
Defines functions lod

Documented in lod

#' Singlepoint LOD score
#' Calculates the singlepoint log of the odds (LOD) scores of a pedigree for the
#' specified markers, assuming a fixed recombination rate between the disease
#' and each marker locus.
#' The LOD score of a marker is defined as \deqn{LOD(\rho) = \log
#' \frac{L(\rho)}{L(0.5)}}{% LOD(\rho) = \log L(\rho)/L(0.5)} where the
#' logarithms are base 10, and \eqn{L(\rho)} denotes the likelihood of the
#' observed marker genotypes given a recombination ratio \eqn{\rho} between the
#' marker and the disease locus.
#' The likelihoods are computed with the **pedprobr** package.
#' @param x A `ped` object.
#' @param aff A vector naming the affected pedigree members, or a numeric vector
#'   of length `pedsize(x)` with affection statuses for all pedigree members (2
#'   = affected; 1 = unaffected; 0 = unknown). Alternatively, `aff` can be a
#'   list of vectors, named `affected`, `unaffected` and `unknown`. It suffices
#'   to give (any) two of these vectors.
#' @param model A `disModel` object, typically created with [diseaseModel()].
#' @param liability NULL (default) or a vector of length `pedsize(x)` indicating
#'   the liability class (a row number of `model$penetrances`) of each
#'   individual.
#' @param markers A vector of marker names or indices referring to markers
#'   attached to `x`. By default all markers are included.
#' @param rho A number between 0 and 0.5 (inclusive); the hypothesised
#'   recombination ratio between the marker and the disease locus.
#' @param maxOnly a logical indicating whether only the maximum LOD score should
#'   be returned. By default this is always done if the number of markers is 1.
#' @param loopBreakers A vector of ID labels indicating loop breakers. (Only
#'   relevant for inbred pedigrees.)
#' @param peelOrder For internal use.
#' @param verbose a logical: verbose output or not.
#' @return If the number of markers is 1, or if `maxOnly = TRUE`, a single
#'   number is returned.
#'   Otherwise a `linkres` object, which is basically a data frame with columns
#'   `CHROM`, `MARKER`, `MB` and `LOD`.
#' @author Magnus Dehli Vigeland
#' @seealso [linkres], [merlinLod()], [diseaseModel()], [lodPeaks()]
#' @examples
#' x = nuclearPed(2) |>
#'   addMarker(geno = c("1/2", "1/1", "1/2", "1/2"))
#' aff = c(2,1,2,2)
#' model = diseaseModel(model = "AD")
#' lod(x, aff, model)
#' @importFrom pedprobr likelihood
#' @export
lod = function(x, aff, model, rho = 0, liability = NULL, markers = NULL, maxOnly = NA,
               loopBreakers = NULL, peelOrder = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {

  if(model$chrom == "X")
    stop2("X-linked disease models are not implemented at the moment.")

  if (is.singleton(x))
    stop2("This function is not applicable to singleton objects.")

    stop2("Likelihood of linked markers is not implemented in pedigrees with founder inbreeding.\n",
          "(Note that this is usually not well-defined)")

    stop2("Likelihood of pedigrees with selfing is not implemented.\n",
          "Contact the maintainer if this is important to you.")

    stop2("The pedigree does not have any attached markers")

  if(!isNumber(rho, minimum = 0, maximum = 0.5))
    stop2("`rho` must be a single number in the interval [0, 0.5]")

    x = selectMarkers(x, markers)
    markers = seq_len(nMarkers(x))

    maxOnly = nMarkers(x) == 1

  if(hasUnbrokenLoops(x)) {
    x = breakLoops(x, loopBreakers = loopBreakers, verbose = verbose)
    markers = x$MARKERS

  # Convert aff into vector of 0-1-2 status
  aff = fixAff(x, aff, verbose = verbose)

  # Liability classes
  liability = liability %||% rep(1, pedsize(x))

  peel_MD = function(dat, nuc) .peel_MM_AUT(dat, nuc, rho = rho)
  peel0 = function(dat, nuc) .peel_MM_AUT(dat, nuc, rho = 0.5)
  peelOrder = peelingOrder(x)

  peelProcess = pedprobr:::peelingProcess

  lods = vapply(x$MARKERS, function(m) {
      startDat = startdata_MD_AUT(x, m, aff, model = model, liability = liability)

      # Numerator
      numer = peelProcess(x, m, startdata = startDat, peeler = peel_MD, peelOrder = peelOrder)

      # Denominator: Unlinked
      denom = peelProcess(x, m, startdata = startDat, peeler = peel0, peelOrder = peelOrder)

      log10(numer) - log10(denom)
    FUN.VALUE = 0)

  # Quick return if `maxOnly`
    return(if(all(is.na(lods))) NA else max(lods, na.rm = TRUE))

  # Otherwise, bind with map
  map = getMap(x, na.action = 0, verbose = verbose)
    map$MARKER = seq_len(nrow(map))

  res = structure(cbind(map, LOD = lods),
                  analysis = "Singlepoint",
                  rho = rho,
                  class = c("linkres", "data.frame"))

  if (verbose)


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paramlink2 documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:48 p.m.