
test_that("The grid can be controlled", {
  expect_doppelganger('Setting ncol', {
    p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + plot_layout(ncol = 3)

  expect_doppelganger('Setting nrow', {
    p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + plot_layout(nrow = 3)

  expect_doppelganger('Setting widths', {
    p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + plot_layout(widths = c(1, 2))

  expect_doppelganger('Setting heights', {
    p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + plot_layout(heights = c(1, 2))

  expect_doppelganger('Setting widths as units', {
    p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + plot_layout(widths = grid::unit(3, "cm"))

  expect_doppelganger('Setting heights as units', {
    p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + plot_layout(heights = grid::unit(3, "cm"))

test_that("Fixed aspect plots behave", {
  p_f <- ggplot(mtcars) +
    geom_point(aes(hp, disp)) +
    coord_fixed() +
    ggtitle('Fixed Aspect')

  expect_doppelganger('FAR optimise space by default 1', {
    p1 + p_f + p3 + p4
  expect_doppelganger('FAR optimise space by default 2', {
    p1 + p_f + p_f + p4
  expect_doppelganger('FAR optimise space by default 3', {
    p_f + p_f + p3 + p4
  expect_doppelganger('FAR space optimisation can be turned off', {
    p1 + p2 + p_f + p4 + plot_layout(widths = 1)
  expect_doppelganger('FAR dimensions can be set with units:...', {
    p1 + p2 + p_f + plot_layout(widths = unit(c(1, 3, -1), c('null', 'cm', 'null')))

  p_l1 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(cyl, qsec, color=as.factor(vs))) +
  p_l2 <- p_l1 + labs(color="a very looooooong legend title")
  expect_doppelganger('FAR legend justification', {
    p_l1 + p_l2 + plot_layout(ncol=1) & theme(legend.justification = "left", aspect.ratio=1)

test_that("Insets looks as they should", {
  expect_doppelganger('Basic inset works', {
    p1 + inset_element(p2, 0.6, 0.6, 1, 1)
  expect_doppelganger('Other alignments work', {
    p1 + inset_element(p2, 0, 0.6, 0.4, 1, align_to = 'full')
  expect_doppelganger('Patchworks can be inset', {
    p1 + inset_element(p2 / p3, 0, 0.6, 0.4, 1)
  expect_doppelganger('Grobs can be inset', {
    p1 + inset_element(grid::circleGrob(), 0, 0.6, 0.4, 1)
  expect_doppelganger('insets can be changed', {
    p1 + inset_element(p2, 0, 0.6, 0.4, 1) + theme_void()

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patchwork documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.