
Defines functions `%||%` format_iso_8601 parse_git parse_rbase iso_week parse_iso_parts parse_iso_8601 todo replace_unparseable parse_date yj ymd with_tz wday weeks days hours minutes seconds milliseconds

Documented in format_iso_8601 parse_date parse_iso_8601

## --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Parse date from any format, including ISO 8601
#' Three useful functions to parse and format dates.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link{parse_iso_8601}} recognizes and parses all valid ISO
#'     8601 date and time formats. It can also be used as an ISO 8601
#'     validator.
#'   \item \code{\link{parse_date}} can parse a date when you don't know
#'     which format it is in. First it tries all ISO 8601 formats.
#'     Then it tries git's versatile date parser. Lastly, it tries
#'     \code{as.POSIXct}.
#'   \item \code{\link{format_iso_8601}} formats a date (and time) in
#'     a specific ISO 8601 format.
#' }
#' @docType package
#' @name parsedate-package
#' @useDynLib parsedate, .registration = TRUE, .fixes = "C_"


## Some simple utility functions. We used to take them from lubridate,
## but that brings in plyr, Rcpp, etc. Better to keep dependencies light.
## These are of course not general replacements for lubridate functions,
## but they suffice for our purposes.

milliseconds <- function(x) as.difftime(as.numeric(x) / 1000, units = "secs")
seconds <- function(x) as.difftime(as.numeric(x), units = "secs")
minutes <- function(x) as.difftime(as.numeric(x), units = "mins")
hours <- function(x) as.difftime(as.numeric(x), units = "hours")
days <- function(x) as.difftime(as.numeric(x), units = "days")
weeks <- function(x) as.difftime(as.numeric(x), units = "weeks")
wday <- function(x) as.POSIXlt(x, tz = "UTC")$wday + 1
with_tz <- function(x, tzone = "") as.POSIXct(as.POSIXlt(x, tz = tzone))
ymd <- function(x) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y %m %d", tz = "UTC")
yj <- function(x) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y %j", tz = "UTC")

## --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Parse date from any format
#' Recognize and parse dates from a wide range of formats. The current
#' algorithm is the following:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item Try parsing dates using all valid ISO 8601 formats, by
#'     calling \code{\link{parse_iso_8601}}.
#'   \item If this fails, then try parsing them using the git
#'     date parser.
#'   \item If this fails, then try parsing them using \code{as.POSIXct}.
#'     (It is unlikely that this step will parse any dates that the
#'     first two steps couldn't, but it is still a logical fallback,
#'     to make sure that we can parse at least as many dates as
#'     \code{as.POSIXct}.
#' }
#' \code{parse_date} returns quickly in case of empty input elements.
#' All dates are returned in the UTC time zone. If you preder a different
#' time zone, simply use `.POSIXct()` on the result, see examples below.
#' @param dates A character vector. An error is reported if
#'   the function cannot coerce this parameter to a character vector.
#' @param approx Logical flag, whether the git parse should try
#'   hard(er). If this is set to \code{TRUE}, then the current time is used
#'   to fill in the missing parts of the date and time.
#' @param default_tz Time zone to assume for dates that don't specify a
#'   time zone explicitly. Defaults to UTC, and an empty string means the
#'   local time zone.
#' @return A \code{POSIXct} vector. \code{NA} is returned for
#'   the dates that \code{parse_date} could not parse.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Some easy examples
#' parse_date("2014-12-12")
#' parse_date("04/15/99")
#' parse_date("15/04/99")
#' # Ambiguous format, parsed assuming MM/DD/YY
#' parse_date("12/11/99")
#' parse_date("11/12/99")
#' # Fill in the current date and time
#' parse_date("03/20")
#' parse_date("12")
#' # But not for this, because this is ISO 8601
#' parse_date("2014")
#' # Handle vectors and empty input
#' parse_date(c("2014","2015","","2016"))
#' # Convert result to local time
#' tz <- format(Sys.time(), "%Z")
#' as.POSIXct(parse_date("2014-12-13T11:12:13"), tz)
#' # Local time zone
#' parse_date("2014-12-13T11:12:13", default_tz = "CET")
#' parse_date("2014-12-13T11:12:13", default_tz = "UTC")
#' # Convert results to different timezone
#' parse_date("2015-12-13T11:12:13")
#' .POSIXct(parse_date("2015-12-13T11:12:13"), tz = "CET")

parse_date <- function(dates, approx = TRUE, default_tz = "UTC") {
  if (default_tz == "") default_tz <- Sys.timezone()

  result <- rep(
    .POSIXct(NA_real_, tz = "UTC"),
    length.out = length(dates))

  if (!length(dates)) return(result)

  dates <- trimws(dates)
  dates <- vapply(dates, replace_unparseable, "", USE.NAMES = FALSE)

  ## Try ISO 8601 first
  result[] <- parse_iso_8601(dates, default_tz)

  ## Try git parser next
  miss <- is.na(result)
  result[miss] <- parse_git(dates[miss], approx = approx, default_tz)

  ## Try base R last
  miss <- is.na(result)
  result[miss] <- parse_rbase(dates[miss], default_tz)


replace_unparseable <- function(date) {
  gsub(pattern = "[^ A-Za-z0-9:./+-]", replacement = "", date)

todo <- function(dates, results) {
  dates != "" & is.na(results)

## --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Parse date from an ISO 8601 format
#' See \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601} and links therein
#' for the complete standard.
#' @param dates A character vector. An error is reported if
#'   the function cannot coerce this parameter to a character vector.
#' @param default_tz Time zone to assume for dates that don't specify a
#'   time zone explicitly. Defaults to UTC, and an empty string means the
#'   local time zone.
#' @return A \code{POSIXct} vector. \code{NA} is returned for
#'   the dates that \code{parse_date} could not parse.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Missing fields
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08 09")
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08 09:30")
#' # Separator between date and time can be a 'T'
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08T09")
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08T09:30")
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08T09:30:26")
#' # Fractional seconds, minutes, hours
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08T09:30:26.123")
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08T09:30.5")
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08T09,25")
#' # Zulu time zone is UTC
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08T09:30:26Z")
#' # ISO weeks, not very intuitive
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-W06-5")
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-W01-1")
#' parse_iso_8601("2009-W01-1")
#' parse_iso_8601("2009-W53-7")
#' # Day of the year
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-039")
#' parse_iso_8601("2013-039 09:30:26Z")

parse_iso_8601 <- function(dates, default_tz = "UTC") {
  if (default_tz == "") default_tz <- Sys.timezone()
  dates <- as.character(dates)
  match <- re_match(dates, iso_regex)
  matching <- !is.na(match$.match)
  result <- rep(.POSIXct(NA_real_, tz = ""), length.out = length(dates))
  result[matching] <- parse_iso_parts(match[matching, ], default_tz)
  class(result) <- c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")
  with_tz(result, "UTC")

parse_iso_parts <- function(mm, default_tz) {

  num <- nrow(mm)

  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Date first

  date <- .POSIXct(rep(NA_real_, num), tz = "")

  ## Years-days
  fyd <- is.na(date) & mm$yearday != ""
  date[fyd] <- yj(paste(mm$year[fyd], mm$yearday[fyd]))

  ## Years-weeks-days
  fywd <- is.na(date) & mm$week != "" & mm$weekday != ""
  date[fywd] <- iso_week(mm$year[fywd], mm$week[fywd], mm$weekday[fywd])

  ## Years-weeks
  fyw <- is.na(date) & mm$week != ""
  date[fyw] <- iso_week(mm$year[fyw], mm$week[fyw], "1")

  ## Years-months-days
  fymd <- is.na(date) & mm$month != "" & mm$day != ""
  date[fymd] <- ymd(paste(mm$year[fymd], mm$month[fymd], mm$day[fymd]))

  ## Years-months
  fym <- is.na(date) & mm$month != ""
  date[fym] <- ymd(paste(mm$year[fym], mm$month[fym], "01"))

  ## Years
  fy <- is.na(date)
  date[fy] <- ymd(paste(mm$year, "01", "01"))

  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Now the time

  th <- mm$hour != ""
  date[th] <- date[th] + hours(mm$hour[th])

  tm <- mm$min != ""
  date[tm] <- date[tm] + minutes(mm$min[tm])

  ts <- mm$sec != ""
  date[ts] <- date[ts] + seconds(mm$sec[ts])

  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Fractional time

  frac <- as.numeric(sub(",", ".", mm$frac))

  tfs <- !is.na(frac) & mm$sec != ""
  date[tfs] <- date[tfs] + milliseconds(round(frac[tfs] * 1000))

  tfm <- !is.na(frac) & mm$sec == "" & mm$min != ""
  sec <- trunc(frac[tfm] * 60)
  mil <- round((frac[tfm] * 60 - sec) * 1000)
  date[tfm] <- date[tfm] + seconds(sec) + milliseconds(mil)

  tfh <- !is.na(frac) & mm$sec == "" & mm$min == ""
  min <- trunc(frac[tfh] * 60)
  sec <- trunc((frac[tfh] * 60 - min) * 60)
  mil <- round((((frac[tfh] * 60) - min) * 60 - sec) * 1000)
  date[tfh] <- date[tfh] + minutes(min) + seconds(sec) + milliseconds(mil)

  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Time zone

  ftzpm <- mm$tzpm != ""
  m <- ifelse(mm$tzpm[ftzpm] == "+", -1, 1)
  ftzpmh <- ftzpm & mm$tzhour != ""
  date[ftzpmh] <- date[ftzpmh] + m * hours(mm$tzhour[ftzpmh])
  ftzpmm <- ftzpm & mm$tzmin != ""
  date[ftzpmm] <- date[ftzpmm] + m * minutes(mm$tzmin[ftzpmm])

  ftzz <- mm$tz == "Z"
  date[ftzz] <- as.POSIXct(date[ftzz], "UTC")

  ftz <- mm$tz != "Z" & mm$tz != ""
  date[ftz] <- as.POSIXct(date[ftz], mm$tz[ftz])

  if (default_tz != "UTC") {
    ftna <- mm$tzpm == "" & mm$tz == ""
    if (any(ftna)) {
      dd <- as.POSIXct(format_iso_8601(date[ftna]),
                       "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00", tz = default_tz)
      date[ftna] <- dd

  as.POSIXct(date, "UTC")

iso_regex <- paste0(

iso_week <- function(year, week, weekday) {

  wdmon <- function(date) { (wday(date) + 5L) %% 7L }
  thu <- function(date) { date - days(wdmon(date) - 3L) }

  thu(ymd(paste(year, "01", "04"))) + weeks(as.numeric(week) - 1L) +
    days(as.numeric(weekday) - 4L)

parse_rbase <- function(dates, default_tz = "UTC") {
  result <- lapply(dates, function(x) {
    try(as.POSIXct(x, tz = default_tz), silent = TRUE)
  bad <- vapply(result, inherits, "try-error", FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
  result[bad] <- NA
  .POSIXct(unlist(result) %||% numeric(), "UTC")

parse_git <- function(dates, approx, default_tz = "UTC") {
  ret <- .POSIXct(.Call(C_R_parse_date, dates, approx) %||% numeric(), "UTC")
  if (default_tz != "UTC") {
    ret <- as.POSIXct(format_iso_8601(ret), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00",
                      tz = default_tz)
  .POSIXct(ret, "UTC")

## --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Format date and time according to ISO 8601
#' Format a date in a fixed format that is ISO 8601 valid, and
#' can be used to compare dates as character strings. It converts
#' the date(s) to UTC.
#' @param date The date(s) to format.
#' @return Character vector of formatted dates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' format_iso_8601(parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08"))
#' format_iso_8601(parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08 09:34:00"))
#' format_iso_8601(parse_iso_8601("2013-02-08 09:34:00+01:00"))
#' format_iso_8601(parse_iso_8601("2013-W06-5"))
#' format_iso_8601(parse_iso_8601("2013-039"))

format_iso_8601 <- function(date) {
  format(as.POSIXlt(date, tz = "UTC"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00")

`%||%` <- function(l, r) if (is.null(l)) r else l

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parsedate documentation built on Oct. 29, 2022, 1:16 a.m.