pbdb_strata: Get information about geological strata

View source: R/pbdb_queries.R

pbdb_strataR Documentation

Get information about geological strata


Returns information about geological strata, selected by name, rank, and/or geographic location.





Arguments passed to the API. See documentation for accepted parameters at https://paleobiodb.org/data1.2/strata/list. E.g.:

  • name: A full or partial name. You can use % and _ as wildcards.

  • rank: Returns only strata of the specified rank: "formation", "group" or "member".

  • lngmin: Numeric. The longitude boundaries will be normalized to fall between -180 and 180. Note that if you specify lngmin then you must also specify lngmax. Returns only records whose geographic location falls within the given bounding box (defined by lngmin, lngmax, latmin, latmax). It generates two adjacent bounding boxes if the range crosses the antimeridian.

  • lngmax: Numeric. The longitude boundaries will be normalized to fall between -180 and 180.

  • latmin: Numeric between -90 and 90. Note that if you specify latmin then you must also specify latmax.

  • latmax: Numeric between -90 and 90.

  • loc: Return only strata associated with some occurrence whose geographic location falls within the specified geometry, specified in WKT format.

  • vocab: Set to "pbdb" to show the complete name of the variables (by default variables have short 3-letter names).


A data frame with information from the selected strata.


## Not run: 
    lngmin = 0, lngmax = 15, latmin = 0, latmax = 15,
    rank = "formation", vocab = "pbdb"

## End(Not run)

paleobioDB documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:22 a.m.