Man pages for
Data Package for 'pathfindR'

biocarta_descriptionsBioCarta Pathways - Descriptions
biocarta_genesBioCarta Pathways - Gene Sets
cell_markers_descriptionsHuman Cell Markers - Descriptions
cell_markers_gsetsHuman Cell Markers - Gene Sets
example_active_snwsExample Active Subnetworks
example_comparison_outputSecond Example Output for the pathfindR Enrichment Workflow...
example_custom_genesets_resultCustom Gene Set Enrichment Results
example_experiment_matrixExample Experiment Matrix for pathfindR - Enriched Term...
example_mmu_inputExample Input for Mus musculus - Myeloma Analysis
example_mmu_outputExample Output for Mus musculus - Myeloma Analysis
example_pathfindR_inputExample Input for the pathfindR Enrichment Workflow -...
example_pathfindR_outputExample Output for the pathfindR Enrichment Workflow -...
example_pathfindR_output_clusteredExample Output for the pathfindR Clustering Workflow -...
go_all_genesGene Ontology - All Gene Ontology Gene Sets
kegg_descriptionsKEGG Pathways - Descriptions
kegg_genesKEGG Pathways - Gene Sets
mmu_kegg_descriptionsMus Musculus KEGG Pathways - Descriptions
mmu_kegg_genesMus Musculus KEGG Pathways - Gene Sets
pathfindR.data_updatesTable of Data for pathfindR
reactome_descriptionsReactome Pathways - Descriptions
reactome_genesReactome Pathways - Gene Sets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:09 a.m.