comprehend_batch_detect_sentiment: Inspects a batch of documents and returns an inference of the...

View source: R/comprehend_operations.R

comprehend_batch_detect_sentimentR Documentation

Inspects a batch of documents and returns an inference of the prevailing sentiment, POSITIVE, NEUTRAL, MIXED, or NEGATIVE, in each one


Inspects a batch of documents and returns an inference of the prevailing sentiment, POSITIVE, NEUTRAL, MIXED, or NEGATIVE, in each one.

See for full documentation.


comprehend_batch_detect_sentiment(TextList, LanguageCode)



[required] A list containing the UTF-8 encoded text of the input documents. The list can contain a maximum of 25 documents. The maximum size of each document is 5 KB.


[required] The language of the input documents. You can specify any of the primary languages supported by Amazon Comprehend. All documents must be in the same language.

paws.machine.learning documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:43 a.m.