pbdb_ref_taxa: Get references for taxonomic names

View source: R/pbdb_queries.R

pbdb_ref_taxaR Documentation

Get references for taxonomic names


Returns information about the source references associated with taxa in the Paleobiology Database. You can use the same parameters that are available with pbdb_taxa, but reference records are returned instead of taxon records. One record is returned per reference, even if it is associated with multiple taxa.





Arguments passed to the API. See all available arguments at https://paleobiodb.org/data1.2/taxa/refs

  • name: Returns information about the most fundamental taxonomic name matching this string. The % and _ characters may be used as wildcards.

  • id: Returns information about the taxonomic name corresponding to this identifier. You may not specify both name and id in the same query.

  • show: Show extra variables.

  • rel: Set rel = "synonyms" to select all synonyms of the base taxon or taxa; rel = "children" to select the taxa immediately contained within the base taxon or taxa; rel = "all_children" to select all taxa contained within each matching taxon and within all synonymous taxa; rel = "all_parents" to select all taxa that contain any of the matching taxa.

  • extant: Logical indicating whether to select only extant or non-extant taxa.


A data frame with references from a list of taxa.


## Not run: 
    name = "Canidae", vocab = "pbdb", show = c("both", "comments")

## End(Not run)

paleobioDB documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:22 a.m.