indx_na <- rev (which (is.na (gt_p)))
    for (i in indx_na) {
        gt_p [[i]] <- NULL

    # points and linestrings may be present in result, and will be prepended
    # by sf-standard prefixes, while (multi)polygons will have been stripped
    # to numeric values only.
    # TDOD: Do the following lines need to be repeated for _mp?
    indx <- which (vapply (
        gt_p, function (i) {
            substring (i [1], 1, 1) %in% c ("L", "P")
        logical (1)
    if (length (indx) > 0) {
        gt_p <- gt_p [-indx]

    if (length (gt_p) > 0) {
        gt_p <- lapply (gt_p, function (i) get1bdypoly (i))
        gt_p <- do.call (c, gt_p)

    return (gt_p)

#' Get all multipolygons from a 'geojson' object
#' See Issue #195
#' @param obj A 'geojson' object
#' @return List of multipolygon matrices
#' @noRd
get_geotext_multipoly <- function (obj) {

    . <- NULL # suppress R CMD check note

    indx_multi <- grep ("MULTIPOLYGON", obj$geotext)
    gt_mp <- NULL

    # nocov start
    # TODO: Test this
    if (length (indx_multi) > 0) {
        gt_mp <- obj$geotext [indx_multi] %>%
            gsub ("MULTIPOLYGON\\(\\(\\(", "", .) %>%
            gsub ("\\)\\)\\)", "", .) %>%
            strsplit (split = ",")
        indx_na <- rev (which (is.na (gt_mp)))
        for (i in indx_na) {
            gt_mp [[i]] <- NULL
    # nocov end

    if (length (gt_mp) > 0) {
        gt_mp <- lapply (gt_mp, function (i) get1bdypoly (i))

    return (gt_mp)

#' get1bdypoly
#' Split lists of multiple char POLYGON objects returned by nominatim into lists
#' of coordinate matrices
#' @param p One polygon returned by nominatim
#' @return Equivalent list of coordinate matrices
#' @noRd
get1bdypoly <- function (p) {
    rm_bracket <- function (i) {
        vapply (i, function (j) gsub ("\\)", "", j),
            character (1),
            USE.NAMES = FALSE

    # remove all opening brackets:
    p <- vapply (p, function (j) gsub ("\\(", "", j),
        character (1),

    ret <- list ()
    i <- grep ("\\)", p)
    while (length (i) > 0) {
        ret [[length (ret) + 1]] <- rm_bracket (p [1:i [1]])
        p <- p [(i [1] + 1):length (p)]
        i <- grep ("\\)", p)
    ret [[length (ret) + 1]] <- rm_bracket (p)

    ret <- lapply (ret, function (i) {
        apply (
            do.call (rbind, strsplit (i, split = " ")),
            2, as.numeric

    return (ret)

#' convert a matrix to an sf polygon
#' @param mat A matrix
#' @param pname The name of the polygon
#' @return A list that can be converted into a simple features geometry
#' @noRd
mat2sf_poly <- function (mat, pname) {
    if (nrow (mat) == 2) {
        x <- c (mat [1, 1], mat [1, 2], mat [1, 2], mat [1, 1], mat [1, 1])
        y <- c (mat [2, 2], mat [2, 2], mat [2, 1], mat [2, 1], mat [2, 2])
        mat <- cbind (x, y)
    mat_sf <- list (mat)
    class (mat_sf) <- c ("XY", "POLYGON", "sfg")
    mat_sf <- list (mat_sf)
    attr (mat_sf, "class") <- c ("sfc_POLYGON", "sfc")
    attr (mat_sf, "precision") <- 0
    bb <- as.vector (t (apply (mat, 2, range)))
    names (bb) <- c ("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")
    class (bb) <- "bbox"
    attr (mat_sf, "bbox") <- bb
    crs <- list (
        input = "EPSG:4326",
        wkt = wkt4326
    class (crs) <- "crs"
    attr (mat_sf, "crs") <- crs
    attr (mat_sf, "n_empty") <- 0L
    mat_sf <- make_sf (mat_sf)
    names (mat_sf) <- "geometry"
    attr (mat_sf, "sf_column") <- "geometry"
    return (mat_sf)

#' convert a list of matrices to an sf mulipolygon
#' @param x A list of matrices
#' @param mpname The name of the multipolygon
#' @return A list that can be converted into a simple features geometry
#' @noRd
mat2sf_multipoly <- function (x, mpname) {
    # get bbox from matrices
    bb <- as.vector (t (apply (do.call (rbind, x [[1]]), 2, range)))
    names (bb) <- c ("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")
    class (bb) <- "bbox"

    class (x) <- c ("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")
    xsf <- list (x)
    attr (xsf, "class") <- c ("sfc_MULTIPOLYGON", "sfc")
    attr (xsf, "precision") <- 0
    attr (xsf, "bbox") <- bb
    crs <- list (
        input = "EPSG:4326",
        wkt = wkt4326
    class (crs) <- "crs"
    attr (xsf, "crs") <- crs
    attr (xsf, "n_empty") <- 0L
    xsf <- make_sf (xsf)
    names (xsf) <- "geometry"
    attr (xsf, "sf_column") <- "geometry"
    return (xsf)

bb_as_sf_poly <- function (gt_p, gt_mp, place_name) {

    if (!is.null (gt_p)) {
        gt_p <- lapply (gt_p, function (i) {
            mat2sf_poly (i, pname = place_name)
    if (!is.null (gt_mp)) {
        gt_mp <- lapply (gt_mp, function (i) {
            mat2sf_multipoly (list (i), mpname = place_name)

    if (is.null (gt_p) & is.null (gt_mp)) {
        stop ("Query returned no polygons")
    } else if (is.null (gt_mp)) {
        ret <- do.call (rbind, gt_p)
    } else if (is.null (gt_p)) {
        ret <- do.call (rbind, gt_mp)
    } else {
        ret <- list (
            "polygon" = do.call (rbind, gt_p),
            "multipolygon" = do.call (rbind, gt_mp)

    return (ret)

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osmdata documentation built on Aug. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.