Man pages for paleobioDB
Download and Process Data from the Paleobiology Database

paleobioDBpaleobioDB: An R-package for downloading, visualizing and...
pbdb_collectionGet information about a single collection record
pbdb_collectionsGet information about multiple collections
pbdb_collections_geoGet information about geographic clusters of collections
pbdb_intervalGet information about a single interval
pbdb_intervalsGet information about multiple intervals
pbdb_mapMap the fossil records
pbdb_map_occurPlot a raster showing the number of fossil occurrences
pbdb_map_richnessPlot a raster showing the richness of taxa
pbdb_measurementsGet information about specimen measurements
pbdb_occurrenceGet information about a single occurrence record
pbdb_occurrencesGet information about fossil occurrence records
pbdb_opinionGet information about a single taxonomic opinion
pbdb_opinionsGet information about multiple taxonomic opinions
pbdb_opinions_taxaGet taxonomic opinions about taxa
pbdb_orig_extAppearance of new taxa and extinctions across time
pbdb_ref_collectionsGet references from which collection data were entered
pbdb_referenceGet information about a single reference
pbdb_referencesGet information about multiple references
pbdb_ref_occurrencesGet references associated with fossil occurrences
pbdb_ref_specimensGet references for fossil specimens
pbdb_ref_taxaGet references for taxonomic names
pbdb_richnessTemporal variation in taxon richness
pbdb_scaleGet information about a single time scale
pbdb_scalesGet information about multiple time scales
pbdb_specimenGet information about a single fossil specimen
pbdb_specimensGet information about multiple fossil specimens
pbdb_strataGet information about geological strata
pbdb_strata_autoGet a list of strata matching a given prefix or partial name
pbdb_subtaxaCount number of taxa in an occurrence data frame
pbdb_taxaGet information about multiple taxonomic names
pbdb_taxa_autoGet a list of taxonomic names matching a prefix or partial...
pbdb_taxonGet information about a single taxonomic name
pbdb_temporal_resolutionTemporal resolution of fossil data
pbdb_temp_rangeTemporal range of taxa
paleobioDB documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:22 a.m.