
progs <- if (WINDOWS) {
  file.path("tools", c("cmdzip.exe", "cmdunzip.exe", "zip.exe"))
} else {
  file.path("tools", c("cmdzip", "cmdunzip"))

dest <- file.path(R_PACKAGE_DIR, paste0("bin", R_ARCH))
dir.create(dest, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
file.copy(progs, dest, overwrite = TRUE)

files <- Sys.glob(paste0("*", SHLIB_EXT))
dest <- file.path(R_PACKAGE_DIR, paste0('libs', R_ARCH))
dir.create(dest, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
file.copy(files, dest, overwrite = TRUE)
if (file.exists("symbols.rds")) {
  file.copy("symbols.rds", dest, overwrite = TRUE)

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pak documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:35 a.m.