andersentest.pers: Andersen's Likelihood Ratio Test for Object of class "pers"

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andersentest.persR Documentation

Andersen's Likelihood Ratio Test for Object of class "pers"


The Andersen likelihood ratio test is based on splitting the dataset into subgroups of persons. One can argue that it is a significance testable version of the more descriptive graphical model check - see grm.


  split = "median",
  splitseed = "no",
  pot = NULL,
  zerocor = NULL



an object of class"pers" - see function pers.


Specifies the splitting criterion. Basically there are three different options available - each with several modes - which are controlled by passing the corresponding character expression to the argument.

1) Using the rawscore for splitting into subsamples with the following modes: split = "median" median raw score split - high score group and low score group; split = "mean" mean raw score split - high score group and low score group. Finaly split = "score" that is splitting daten into as many subsamples as there are raw score groups - discarding min and max (theoretical) score group - which matches the concept proposed by Andersen (1973).

2) Dividing the persons in daten into subsamples with equal size by random allocation with the following modes: split = "random" (which is equivalent to split = "random.2") divides persons into two subsamples with equal size. In general the number of desired subsamples must be expressed after the dot in the character expression - e.g. split = "random.6" divides persons into 6 subsamples (with equal size) by random allocation etc.

3) The third option is using a manifest variable as a splitting criterion. In this case a vector with the same length as number of cases in daten must be passed to the argument grouping the data into subsamples. This vector should be coded as "factor" or a "numeric" integer vector with min = 1.


numeric, used for set.seed(splitseed) for random splitting - see argument split.


optional argument, at default (pot=NULL) setting is read from pers_obj - see description for pair.


optional argument, at default (zerocor=NULL) setting is read from pers_obj - see description for pair.

pot=pers_obj$pair$fuargs$pot, zerocor=pers_obj$pair$fuargs$zerocor


Andersen (1973) proposed to split the dataset by [raw] score groups, which can be achieved setting the argument split = "score". However as pointed out by Rost (2004) there might be several different splitting criteria for testing subsample invariance of the raschmodel. Thus the argument split provides some other options for splitting the data - see description of arguments.


A (list) object of class "andersentest.pers" ...


Andersen, E. B. (1973). A goodness of fit test for the rasch model. Psychometrika, 38(1), 123–140.

Rost, J. (2004). Lehrbuch Testtheorie - Testkonstruktion (2 nd Ed.) Huber: Bern.


## Not run: 
data(bfiN) # loading example data set
data(bfi_cov) # loading covariates to bfiN data set
model <- pers(pair(bfiN,m=6))
andersentest.pers(model, split = bfi_cov$gender)
andersentest.pers(model, split = "random")
andersentest.pers(model, split = "median")
### unsing simulated data:
model2 <- pers(pair(sim200x3))
andersentest.pers(model2, split = "median")

## End(Not run)

pairwise documentation built on April 18, 2023, 1:10 a.m.