
context ("sf-construction")

test_all <- (identical (Sys.getenv ("MPADGE_LOCAL"), "true") |
    identical (Sys.getenv ("GITHUB_WORKFLOW"), "test-coverage"))

make_sfc <- function (x, type) {

    if (!is.list (x)) x <- list (x)
    type <- toupper (type)
    stopifnot (type %in% c (
    if (is.list (x [[1]])) {
        xy <- do.call (rbind, do.call ("c", x))
    } else {
        xy <- do.call (rbind, x)
    xvals <- xy [, 1]
    yvals <- xy [, 2]
    bb <- structure (
        rep (NA_real_, 4),
        names = c ("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")
    bb [1:4] <- c (min (xvals), min (yvals), max (xvals), max (yvals))
    class (bb) <- "bbox"
    if (type == "POLYGON") {
        x <- lapply (x, function (i) list (i))
    } else if (grepl ("MULTI", type) & !is.list (x [[1]])) {
        x <- list (x)
    if (type != "MULTIPOLYGON") {
        x <- lapply (x, function (i) {
            structure (i, class = c ("XY", type, "sfg"))
    } else {
        x <- lapply (x, function (i) {
            structure (list (i), class = c ("XY", type, "sfg"))
    attr (x, "n_empty") <- sum (vapply (x, function (x) {
        length (x) == 0
    FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
    attr (x, "precision") <- 0.0
    class (x) <- c (paste0 ("sfc_", class (x [[1L]]) [2L]), "sfc")
    attr (x, "bbox") <- bb

    if (packageVersion ("sf") < 0.9) {
        NA_crs_ <- structure (list ( # nolint
            epsg = NA_integer_, # nolint
            proj4string = NA_character_
        ), # nolint
        class = "crs"
    } else {
        NA_crs_ <- structure (list ( # nolint
            input = NA_character_, # nolint
            wkt = NA_character_
        ), # nolint
        class = "crs"
    attr (x, "crs") <- NA_crs_

    return (x)

# **********************************************************
# ***                       POINTS                       ***
# **********************************************************

if (test_all) {

    test_that ("sfg-point", {
        x <- structure (1:2, class = c ("XY", "POINT", "sfg"))
        expect_identical (x, sf::st_point (1:2))

    test_that ("sfc-point", {
        x <- make_sfc (1:2, type = "POINT") # POINT
        y <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_point (1:2))
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-point", {
        x <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_point (1:2))
        expect_identical (x, make_sfc (1:2, "POINT"))
        y <- sf::st_sf (x)
        x <- make_sf (x)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-point-with-fields", {
        x <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_point (1:2))
        y <- sf::st_sf (x, a = 3, b = "blah", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        x <- make_sf (x, a = 3, b = "blah")
        expect_identical (x, y)
        # next lines will work with next sf version:
        # x0 <- make_sf (a = 3, b = "blah", x)
        # x1 <- sf::st_sf (x, a = 3, b = "blah")
        # expect_identical (x0, x1)

    test_that ("multiple-points", {
        x <- make_sfc (list (1:2, 3:4), type = "POINT")
        y <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_point (1:2), sf::st_point (3:4))
        expect_identical (x, y)
        y0 <- sf::st_sf (x,
            a = 7:8, b = c ("blah", "junk"),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        x0 <- make_sf (x, a = 7:8, b = c ("blah", "junk"))
        expect_identical (x0, y0)
        dat <- data.frame (a = 11:12, txt = c ("junk", "blah"))
        y0 <- sf::st_sf (x, dat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        x0 <- make_sf (x, dat)
        expect_identical (x0, y0)
        dat <- data.frame (a = 11:12, txt = c ("junk", "blah"))
        y0 <- sf::st_sf (x, dat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        expect_identical (x0, y0) # df yields same results as lists
        x0 <- make_sf (x, dat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        expect_identical (x0, y0)

    # **********************************************************
    # ***                       LINES                        ***
    # **********************************************************

    test_that ("sfg-line", {
        x <- structure (cbind (1:4, 5:8),
            class = c ("XY", "LINESTRING", "sfg")
        expect_identical (x, sf::st_linestring (cbind (1:4, 5:8)))

    test_that ("sfc-line", {
        x <- make_sfc (cbind (1:4, 5:8), "LINESTRING")
        y <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_linestring (cbind (1:4, 5:8)))
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-line", {
        x <- make_sfc (cbind (1:4, 5:8), "LINESTRING")
        y <- sf::st_sf (x)
        x <- make_sf (x)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-line-with-fields", {
        x <- make_sfc (cbind (1:4, 5:8), "LINESTRING")
        y <- sf::st_sf (x, a = 3, b = "blah", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        x <- make_sf (x, a = 3, b = "blah")
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sfc-multiple-lines", {
        x1 <- cbind (1:4, 5:8)
        x2 <- cbind (11:13, 25:27)
        x <- make_sfc (list (x1, x2), type = "LINESTRING")
        y <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_linestring (x1), sf::st_linestring (x2))
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-multiple-lines", {
        x1 <- cbind (1:4, 5:8)
        x2 <- cbind (11:13, 25:27)
        x <- make_sfc (list (x1, x2), type = "LINESTRING")
        y <- sf::st_sf (x)
        x <- make_sf (x)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-multiple-lines-with-fields", {
        x1 <- cbind (1:4, 5:8)
        x2 <- cbind (11:13, 25:27)
        x <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_linestring (x1), sf::st_linestring (x2))
        y <- sf::st_sf (x, a = 1:2, b = "blah", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        x <- make_sfc (list (x1, x2), type = "LINESTRING")
        x <- make_sf (x, a = 1:2, b = "blah")
        expect_identical (x, y)
        x <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_linestring (x1), sf::st_linestring (x2))
        dat <- data.frame (
            a = 1:2, b = c ("blah", "junk"),
            c = c (TRUE, FALSE)
        y <- sf::st_sf (x, dat)
        x <- make_sfc (list (x1, x2), type = "LINESTRING")
        x <- make_sf (x, dat)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    # **********************************************************
    # ***                      POLYGONS                      ***
    # **********************************************************

    test_that ("sfg-polygon", {
        # NOTE: polygons are lists; linestrings are not!
        xy <- list (cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5)))
        x <- structure (xy, class = c ("XY", "POLYGON", "sfg"))
        expect_identical (x, sf::st_polygon (xy))

    test_that ("sfc-polygon", {
        xy <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x <- make_sfc (xy, "POLYGON")
        y <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_polygon (list (xy)))
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-polygon", {
        xy <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x <- make_sfc (xy, "POLYGON")
        y <- sf::st_sf (x)
        x <- make_sf (x)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-polygon-with-fields", {
        xy <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x <- make_sfc (xy, "POLYGON")
        y <- sf::st_sf (x, a = 3, b = "blah", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        x <- make_sf (x, a = 3, b = "blah")
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sfc-multiple-polygons", {
        xy1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        xy2 <- cbind (c (11:14, 11), c (15:18, 15))
        x <- make_sfc (list (xy1, xy2), type = "POLYGON")
        y <- sf::st_sfc (
            sf::st_polygon (list (xy1)),
            sf::st_polygon (list (xy2))
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-multiple-polygons", {
        xy1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        xy2 <- cbind (c (11:14, 11), c (15:18, 15))
        x <- make_sfc (list (xy1, xy2), type = "POLYGON")
        y <- sf::st_sf (x)
        x <- make_sf (x)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-multiple-polygons-with-fields", {
        xy1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        xy2 <- cbind (c (11:14, 11), c (15:18, 15))
        x <- sf::st_sfc (
            sf::st_polygon (list (xy1)),
            sf::st_polygon (list (xy2))
        y <- sf::st_sf (x, a = 1:2, b = "blah", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        x <- make_sfc (list (xy1, xy2), type = "POLYGON")
        x <- make_sf (x, a = 1:2, b = "blah")
        expect_identical (x, y)
        x <- sf::st_sfc (
            sf::st_polygon (list (xy1)),
            sf::st_polygon (list (xy2))
        dat <- data.frame (
            a = 1:2, b = c ("blah", "junk"),
            c = c (TRUE, FALSE)
        y <- sf::st_sf (x, dat)
        x <- make_sfc (list (xy1, xy2), type = "POLYGON")
        x <- make_sf (x, dat)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    # **********************************************************
    # ***                  MULTILINESTRINGS                  ***
    # **********************************************************

    test_that ("sfg-multilinestring", {
        x <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        y <- sf::st_multilinestring (list (x))
        x <- structure (list (x),
            class = c ("XY", "MULTILINESTRING", "sfg")
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sfc-multilinestring", {
        x <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        y <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_multilinestring (list (x)))
        x <- make_sfc (x, type = "MULTILINESTRING")
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-multilinestring", {
        x <- make_sfc (cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5)),
            type = "MULTILINESTRING"
        y <- sf::st_sf (x)
        x <- make_sf (x)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sfc-multiple-multilinestring1", {
        x1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x2 <- cbind (c (11:13, 11), c (25:27, 25))
        x <- make_sfc (list (x1, x2), type = "MULTILINESTRING")
        y <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_multilinestring (list (x1, x2)))
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sfc-multiple-multilinestring2", {
        x1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x2 <- cbind (c (11:13, 11), c (25:27, 25))
        x <- make_sfc (list (list (x1, x2), list (x1, x2)),
            type = "MULTILINESTRING"
        y <- sf::st_sfc (
            sf::st_multilinestring (list (x1, x2)),
            sf::st_multilinestring (list (x1, x2))
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-multiple-multilinestring", {
        x1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x2 <- cbind (c (11:13, 11), c (25:27, 25))
        x <- make_sfc (list (x1, x2), type = "MULTILINESTRING")
        y <- sf::st_sf (x)
        x <- make_sf (x)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-multilinestring-with-fields", {
        x1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x2 <- cbind (c (11:13, 11), c (25:27, 25))
        x0 <- c (
            make_sfc (list (x1, x2), type = "MULTILINESTRING"),
            make_sfc (list (x2, x1), type = "MULTILINESTRING")
        y0 <- sf::st_sfc (
            sf::st_multilinestring (list (x1, x2)),
            sf::st_multilinestring (list (x2, x1))
        expect_identical (x0, y0)
        dat <- data.frame (a = 1:2, b = c ("blah", "junk"))
        x1 <- make_sf (x0, dat)
        x2 <- make_sf (y0, dat)
        y1 <- sf::st_sf (x0, dat)
        y2 <- sf::st_sf (y0, dat)
        attr (x2, "sf_column") <- "x0"
        names (x2) <- c ("a", "b", "x0")
        attr (y2, "sf_column") <- "x0"
        names (y2) <- c ("a", "b", "x0")
        expect_identical (x1, x2)
        expect_identical (x1, y1)
        expect_identical (x1, y2)
        expect_identical (x2, y1)
        expect_identical (x2, y2)
        expect_identical (y1, y2)

        y3 <- sf::st_sf (dat, x0)
        expect_identical (x1, y3)
        expect_identical (x2, y3)
        expect_identical (y1, y3)
        expect_identical (y2, y3)
        x3 <- make_sf (dat, x0)
        expect_identical (x1, x3)
        expect_identical (x2, x3)
        expect_identical (y1, x3)
        expect_identical (y2, x3)
        expect_identical (y3, x3)

    # **********************************************************
    # ***                   MULTIPOLYGONS                    ***
    # **********************************************************

    test_that ("sfg-multipolygon", {
        x <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        y <- sf::st_multipolygon (list (list (x)))
        x <- structure (list (list (x)),
            class = c ("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sfc-multipolygon", {
        x <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        y <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_multipolygon (list (list (x))))
        x <- make_sfc (x, type = "MULTIPOLYGON")
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-multipolygon", {
        x <- make_sfc (cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5)),
            type = "MULTIPOLYGON"
        y <- sf::st_sf (x)
        x <- make_sf (x)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sfc-multiple-multipolygons1", {
        x1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x2 <- cbind (c (11:13, 11), c (25:27, 25))
        x <- make_sfc (list (x1, x2), type = "MULTIPOLYGON")
        y <- sf::st_sfc (sf::st_multipolygon (list (list (x1, x2))))
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sfc-multiple-multipolygons2", {
        x1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x2 <- cbind (c (11:13, 11), c (25:27, 25))
        x <- make_sfc (list (list (x1, x2), list (x1, x2)),
            type = "MULTIPOLYGON"
        y <- sf::st_sfc (
            sf::st_multipolygon (list (list (x1, x2))),
            sf::st_multipolygon (list (list (x1, x2)))
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-multiple-multipolygons", {
        x1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x2 <- cbind (c (11:13, 11), c (25:27, 25))
        x <- make_sfc (list (x1, x2), type = "MULTIPOLYGON")
        y <- sf::st_sf (x)
        x <- make_sf (x)
        expect_identical (x, y)

    test_that ("sf-multipolygon-with-fields", {
        x1 <- cbind (c (1:4, 1), c (5:8, 5))
        x2 <- cbind (c (11:13, 11), c (25:27, 25))
        x0 <- c (
            make_sfc (list (x1, x2), type = "MULTIPOLYGON"),
            make_sfc (list (x2, x1), type = "MULTIPOLYGON")
        y0 <- sf::st_sfc (
            sf::st_multipolygon (list (list (x1, x2))),
            sf::st_multipolygon (list (list (x2, x1)))
        expect_identical (x0, y0)
        dat <- data.frame (a = 1:2, b = c ("blah", "junk"))
        x1 <- make_sf (x0, dat)
        x2 <- make_sf (y0, dat)
        y1 <- sf::st_sf (x0, dat)
        y2 <- sf::st_sf (y0, dat)
        attr (x2, "sf_column") <- "x0"
        names (x2) <- c ("a", "b", "x0")
        attr (y2, "sf_column") <- "x0"
        names (y2) <- c ("a", "b", "x0")
        expect_identical (x1, x2)
        expect_identical (x1, y1)
        expect_identical (x1, y2)
        expect_identical (x2, y1)
        expect_identical (x2, y2)
        expect_identical (y1, y2)

        y3 <- sf::st_sf (dat, x0)
        expect_identical (x1, y3)
        expect_identical (x2, y3)
        expect_identical (y1, y3)
        expect_identical (y2, y3)
        x3 <- make_sf (dat, x0)
        expect_identical (x1, x3)
        expect_identical (x2, x3)
        expect_identical (y1, x3)
        expect_identical (y2, x3)
        expect_identical (y3, x3)

} # end if test_all

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