
Defines functions authDownloadAdvice secureDownloadMethod inferAppropriateDownloadMethod renvDownload canUseRenvDownload downloadWithRetries downloadPackagesWithRetries downloadFile downloadImpl download

# Download a file, using http, https, or ftp
# This is a wrapper for \code{\link{download.file}} and takes all the same
# arguments. The only difference is that, if the protocol is https, it changes
# some settings to make it work. How exactly the settings are changed
# differs among platforms.
# This function also should follow http redirects on all platforms, which is
# something that does not happen by default when \code{curl} is used, as on
# Mac OS X.
# With Windows, it calls \code{setInternet2}, which tells R to use the
# \code{internet2.dll}. Then it downloads the file by calling
# \code{\link{download.file}} using the \code{"internal"} method.
# On other platforms, it will try to use \code{wget}, then \code{curl}, and
# then \code{lynx} to download the file. Typically, Linux platforms will have
# \code{wget} installed, and Mac OS X will have \code{curl}.
# Note that for many (perhaps most) types of files, you will want to use
# \code{mode="wb"} so that the file is downloaded in binary mode.
# @param url The URL to download.
# @param ... Other arguments that are passed to \code{\link{download.file}}.
# @seealso \code{\link{download.file}} for more information on the arguments
#   that can be used with this function.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # Download the downloader source, in binary mode
# download("https://github.com/wch/downloader/zipball/master",
#          "downloader.zip", mode = "wb")
# }
download <- function(url,
                     method = inferAppropriateDownloadMethod(url),
  # download to temporary file, then attempt to move to required location
  tempfile <- tempfile(tmpdir = dirname(destfile))

  # call downloadImpl -- returns '0' on success
  status <- downloadImpl(url, destfile = tempfile, method = method, ...)
  if (status) return(status)

  # attempt to rename the downloaded file, and return 0 on success
  success <- file.rename(tempfile, destfile)
  if (success) 0 else 1

downloadImpl <- function(url, method, ...) {
  # When on Windows using an 'internal' method, we need to call
  # 'setInternet2' to set some appropriate state.
  if (is.windows() && method == "internal") {

    # If we directly use setInternet2, R CMD CHECK gives a Note on Mac/Linux
    seti2 <- `::`(utils, 'setInternet2')

    # Check whether we are already using internet2 for internal
    usingInternet2 <- seti2(NA)

    # If not then temporarily set it
    if (!usingInternet2) {

      # Store initial settings, and restore on exit
      on.exit(suppressWarnings(seti2(usingInternet2)), add = TRUE)

      # Needed for https. Will get warning if setInternet2(FALSE) already run
      # and internet routines are used. But the warnings don't seem to matter.

  downloadFile(url, method, ...)

downloadFile <- function(url,
                         method = inferAppropriateDownloadMethod(url),
                         extra = "",
  # If the download method we're using matches the current option for
  # 'download.file.method', then propagate 'extra' options.
  if (!nzchar(extra) && identical(getOption("download.file.method"), method))
    extra <- getOption("download.file.extra", default = "")

  # ensure 'extra' is a string
  extra <- paste(extra, collapse = " ")

  # pass extra arguments for 'curl' downloader
  if (method == "curl") {

    # use '-L' to follow redirects
    if (!grepl("\\b-L\\b", extra))
      extra <- paste(extra, "-L")

    # switch off the curl globbing parser
    if (!grepl("\\b-g\\b", extra))
      extra <- paste(extra, "-g")

    # use '-f' to ensure we fail on server errors
    if (!grepl("\\b-f\\b", extra))
      extra <- paste(extra, "-f")

    # make curl quiet -- avoid polluting console with e.g.
    # curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
    if (!grepl("\\b-s\\b", extra))
      extra <- paste(extra, "-s")

    # lower connection timeout
    connect.timeout <- getOption("packrat.connect.timeout")
    if (!is.null(connect.timeout) && !grepl("\\b--connect-timeout\\b", extra))
      extra <- paste(extra, "--connect-timeout", connect.timeout)

    # redirect stderr to stdout, for nicer output in RStudio
    if (!grepl("\\b--stderr -\\b", extra))
      extra <- paste(extra, "--stderr -")

  # catch warnings in the call
  caughtWarning <- NULL
  result <- withCallingHandlers(
    download.file(url = url, method = method, extra = extra, ...),
    warning = function(w) {
      caughtWarning <<- w

  # If we're using 'wget' or 'curl', upgrade the warning to an error.
  if (method %in% c("curl", "wget") && length(caughtWarning)) {
    msg <- sprintf("Failed to download '%s' ('%s' had status code '%s')",



# Attempt download.packages multiple times.
# Assumes we are downloading a single package.
downloadPackagesWithRetries <- function(name, destdir, repos, type, maxTries = 5L) {
  maxTries <- as.integer(maxTries)
  stopifnot(maxTries > 0L)
  stopifnot(length(name) > 0L)

  fileLoc <- matrix(character(), 0L, 2L)
  for (i in 1:maxTries) {
    fileLoc <- download.packages(name,
                                 destdir = destdir,
                                 repos = repos,
                                 type = type,
                                 quiet = TRUE)
    if (nrow(fileLoc)) {

# Download from a URL with a certain number of retries.
# - Generic download function, used if we have no provider-specific
#   authentication or cannot call those functions for other reasons.
# - Wraps the inner `download` function in a retry pattern. Will raise errors
#   that come from that function, and will also raise an error if the `success`
#   marker is not `TRUE` after `maxTries` attempts.
# - Returns `TRUE` if its success marker is `TRUE`.
# - Passes `destfile` down to `download` via `...`.
downloadWithRetries <- function(url, ..., maxTries = 5L) {
  maxTries <- as.integer(maxTries)
  stopifnot(maxTries > 0L)

  success <- FALSE

  for (i in 1:maxTries) {
    # NOTE: Windows seems to return a warning that the status code was 200
    # even on a successful download...
      expr = {
        result <- suppressWarnings(download(url, ...))
        if (result %in% c(0, 200))
          success <- TRUE
      error = function(e) {
    if (success) break
  if (!success) {
    stop("Download failed.")

canUseRenvDownload <- function() {
  getOption("packrat.authenticated.downloads.use.renv", FALSE) &&
    identical(secureDownloadMethod(), "curl")

# - Called by git provider download (e.g. `githubDownload`) when the option
#   `"packrat.authenticated.downloads.use.renv"` is set to `TRUE` and
#   `secureDownloadMethod` returns `"curl"`. Wraps `renv$download`.
# - `type` is a lowercase string that should match `"github"`, `"gitlab"`, or
#   `"bitbucket"`. `renv` uses this to determine what type of authentication to
#   use. This is hard-coded in the provider download functions.
# - Raises errors generated by `renv$download`. In addition, if `renv$download`
#   finishes without generating an error, but no file exists at `destfile`,
#   raises an error. Otherwise, returns `TRUE` (for consistency with other
#   download functions, but not checked by provider downloaders).
# - `renv$download` writes to `destfile`. The lifecycle of this function is
#   managed by `getSourceForPkgRecord`. `renv` writes to another temporary file
#   internally in some instances, but we don't need to worry about that.
renvDownload <- function(url, destfile, method = inferAppropriateDownloadMethod(url), type = NULL, ...) {
  if (identical(type, "bitbucket")) {
    # We temporarily set our user agent to "curl" so that Bitbucket will treat us
    # like a command line and not a browser. Otherwise, if we make unauthorized
    # requests to Bitbucket .tar.gz URLs, we get redirects instead of a 401.
    renv_useragent_option <- options("renv.http.useragent" = "curl")
    on.exit(options(renv_useragent_option), add = TRUE)

  result <- with_envvar(
    c(RENV_DOWNLOAD_METHOD = method),
    renv$download(url = url, destfile = destfile, type = type)
  if (!file.exists(destfile)) {
    stop("No data received.", call. = FALSE)

inferAppropriateDownloadMethod <- function(url) {

  ## If the user wants to explicitly use their own download method,
  ## they can set 'packrat.download.method' and we'll honor that.
  packrat.download.method <- getOption("packrat.download.method")
  if (is.function(packrat.download.method))

  # If the user has already opted into using a certain download method,
  # don't stomp on that.
  download.file.method <- getOption("download.file.method")
  if (!is.null(download.file.method))

  # Prefer using external programs (they can better handle redirects
  # than R's internal downloader, or so it seems)
  isSecureWebProtocol <- grepl("^(?:ht|f)tps://", url, perl = TRUE)
  if (is.linux() || is.mac() || isSecureWebProtocol)

  # Use "wininet" as default for R >= 3.2
  if (is.windows() && getRversion() >= "3.2")

  # default

# Attempt to determine a secure download method for the current
# platform/configuration. Returns NULL if no such method can
# be ascertained.
secureDownloadMethod <- function() {

  # Check whether we are running R 3.2 and whether we have libcurl
  isR32 <- getRversion() >= "3.2"

  if (is.windows()) {

    # For windows we prefer binding directly to wininet if we can (since
    # that doesn't rely on the value of setInternet2). If it's R <= 3.1
    # then we can use "internal" for https so long as internet2 is enabled
    # (we don't use libcurl on Windows because it doesn't check certs).
    if (isR32) {
    } else {
      # Otherwise, make a call to 'setInternet2' and use the 'internal' method
      # if that call succeeds.
      seti2 <- `::`(utils, 'setInternet2')
      if (suppressWarnings(seti2(NA))) {

  # Otherwise, fall back to 'wget' or 'curl' (preferring 'curl')
  candidates <- c("curl", "wget")
  for (candidate in candidates)
    if (isProgramOnPath(candidate))

  stop("Failed to discover a secure download method.")

# Returns a function to be used as an error handler for githubDownload,
# gitlabDownload, and bitbucketDownload.
authDownloadAdvice <- function(type, authenticated, downloader) {
  f <- function(e = NULL) {
    advice <- paste0(
      "If you are trying to restore a package from a private Git repo, ",
      "you must have credentials available in your environment, ",
      "and Packrat must be configured to use an auth-capable download method."

    # Info on available auth tokens, dependant on provider type.
    token_msg <- NULL
    if (identical(type, "github")) {
      if (identical(authenticated, TRUE)) {
        token_msg <- "GITHUB_PAT found; check that it is correct."
      } else {
        token_msg <- "GITHUB_PAT environment variable not found."
    if (identical(type, "gitlab")) {
      if (identical(authenticated, TRUE)) {
        token_msg <- "GITLAB_PAT found; check that it is correct."
      } else {
        token_msg <- "GITLAB_PAT environment variable not found."
    if (identical(type, "bitbucket")) {
      if (identical(authenticated, TRUE)) {
        token_msg <- "BITBUCKET_USERNAME and BITBUCKET_PASSWORD found; check that they are correct."
      } else {
        token_msg <- "BITBUCKET_USERNAME and BITBUCKET_PASSWORD environment variables not found."
    advice <- c(advice, token_msg)

    # Info on configuration
    if (identical(downloader, "renv")) {
      advice <- c(advice, "Packrat is configured to use internal renv for authenticated downloads.")
    } else if (identical(downloader, "httr")) {
      advice <- c(advice, "Packrat will use the httr package for authenticated downloads.")
    } else {
      advice <- c(advice, paste0(
        "Packrat is not configured to use an auth-capable download ",
        "method. Try setting the option ",
        "packrat.authenticated.downloads.use.renv to TRUE, or installing the ",
        "httr package."
    advice <- paste(advice, collapse = " ")

    # This allows us to see the advice without appending to an error message.
    if (is.null(e)) {
    } else {
      e$message <- paste(e$message, advice, sep = "\n")


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packrat documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:44 p.m.