Man pages for paws.machine.learning
'Amazon Web Services' Machine Learning Services

augmentedairuntimeAmazon Augmented AI Runtime
augmentedairuntime_delete_human_loopDeletes the specified human loop for a flow definition
augmentedairuntime_describe_human_loopReturns information about the specified human loop
augmentedairuntime_list_human_loopsReturns information about human loops, given the specified...
augmentedairuntime_start_human_loopStarts a human loop, provided that at least one activation...
augmentedairuntime_stop_human_loopStops the specified human loop
bedrockAmazon Bedrock
bedrock_create_evaluation_jobAPI operation for creating and managing Amazon Bedrock...
bedrock_create_guardrailCreates a guardrail to block topics and to filter out harmful...
bedrock_create_guardrail_versionCreates a version of the guardrail
bedrock_create_model_customization_jobCreates a fine-tuning job to customize a base model
bedrock_create_provisioned_model_throughputCreates dedicated throughput for a base or custom model with...
bedrock_delete_custom_modelDeletes a custom model that you created earlier
bedrock_delete_guardrailDeletes a guardrail
bedrock_delete_model_invocation_logging_configurationDelete the invocation logging
bedrock_delete_provisioned_model_throughputDeletes a Provisioned Throughput
bedrock_get_custom_modelGet the properties associated with a Amazon Bedrock custom...
bedrock_get_evaluation_jobRetrieves the properties associated with a model evaluation...
bedrock_get_foundation_modelGet details about a Amazon Bedrock foundation model
bedrock_get_guardrailGets details about a guardrail
bedrock_get_model_customization_jobRetrieves the properties associated with a...
bedrock_get_model_invocation_logging_configurationGet the current configuration values for model invocation...
bedrock_get_provisioned_model_throughputReturns details for a Provisioned Throughput
bedrock_list_custom_modelsReturns a list of the custom models that you have created...
bedrock_list_evaluation_jobsLists model evaluation jobs
bedrock_list_foundation_modelsLists Amazon Bedrock foundation models that you can use
bedrock_list_guardrailsLists details about all the guardrails in an account
bedrock_list_model_customization_jobsReturns a list of model customization jobs that you have...
bedrock_list_provisioned_model_throughputsLists the Provisioned Throughputs in the account
bedrock_list_tags_for_resourceList the tags associated with the specified resource
bedrock_put_model_invocation_logging_configurationSet the configuration values for model invocation logging
bedrockruntimeAmazon Bedrock Runtime
bedrockruntime_invoke_modelInvokes the specified Amazon Bedrock model to run inference...
bedrockruntime_invoke_model_with_response_streamInvoke the specified Amazon Bedrock model to run inference...
bedrock_stop_evaluation_jobStops an in progress model evaluation job
bedrock_stop_model_customization_jobStops an active model customization job
bedrock_tag_resourceAssociate tags with a resource
bedrock_untag_resourceRemove one or more tags from a resource
bedrock_update_guardrailUpdates a guardrail with the values you specify
bedrock_update_provisioned_model_throughputUpdates the name or associated model for a Provisioned...
comprehendAmazon Comprehend
comprehend_batch_detect_dominant_languageDetermines the dominant language of the input text for a...
comprehend_batch_detect_entitiesInspects the text of a batch of documents for named entities...
comprehend_batch_detect_key_phrasesDetects the key noun phrases found in a batch of documents
comprehend_batch_detect_sentimentInspects a batch of documents and returns an inference of the...
comprehend_batch_detect_syntaxInspects the text of a batch of documents for the syntax and...
comprehend_batch_detect_targeted_sentimentInspects a batch of documents and returns a sentiment...
comprehend_classify_documentCreates a classification request to analyze a single document...
comprehend_contains_pii_entitiesAnalyzes input text for the presence of personally...
comprehend_create_datasetCreates a dataset to upload training or test data for a model...
comprehend_create_document_classifierCreates a new document classifier that you can use to...
comprehend_create_endpointCreates a model-specific endpoint for synchronous inference...
comprehend_create_entity_recognizerCreates an entity recognizer using submitted files
comprehend_create_flywheelA flywheel is an Amazon Web Services resource that...
comprehend_delete_document_classifierDeletes a previously created document classifier
comprehend_delete_endpointDeletes a model-specific endpoint for a previously-trained...
comprehend_delete_entity_recognizerDeletes an entity recognizer
comprehend_delete_flywheelDeletes a flywheel
comprehend_delete_resource_policyDeletes a resource-based policy that is attached to a custom...
comprehend_describe_datasetReturns information about the dataset that you specify
comprehend_describe_document_classification_jobGets the properties associated with a document classification...
comprehend_describe_document_classifierGets the properties associated with a document classifier
comprehend_describe_dominant_language_detection_jobGets the properties associated with a dominant language...
comprehend_describe_endpointGets the properties associated with a specific endpoint
comprehend_describe_entities_detection_jobGets the properties associated with an entities detection job
comprehend_describe_entity_recognizerProvides details about an entity recognizer including status,...
comprehend_describe_events_detection_jobGets the status and details of an events detection job
comprehend_describe_flywheelProvides configuration information about the flywheel
comprehend_describe_flywheel_iterationRetrieve the configuration properties of a flywheel iteration
comprehend_describe_key_phrases_detection_jobGets the properties associated with a key phrases detection...
comprehend_describe_pii_entities_detection_jobGets the properties associated with a PII entities detection...
comprehend_describe_resource_policyGets the details of a resource-based policy that is attached...
comprehend_describe_sentiment_detection_jobGets the properties associated with a sentiment detection job
comprehend_describe_targeted_sentiment_detection_jobGets the properties associated with a targeted sentiment...
comprehend_describe_topics_detection_jobGets the properties associated with a topic detection job
comprehend_detect_dominant_languageDetermines the dominant language of the input text
comprehend_detect_entitiesDetects named entities in input text when you use the...
comprehend_detect_key_phrasesDetects the key noun phrases found in the text
comprehend_detect_pii_entitiesInspects the input text for entities that contain personally...
comprehend_detect_sentimentInspects text and returns an inference of the prevailing...
comprehend_detect_syntaxInspects text for syntax and the part of speech of words in...
comprehend_detect_targeted_sentimentInspects the input text and returns a sentiment analysis for...
comprehend_detect_toxic_contentPerforms toxicity analysis on the list of text strings that...
comprehend_import_modelCreates a new custom model that replicates a source custom...
comprehend_list_datasetsList the datasets that you have configured in this Region
comprehend_list_document_classification_jobsGets a list of the documentation classification jobs that you...
comprehend_list_document_classifiersGets a list of the document classifiers that you have created
comprehend_list_document_classifier_summariesGets a list of summaries of the document classifiers that you...
comprehend_list_dominant_language_detection_jobsGets a list of the dominant language detection jobs that you...
comprehend_list_endpointsGets a list of all existing endpoints that you've created
comprehend_list_entities_detection_jobsGets a list of the entity detection jobs that you have...
comprehend_list_entity_recognizersGets a list of the properties of all entity recognizers that...
comprehend_list_entity_recognizer_summariesGets a list of summaries for the entity recognizers that you...
comprehend_list_events_detection_jobsGets a list of the events detection jobs that you have...
comprehend_list_flywheel_iteration_historyInformation about the history of a flywheel iteration
comprehend_list_flywheelsGets a list of the flywheels that you have created
comprehend_list_key_phrases_detection_jobsGet a list of key phrase detection jobs that you have...
comprehend_list_pii_entities_detection_jobsGets a list of the PII entity detection jobs that you have...
comprehend_list_sentiment_detection_jobsGets a list of sentiment detection jobs that you have...
comprehend_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags associated with a given Amazon Comprehend...
comprehend_list_targeted_sentiment_detection_jobsGets a list of targeted sentiment detection jobs that you...
comprehend_list_topics_detection_jobsGets a list of the topic detection jobs that you have...
comprehendmedicalAWS Comprehend Medical
comprehendmedical_describe_entities_detection_v2_jobGets the properties associated with a medical entities...
comprehendmedical_describe_icd10cm_inference_jobGets the properties associated with an InferICD10CM job
comprehendmedical_describe_phi_detection_jobGets the properties associated with a protected health...
comprehendmedical_describe_rx_norm_inference_jobGets the properties associated with an InferRxNorm job
comprehendmedical_describe_snomedct_inference_jobGets the properties associated with an InferSNOMEDCT job
comprehendmedical_detect_entitiesThe DetectEntities operation is deprecated
comprehendmedical_detect_entities_v2Inspects the clinical text for a variety of medical entities...
comprehendmedical_detect_phiInspects the clinical text for protected health information...
comprehendmedical_infer_icd10cmInferICD10CM detects medical conditions as entities listed in...
comprehendmedical_infer_rx_normInferRxNorm detects medications as entities listed in a...
comprehendmedical_infer_snomedctInferSNOMEDCT detects possible medical concepts as entities...
comprehendmedical_list_entities_detection_v2_jobsGets a list of medical entity detection jobs that you have...
comprehendmedical_list_icd10cm_inference_jobsGets a list of InferICD10CM jobs that you have submitted
comprehendmedical_list_phi_detection_jobsGets a list of protected health information (PHI) detection...
comprehendmedical_list_rx_norm_inference_jobsGets a list of InferRxNorm jobs that you have submitted
comprehendmedical_list_snomedct_inference_jobsGets a list of InferSNOMEDCT jobs a user has submitted
comprehendmedical_start_entities_detection_v2_jobStarts an asynchronous medical entity detection job for a...
comprehendmedical_start_icd10cm_inference_jobStarts an asynchronous job to detect medical conditions and...
comprehendmedical_start_phi_detection_jobStarts an asynchronous job to detect protected health...
comprehendmedical_start_rx_norm_inference_jobStarts an asynchronous job to detect medication entities and...
comprehendmedical_start_snomedct_inference_jobStarts an asynchronous job to detect medical concepts and...
comprehendmedical_stop_entities_detection_v2_jobStops a medical entities detection job in progress
comprehendmedical_stop_icd10cm_inference_jobStops an InferICD10CM inference job in progress
comprehendmedical_stop_phi_detection_jobStops a protected health information (PHI) detection job in...
comprehendmedical_stop_rx_norm_inference_jobStops an InferRxNorm inference job in progress
comprehendmedical_stop_snomedct_inference_jobStops an InferSNOMEDCT inference job in progress
comprehend_put_resource_policyAttaches a resource-based policy to a custom model
comprehend_start_document_classification_jobStarts an asynchronous document classification job using a...
comprehend_start_dominant_language_detection_jobStarts an asynchronous dominant language detection job for a...
comprehend_start_entities_detection_jobStarts an asynchronous entity detection job for a collection...
comprehend_start_events_detection_jobStarts an asynchronous event detection job for a collection...
comprehend_start_flywheel_iterationStart the flywheel iteration
comprehend_start_key_phrases_detection_jobStarts an asynchronous key phrase detection job for a...
comprehend_start_pii_entities_detection_jobStarts an asynchronous PII entity detection job for a...
comprehend_start_sentiment_detection_jobStarts an asynchronous sentiment detection job for a...
comprehend_start_targeted_sentiment_detection_jobStarts an asynchronous targeted sentiment detection job for a...
comprehend_start_topics_detection_jobStarts an asynchronous topic detection job
comprehend_stop_dominant_language_detection_jobStops a dominant language detection job in progress
comprehend_stop_entities_detection_jobStops an entities detection job in progress
comprehend_stop_events_detection_jobStops an events detection job in progress
comprehend_stop_key_phrases_detection_jobStops a key phrases detection job in progress
comprehend_stop_pii_entities_detection_jobStops a PII entities detection job in progress
comprehend_stop_sentiment_detection_jobStops a sentiment detection job in progress
comprehend_stop_targeted_sentiment_detection_jobStops a targeted sentiment detection job in progress
comprehend_stop_training_document_classifierStops a document classifier training job while in progress
comprehend_stop_training_entity_recognizerStops an entity recognizer training job while in progress
comprehend_tag_resourceAssociates a specific tag with an Amazon Comprehend resource
comprehend_untag_resourceRemoves a specific tag associated with an Amazon Comprehend...
comprehend_update_endpointUpdates information about the specified endpoint
comprehend_update_flywheelUpdate the configuration information for an existing flywheel
elasticinferenceAmazon Elastic Inference
elasticinference_describe_accelerator_offeringsDescribes the locations in which a given accelerator type or...
elasticinference_describe_acceleratorsDescribes information over a provided set of accelerators...
elasticinference_describe_accelerator_typesDescribes the accelerator types available in a given region,...
elasticinference_list_tags_for_resourceReturns all tags of an Elastic Inference Accelerator
elasticinference_tag_resourceAdds the specified tags to an Elastic Inference Accelerator
elasticinference_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tags from an Elastic Inference...
forecastqueryserviceAmazon Forecast Query Service
forecastqueryservice_query_forecastRetrieves a forecast for a single item, filtered by the...
forecastqueryservice_query_what_if_forecastRetrieves a what-if forecast
forecastserviceAmazon Forecast Service
forecastservice_create_auto_predictorCreates an Amazon Forecast predictor
forecastservice_create_datasetCreates an Amazon Forecast dataset
forecastservice_create_dataset_groupCreates a dataset group, which holds a collection of related...
forecastservice_create_dataset_import_jobImports your training data to an Amazon Forecast dataset
forecastservice_create_explainabilityExplainability is only available for Forecasts and Predictors...
forecastservice_create_explainability_exportExports an Explainability resource created by the...
forecastservice_create_forecastCreates a forecast for each item in the TARGET_TIME_SERIES...
forecastservice_create_forecast_export_jobExports a forecast created by the CreateForecast operation to...
forecastservice_create_monitorCreates a predictor monitor resource for an existing auto...
forecastservice_create_predictorThis operation creates a legacy predictor that does not...
forecastservice_create_predictor_backtest_export_jobExports backtest forecasts and accuracy metrics generated by...
forecastservice_create_what_if_analysisWhat-if analysis is a scenario modeling technique where you...
forecastservice_create_what_if_forecastA what-if forecast is a forecast that is created from a...
forecastservice_create_what_if_forecast_exportExports a forecast created by the CreateWhatIfForecast...
forecastservice_delete_datasetDeletes an Amazon Forecast dataset that was created using the...
forecastservice_delete_dataset_groupDeletes a dataset group created using the CreateDatasetGroup...
forecastservice_delete_dataset_import_jobDeletes a dataset import job created using the...
forecastservice_delete_explainabilityDeletes an Explainability resource
forecastservice_delete_explainability_exportDeletes an Explainability export
forecastservice_delete_forecastDeletes a forecast created using the CreateForecast operation
forecastservice_delete_forecast_export_jobDeletes a forecast export job created using the...
forecastservice_delete_monitorDeletes a monitor resource
forecastservice_delete_predictorDeletes a predictor created using the DescribePredictor or...
forecastservice_delete_predictor_backtest_export_jobDeletes a predictor backtest export job
forecastservice_delete_resource_treeDeletes an entire resource tree
forecastservice_delete_what_if_analysisDeletes a what-if analysis created using the...
forecastservice_delete_what_if_forecastDeletes a what-if forecast created using the...
forecastservice_delete_what_if_forecast_exportDeletes a what-if forecast export created using the...
forecastservice_describe_auto_predictorDescribes a predictor created using the CreateAutoPredictor...
forecastservice_describe_datasetDescribes an Amazon Forecast dataset created using the...
forecastservice_describe_dataset_groupDescribes a dataset group created using the...
forecastservice_describe_dataset_import_jobDescribes a dataset import job created using the...
forecastservice_describe_explainabilityDescribes an Explainability resource created using the...
forecastservice_describe_explainability_exportDescribes an Explainability export created using the...
forecastservice_describe_forecastDescribes a forecast created using the CreateForecast...
forecastservice_describe_forecast_export_jobDescribes a forecast export job created using the...
forecastservice_describe_monitorDescribes a monitor resource
forecastservice_describe_predictorThis operation is only valid for legacy predictors created...
forecastservice_describe_predictor_backtest_export_jobDescribes a predictor backtest export job created using the...
forecastservice_describe_what_if_analysisDescribes the what-if analysis created using the...
forecastservice_describe_what_if_forecastDescribes the what-if forecast created using the...
forecastservice_describe_what_if_forecast_exportDescribes the what-if forecast export created using the...
forecastservice_get_accuracy_metricsProvides metrics on the accuracy of the models that were...
forecastservice_list_dataset_groupsReturns a list of dataset groups created using the...
forecastservice_list_dataset_import_jobsReturns a list of dataset import jobs created using the...
forecastservice_list_datasetsReturns a list of datasets created using the CreateDataset...
forecastservice_list_explainabilitiesReturns a list of Explainability resources created using the...
forecastservice_list_explainability_exportsReturns a list of Explainability exports created using the...
forecastservice_list_forecast_export_jobsReturns a list of forecast export jobs created using the...
forecastservice_list_forecastsReturns a list of forecasts created using the CreateForecast...
forecastservice_list_monitor_evaluationsReturns a list of the monitoring evaluation results and...
forecastservice_list_monitorsReturns a list of monitors created with the CreateMonitor...
forecastservice_list_predictor_backtest_export_jobsReturns a list of predictor backtest export jobs created...
forecastservice_list_predictorsReturns a list of predictors created using the...
forecastservice_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags for an Amazon Forecast resource
forecastservice_list_what_if_analysesReturns a list of what-if analyses created using the...
forecastservice_list_what_if_forecast_exportsReturns a list of what-if forecast exports created using the...
forecastservice_list_what_if_forecastsReturns a list of what-if forecasts created using the...
forecastservice_resume_resourceResumes a stopped monitor resource
forecastservice_stop_resourceStops a resource
forecastservice_tag_resourceAssociates the specified tags to a resource with the...
forecastservice_untag_resourceDeletes the specified tags from a resource
forecastservice_update_dataset_groupReplaces the datasets in a dataset group with the specified...
frauddetectorAmazon Fraud Detector
frauddetector_batch_create_variableCreates a batch of variables
frauddetector_batch_get_variableGets a batch of variables
frauddetector_cancel_batch_import_jobCancels an in-progress batch import job
frauddetector_cancel_batch_prediction_jobCancels the specified batch prediction job
frauddetector_create_batch_import_jobCreates a batch import job
frauddetector_create_batch_prediction_jobCreates a batch prediction job
frauddetector_create_detector_versionCreates a detector version
frauddetector_create_listCreates a list
frauddetector_create_modelCreates a model using the specified model type
frauddetector_create_model_versionCreates a version of the model using the specified model type...
frauddetector_create_ruleCreates a rule for use with the specified detector
frauddetector_create_variableCreates a variable
frauddetector_delete_batch_import_jobDeletes the specified batch import job ID record
frauddetector_delete_batch_prediction_jobDeletes a batch prediction job
frauddetector_delete_detectorDeletes the detector
frauddetector_delete_detector_versionDeletes the detector version
frauddetector_delete_entity_typeDeletes an entity type
frauddetector_delete_eventDeletes the specified event
frauddetector_delete_events_by_event_typeDeletes all events of a particular event type
frauddetector_delete_event_typeDeletes an event type
frauddetector_delete_external_modelRemoves a SageMaker model from Amazon Fraud Detector
frauddetector_delete_labelDeletes a label
frauddetector_delete_listDeletes the list, provided it is not used in a rule
frauddetector_delete_modelDeletes a model
frauddetector_delete_model_versionDeletes a model version
frauddetector_delete_outcomeDeletes an outcome
frauddetector_delete_ruleDeletes the rule
frauddetector_delete_variableDeletes a variable
frauddetector_describe_detectorGets all versions for a specified detector
frauddetector_describe_model_versionsGets all of the model versions for the specified model type...
frauddetector_get_batch_import_jobsGets all batch import jobs or a specific job of the specified...
frauddetector_get_batch_prediction_jobsGets all batch prediction jobs or a specific job if you...
frauddetector_get_delete_events_by_event_type_statusRetrieves the status of a DeleteEventsByEventType action
frauddetector_get_detectorsGets all detectors or a single detector if a detectorId is...
frauddetector_get_detector_versionGets a particular detector version
frauddetector_get_entity_typesGets all entity types or a specific entity type if a name is...
frauddetector_get_eventRetrieves details of events stored with Amazon Fraud Detector
frauddetector_get_event_predictionEvaluates an event against a detector version
frauddetector_get_event_prediction_metadataGets details of the past fraud predictions for the specified...
frauddetector_get_event_typesGets all event types or a specific event type if name is...
frauddetector_get_external_modelsGets the details for one or more Amazon SageMaker models that...
frauddetector_get_kms_encryption_keyGets the encryption key if a KMS key has been specified to be...
frauddetector_get_labelsGets all labels or a specific label if name is provided
frauddetector_get_list_elementsGets all the elements in the specified list
frauddetector_get_lists_metadataGets the metadata of either all the lists under the account...
frauddetector_get_modelsGets one or more models
frauddetector_get_model_versionGets the details of the specified model version
frauddetector_get_outcomesGets one or more outcomes
frauddetector_get_rulesGet all rules for a detector (paginated) if ruleId and...
frauddetector_get_variablesGets all of the variables or the specific variable
frauddetector_list_event_predictionsGets a list of past predictions
frauddetector_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags associated with the resource
frauddetector_put_detectorCreates or updates a detector
frauddetector_put_entity_typeCreates or updates an entity type
frauddetector_put_event_typeCreates or updates an event type
frauddetector_put_external_modelCreates or updates an Amazon SageMaker model endpoint
frauddetector_put_kms_encryption_keySpecifies the KMS key to be used to encrypt content in Amazon...
frauddetector_put_labelCreates or updates label
frauddetector_put_outcomeCreates or updates an outcome
frauddetector_send_eventStores events in Amazon Fraud Detector without generating...
frauddetector_tag_resourceAssigns tags to a resource
frauddetector_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a resource
frauddetector_update_detector_versionUpdates a detector version
frauddetector_update_detector_version_metadataUpdates the detector version's description
frauddetector_update_detector_version_statusUpdates the detector version’s status
frauddetector_update_event_labelUpdates the specified event with a new label
frauddetector_update_listUpdates a list
frauddetector_update_modelUpdates model description
frauddetector_update_model_versionUpdates a model version
frauddetector_update_model_version_statusUpdates the status of a model version
frauddetector_update_rule_metadataUpdates a rule's metadata
frauddetector_update_rule_versionUpdates a rule version resulting in a new rule version
frauddetector_update_variableUpdates a variable
lexmodelbuildingserviceAmazon Lex Model Building Service
lexmodelbuildingservice_create_bot_versionCreates a new version of the bot based on the $LATEST version
lexmodelbuildingservice_create_intent_versionCreates a new version of an intent based on the $LATEST...
lexmodelbuildingservice_create_slot_type_versionCreates a new version of a slot type based on the $LATEST...
lexmodelbuildingservice_delete_botDeletes all versions of the bot, including the $LATEST...
lexmodelbuildingservice_delete_bot_aliasDeletes an alias for the specified bot
lexmodelbuildingservice_delete_bot_channel_associationDeletes the association between an Amazon Lex bot and a...
lexmodelbuildingservice_delete_bot_versionDeletes a specific version of a bot
lexmodelbuildingservice_delete_intentDeletes all versions of the intent, including the $LATEST...
lexmodelbuildingservice_delete_intent_versionDeletes a specific version of an intent
lexmodelbuildingservice_delete_slot_typeDeletes all versions of the slot type, including the $LATEST...
lexmodelbuildingservice_delete_slot_type_versionDeletes a specific version of a slot type
lexmodelbuildingservice_delete_utterancesDeletes stored utterances
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_botReturns metadata information for a specific bot
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_bot_aliasReturns information about an Amazon Lex bot alias
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_bot_aliasesReturns a list of aliases for a specified Amazon Lex bot
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_bot_channel_associationReturns information about the association between an Amazon...
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_bot_channel_associationsReturns a list of all of the channels associated with the...
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_botsReturns bot information as follows:
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_bot_versionsGets information about all of the versions of a bot
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_builtin_intentReturns information about a built-in intent
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_builtin_intentsGets a list of built-in intents that meet the specified...
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_builtin_slot_typesGets a list of built-in slot types that meet the specified...
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_exportExports the contents of a Amazon Lex resource in a specified...
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_importGets information about an import job started with the...
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_intentReturns information about an intent
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_intentsReturns intent information as follows:
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_intent_versionsGets information about all of the versions of an intent
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_migrationProvides details about an ongoing or complete migration from...
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_migrationsGets a list of migrations between Amazon Lex V1 and Amazon...
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_slot_typeReturns information about a specific version of a slot type
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_slot_typesReturns slot type information as follows:
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_slot_type_versionsGets information about all versions of a slot type
lexmodelbuildingservice_get_utterances_viewUse the GetUtterancesView operation to get information about...
lexmodelbuildingservice_list_tags_for_resourceGets a list of tags associated with the specified resource
lexmodelbuildingservice_put_botCreates an Amazon Lex conversational bot or replaces an...
lexmodelbuildingservice_put_bot_aliasCreates an alias for the specified version of the bot or...
lexmodelbuildingservice_put_intentCreates an intent or replaces an existing intent
lexmodelbuildingservice_put_slot_typeCreates a custom slot type or replaces an existing custom...
lexmodelbuildingservice_start_importStarts a job to import a resource to Amazon Lex
lexmodelbuildingservice_start_migrationStarts migrating a bot from Amazon Lex V1 to Amazon Lex V2
lexmodelbuildingservice_tag_resourceAdds the specified tags to the specified resource
lexmodelbuildingservice_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a bot, bot alias or bot channel
lexmodelsv2Amazon Lex Model Building V2
lexmodelsv2_batch_create_custom_vocabulary_itemCreate a batch of custom vocabulary items for a given bot...
lexmodelsv2_batch_delete_custom_vocabulary_itemDelete a batch of custom vocabulary items for a given bot...
lexmodelsv2_batch_update_custom_vocabulary_itemUpdate a batch of custom vocabulary items for a given bot...
lexmodelsv2_build_bot_localeBuilds a bot, its intents, and its slot types into a specific...
lexmodelsv2_create_botCreates an Amazon Lex conversational bot
lexmodelsv2_create_bot_aliasCreates an alias for the specified version of a bot
lexmodelsv2_create_bot_localeCreates a locale in the bot
lexmodelsv2_create_bot_replicaAction to create a replication of the source bot in the...
lexmodelsv2_create_bot_versionCreates an immutable version of the bot
lexmodelsv2_create_exportCreates a zip archive containing the contents of a bot or a...
lexmodelsv2_create_intentCreates an intent
lexmodelsv2_create_resource_policyCreates a new resource policy with the specified policy...
lexmodelsv2_create_resource_policy_statementAdds a new resource policy statement to a bot or bot alias
lexmodelsv2_create_slotCreates a slot in an intent
lexmodelsv2_create_slot_typeCreates a custom slot type
lexmodelsv2_create_test_set_discrepancy_reportCreate a report that describes the differences between the...
lexmodelsv2_create_upload_urlGets a pre-signed S3 write URL that you use to upload the zip...
lexmodelsv2_delete_botDeletes all versions of a bot, including the Draft version
lexmodelsv2_delete_bot_aliasDeletes the specified bot alias
lexmodelsv2_delete_bot_localeRemoves a locale from a bot
lexmodelsv2_delete_bot_replicaThe action to delete the replicated bot in the secondary...
lexmodelsv2_delete_bot_versionDeletes a specific version of a bot
lexmodelsv2_delete_custom_vocabularyRemoves a custom vocabulary from the specified locale in the...
lexmodelsv2_delete_exportRemoves a previous export and the associated files stored in...
lexmodelsv2_delete_importRemoves a previous import and the associated file stored in...
lexmodelsv2_delete_intentRemoves the specified intent
lexmodelsv2_delete_resource_policyRemoves an existing policy from a bot or bot alias
lexmodelsv2_delete_resource_policy_statementDeletes a policy statement from a resource policy
lexmodelsv2_delete_slotDeletes the specified slot from an intent
lexmodelsv2_delete_slot_typeDeletes a slot type from a bot locale
lexmodelsv2_delete_test_setThe action to delete the selected test set
lexmodelsv2_delete_utterancesDeletes stored utterances
lexmodelsv2_describe_botProvides metadata information about a bot
lexmodelsv2_describe_bot_aliasGet information about a specific bot alias
lexmodelsv2_describe_bot_localeDescribes the settings that a bot has for a specific locale
lexmodelsv2_describe_bot_recommendationProvides metadata information about a bot recommendation
lexmodelsv2_describe_bot_replicaMonitors the bot replication status through the UI console
lexmodelsv2_describe_bot_resource_generationReturns information about a request to generate a bot through...
lexmodelsv2_describe_bot_versionProvides metadata about a version of a bot
lexmodelsv2_describe_custom_vocabulary_metadataProvides metadata information about a custom vocabulary
lexmodelsv2_describe_exportGets information about a specific export
lexmodelsv2_describe_importGets information about a specific import
lexmodelsv2_describe_intentReturns metadata about an intent
lexmodelsv2_describe_resource_policyGets the resource policy and policy revision for a bot or bot...
lexmodelsv2_describe_slotGets metadata information about a slot
lexmodelsv2_describe_slot_typeGets metadata information about a slot type
lexmodelsv2_describe_test_executionGets metadata information about the test execution
lexmodelsv2_describe_test_setGets metadata information about the test set
lexmodelsv2_describe_test_set_discrepancy_reportGets metadata information about the test set discrepancy...
lexmodelsv2_describe_test_set_generationGets metadata information about the test set generation
lexmodelsv2_generate_bot_elementGenerates sample utterances for an intent
lexmodelsv2_get_test_execution_artifacts_urlThe pre-signed Amazon S3 URL to download the test execution...
lexmodelsv2_list_aggregated_utterancesProvides a list of utterances that users have sent to the bot
lexmodelsv2_list_bot_aliasesGets a list of aliases for the specified bot
lexmodelsv2_list_bot_alias_replicasThe action to list the replicated bots created from the...
lexmodelsv2_list_bot_localesGets a list of locales for the specified bot
lexmodelsv2_list_bot_recommendationsGet a list of bot recommendations that meet the specified...
lexmodelsv2_list_bot_replicasThe action to list the replicated bots
lexmodelsv2_list_bot_resource_generationsLists the generation requests made for a bot locale
lexmodelsv2_list_botsGets a list of available bots
lexmodelsv2_list_bot_version_replicasContains information about all the versions replication...
lexmodelsv2_list_bot_versionsGets information about all of the versions of a bot
lexmodelsv2_list_built_in_intentsGets a list of built-in intents provided by Amazon Lex that...
lexmodelsv2_list_built_in_slot_typesGets a list of built-in slot types that meet the specified...
lexmodelsv2_list_custom_vocabulary_itemsPaginated list of custom vocabulary items for a given bot...
lexmodelsv2_list_exportsLists the exports for a bot, bot locale, or custom vocabulary
lexmodelsv2_list_importsLists the imports for a bot, bot locale, or custom vocabulary
lexmodelsv2_list_intent_metricsRetrieves summary metrics for the intents in your bot
lexmodelsv2_list_intent_pathsRetrieves summary statistics for a path of intents that users...
lexmodelsv2_list_intentsGet a list of intents that meet the specified criteria
lexmodelsv2_list_intent_stage_metricsRetrieves summary metrics for the stages within intents in...
lexmodelsv2_list_recommended_intentsGets a list of recommended intents provided by the bot...
lexmodelsv2_list_session_analytics_dataRetrieves a list of metadata for individual user sessions...
lexmodelsv2_list_session_metricsRetrieves summary metrics for the user sessions with your bot
lexmodelsv2_list_slotsGets a list of slots that match the specified criteria
lexmodelsv2_list_slot_typesGets a list of slot types that match the specified criteria
lexmodelsv2_list_tags_for_resourceGets a list of tags associated with a resource
lexmodelsv2_list_test_execution_result_itemsGets a list of test execution result items
lexmodelsv2_list_test_executionsThe list of test set executions
lexmodelsv2_list_test_set_recordsThe list of test set records
lexmodelsv2_list_test_setsThe list of the test sets
lexmodelsv2_list_utterance_analytics_dataTo use this API operation, your IAM role must have...
lexmodelsv2_list_utterance_metricsTo use this API operation, your IAM role must have...
lexmodelsv2_search_associated_transcriptsSearch for associated transcripts that meet the specified...
lexmodelsv2_start_bot_recommendationUse this to provide your transcript data, and to start the...
lexmodelsv2_start_bot_resource_generationStarts a request for the descriptive bot builder to generate...
lexmodelsv2_start_importStarts importing a bot, bot locale, or custom vocabulary from...
lexmodelsv2_start_test_executionThe action to start test set execution
lexmodelsv2_start_test_set_generationThe action to start the generation of test set
lexmodelsv2_stop_bot_recommendationStop an already running Bot Recommendation request
lexmodelsv2_tag_resourceAdds the specified tags to the specified resource
lexmodelsv2_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a bot, bot alias, or bot channel
lexmodelsv2_update_botUpdates the configuration of an existing bot
lexmodelsv2_update_bot_aliasUpdates the configuration of an existing bot alias
lexmodelsv2_update_bot_localeUpdates the settings that a bot has for a specific locale
lexmodelsv2_update_bot_recommendationUpdates an existing bot recommendation request
lexmodelsv2_update_exportUpdates the password used to protect an export zip archive
lexmodelsv2_update_intentUpdates the settings for an intent
lexmodelsv2_update_resource_policyReplaces the existing resource policy for a bot or bot alias...
lexmodelsv2_update_slotUpdates the settings for a slot
lexmodelsv2_update_slot_typeUpdates the configuration of an existing slot type
lexmodelsv2_update_test_setThe action to update the test set
lexruntimeserviceAmazon Lex Runtime Service
lexruntimeservice_delete_sessionRemoves session information for a specified bot, alias, and...
lexruntimeservice_get_sessionReturns session information for a specified bot, alias, and...
lexruntimeservice_post_contentSends user input (text or speech) to Amazon Lex
lexruntimeservice_post_textSends user input to Amazon Lex
lexruntimeservice_put_sessionCreates a new session or modifies an existing session with an...
lexruntimev2Amazon Lex Runtime V2
lexruntimev2_delete_sessionRemoves session information for a specified bot, alias, and...
lexruntimev2_get_sessionReturns session information for a specified bot, alias, and...
lexruntimev2_put_sessionCreates a new session or modifies an existing session with an...
lexruntimev2_recognize_textSends user input to Amazon Lex V2
lexruntimev2_recognize_utteranceSends user input to Amazon Lex V2
lookoutequipmentAmazon Lookout for Equipment
lookoutequipment_create_datasetCreates a container for a collection of data being ingested...
lookoutequipment_create_inference_schedulerCreates a scheduled inference
lookoutequipment_create_labelCreates a label for an event
lookoutequipment_create_label_groupCreates a group of labels
lookoutequipment_create_modelCreates a machine learning model for data inference
lookoutequipment_create_retraining_schedulerCreates a retraining scheduler on the specified model
lookoutequipment_delete_datasetDeletes a dataset and associated artifacts
lookoutequipment_delete_inference_schedulerDeletes an inference scheduler that has been set up
lookoutequipment_delete_labelDeletes a label
lookoutequipment_delete_label_groupDeletes a group of labels
lookoutequipment_delete_modelDeletes a machine learning model currently available for...
lookoutequipment_delete_resource_policyDeletes the resource policy attached to the resource
lookoutequipment_delete_retraining_schedulerDeletes a retraining scheduler from a model
lookoutequipment_describe_data_ingestion_jobProvides information on a specific data ingestion job such as...
lookoutequipment_describe_datasetProvides a JSON description of the data in each time series...
lookoutequipment_describe_inference_schedulerSpecifies information about the inference scheduler being...
lookoutequipment_describe_labelReturns the name of the label
lookoutequipment_describe_label_groupReturns information about the label group
lookoutequipment_describe_modelProvides a JSON containing the overall information about a...
lookoutequipment_describe_model_versionRetrieves information about a specific machine learning model...
lookoutequipment_describe_resource_policyProvides the details of a resource policy attached to a...
lookoutequipment_describe_retraining_schedulerProvides a description of the retraining scheduler, including...
lookoutequipment_import_datasetImports a dataset
lookoutequipment_import_model_versionImports a model that has been trained successfully
lookoutequipment_list_data_ingestion_jobsProvides a list of all data ingestion jobs, including dataset...
lookoutequipment_list_datasetsLists all datasets currently available in your account,...
lookoutequipment_list_inference_eventsLists all inference events that have been found for the...
lookoutequipment_list_inference_executionsLists all inference executions that have been performed by...
lookoutequipment_list_inference_schedulersRetrieves a list of all inference schedulers currently...
lookoutequipment_list_label_groupsReturns a list of the label groups
lookoutequipment_list_labelsProvides a list of labels
lookoutequipment_list_modelsGenerates a list of all models in the account, including...
lookoutequipment_list_model_versionsGenerates a list of all model versions for a given model,...
lookoutequipment_list_retraining_schedulersLists all retraining schedulers in your account, filtering by...
lookoutequipment_list_sensor_statisticsLists statistics about the data collected for each of the...
lookoutequipment_list_tags_for_resourceLists all the tags for a specified resource, including key...
lookoutequipment_put_resource_policyCreates a resource control policy for a given resource
lookoutequipment_start_data_ingestion_jobStarts a data ingestion job
lookoutequipment_start_inference_schedulerStarts an inference scheduler
lookoutequipment_start_retraining_schedulerStarts a retraining scheduler
lookoutequipment_stop_inference_schedulerStops an inference scheduler
lookoutequipment_stop_retraining_schedulerStops a retraining scheduler
lookoutequipment_tag_resourceAssociates a given tag to a resource in your account
lookoutequipment_untag_resourceRemoves a specific tag from a given resource
lookoutequipment_update_active_model_versionSets the active model version for a given machine learning...
lookoutequipment_update_inference_schedulerUpdates an inference scheduler
lookoutequipment_update_label_groupUpdates the label group
lookoutequipment_update_modelUpdates a model in the account
lookoutequipment_update_retraining_schedulerUpdates a retraining scheduler
lookoutmetricsAmazon Lookout for Metrics
lookoutmetrics_activate_anomaly_detectorActivates an anomaly detector
lookoutmetrics_back_test_anomaly_detectorRuns a backtest for anomaly detection for the specified...
lookoutmetrics_create_alertCreates an alert for an anomaly detector
lookoutmetrics_create_anomaly_detectorCreates an anomaly detector
lookoutmetrics_create_metric_setCreates a dataset
lookoutmetrics_deactivate_anomaly_detectorDeactivates an anomaly detector
lookoutmetrics_delete_alertDeletes an alert
lookoutmetrics_delete_anomaly_detectorDeletes a detector
lookoutmetrics_describe_alertDescribes an alert
lookoutmetrics_describe_anomaly_detection_executionsReturns information about the status of the specified anomaly...
lookoutmetrics_describe_anomaly_detectorDescribes a detector
lookoutmetrics_describe_metric_setDescribes a dataset
lookoutmetrics_detect_metric_set_configDetects an Amazon S3 dataset's file format, interval, and...
lookoutmetrics_get_anomaly_groupReturns details about a group of anomalous metrics
lookoutmetrics_get_data_quality_metricsReturns details about the requested data quality metrics
lookoutmetrics_get_feedbackGet feedback for an anomaly group
lookoutmetrics_get_sample_dataReturns a selection of sample records from an Amazon S3...
lookoutmetrics_list_alertsLists the alerts attached to a detector
lookoutmetrics_list_anomaly_detectorsLists the detectors in the current AWS Region
lookoutmetrics_list_anomaly_group_related_metricsReturns a list of measures that are potential causes or...
lookoutmetrics_list_anomaly_group_summariesReturns a list of anomaly groups
lookoutmetrics_list_anomaly_group_time_seriesGets a list of anomalous metrics for a measure in an anomaly...
lookoutmetrics_list_metric_setsLists the datasets in the current AWS Region
lookoutmetrics_list_tags_for_resourceGets a list of tags for a detector, dataset, or alert
lookoutmetrics_put_feedbackAdd feedback for an anomalous metric
lookoutmetrics_tag_resourceAdds tags to a detector, dataset, or alert
lookoutmetrics_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a detector, dataset, or alert
lookoutmetrics_update_alertMake changes to an existing alert
lookoutmetrics_update_anomaly_detectorUpdates a detector
lookoutmetrics_update_metric_setUpdates a dataset
machinelearningAmazon Machine Learning
machinelearning_add_tagsAdds one or more tags to an object, up to a limit of 10
machinelearning_create_batch_predictionGenerates predictions for a group of observations
machinelearning_create_data_source_from_rdsCreates a DataSource object from an Amazon Relational...
machinelearning_create_data_source_from_redshiftCreates a DataSource from a database hosted on an Amazon...
machinelearning_create_data_source_from_s3Creates a DataSource object
machinelearning_create_evaluationCreates a new Evaluation of an MLModel
machinelearning_create_ml_modelCreates a new MLModel using the DataSource and the recipe as...
machinelearning_create_realtime_endpointCreates a real-time endpoint for the MLModel
machinelearning_delete_batch_predictionAssigns the DELETED status to a BatchPrediction, rendering it...
machinelearning_delete_data_sourceAssigns the DELETED status to a DataSource, rendering it...
machinelearning_delete_evaluationAssigns the DELETED status to an Evaluation, rendering it...
machinelearning_delete_ml_modelAssigns the DELETED status to an MLModel, rendering it...
machinelearning_delete_realtime_endpointDeletes a real time endpoint of an MLModel
machinelearning_delete_tagsDeletes the specified tags associated with an ML object
machinelearning_describe_batch_predictionsReturns a list of BatchPrediction operations that match the...
machinelearning_describe_data_sourcesReturns a list of DataSource that match the search criteria...
machinelearning_describe_evaluationsReturns a list of DescribeEvaluations that match the search...
machinelearning_describe_ml_modelsReturns a list of MLModel that match the search criteria in...
machinelearning_describe_tagsDescribes one or more of the tags for your Amazon ML object
machinelearning_get_batch_predictionReturns a BatchPrediction that includes detailed metadata,...
machinelearning_get_data_sourceReturns a DataSource that includes metadata and data file...
machinelearning_get_evaluationReturns an Evaluation that includes metadata as well as the...
machinelearning_get_ml_modelReturns an MLModel that includes detailed metadata, data...
machinelearning_predictGenerates a prediction for the observation using the...
machinelearning_update_batch_predictionUpdates the BatchPredictionName of a BatchPrediction
machinelearning_update_data_sourceUpdates the DataSourceName of a DataSource
machinelearning_update_evaluationUpdates the EvaluationName of an Evaluation
machinelearning_update_ml_modelUpdates the MLModelName and the ScoreThreshold of an MLModel
panoramaAWS Panorama
panorama_create_application_instanceCreates an application instance and deploys it to a device
panorama_create_job_for_devicesCreates a job to run on a device
panorama_create_node_from_template_jobCreates a camera stream node
panorama_create_packageCreates a package and storage location in an Amazon S3 access...
panorama_create_package_import_jobImports a node package
panorama_delete_deviceDeletes a device
panorama_delete_packageDeletes a package
panorama_deregister_package_versionDeregisters a package version
panorama_describe_application_instanceReturns information about an application instance on a device
panorama_describe_application_instance_detailsReturns information about an application instance's...
panorama_describe_deviceReturns information about a device
panorama_describe_device_jobReturns information about a device job
panorama_describe_nodeReturns information about a node
panorama_describe_node_from_template_jobReturns information about a job to create a camera stream...
panorama_describe_packageReturns information about a package
panorama_describe_package_import_jobReturns information about a package import job
panorama_describe_package_versionReturns information about a package version
panorama_list_application_instance_dependenciesReturns a list of application instance dependencies
panorama_list_application_instance_node_instancesReturns a list of application node instances
panorama_list_application_instancesReturns a list of application instances
panorama_list_devicesReturns a list of devices
panorama_list_devices_jobsReturns a list of jobs
panorama_list_node_from_template_jobsReturns a list of camera stream node jobs
panorama_list_nodesReturns a list of nodes
panorama_list_package_import_jobsReturns a list of package import jobs
panorama_list_packagesReturns a list of packages
panorama_list_tags_for_resourceReturns a list of tags for a resource
panorama_provision_deviceCreates a device and returns a configuration archive
panorama_register_package_versionRegisters a package version
panorama_remove_application_instanceRemoves an application instance
panorama_signal_application_instance_node_instancesSignal camera nodes to stop or resume
panorama_tag_resourceTags a resource
panorama_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a resource
panorama_update_device_metadataUpdates a device's metadata
personalizeAmazon Personalize
personalize_create_batch_inference_jobGenerates batch recommendations based on a list of items or...
personalize_create_batch_segment_jobCreates a batch segment job
personalize_create_campaignYou incur campaign costs while it is active
personalize_create_datasetCreates an empty dataset and adds it to the specified dataset...
personalize_create_dataset_export_jobCreates a job that exports data from your dataset to an...
personalize_create_dataset_groupCreates an empty dataset group
personalize_create_dataset_import_jobCreates a job that imports training data from your data...
personalize_create_event_trackerCreates an event tracker that you use when adding event data...
personalize_create_filterCreates a recommendation filter
personalize_create_metric_attributionCreates a metric attribution
personalize_create_recommenderCreates a recommender with the recipe (a Domain dataset group...
personalize_create_schemaCreates an Amazon Personalize schema from the specified...
personalize_create_solutionAfter you create a solution, you can’t change its...
personalize_create_solution_versionTrains or retrains an active solution in a Custom dataset...
personalize_delete_campaignRemoves a campaign by deleting the solution deployment
personalize_delete_datasetDeletes a dataset
personalize_delete_dataset_groupDeletes a dataset group
personalize_delete_event_trackerDeletes the event tracker
personalize_delete_filterDeletes a filter
personalize_delete_metric_attributionDeletes a metric attribution
personalize_delete_recommenderDeactivates and removes a recommender
personalize_delete_schemaDeletes a schema
personalize_delete_solutionDeletes all versions of a solution and the Solution object...
personalize_describe_algorithmDescribes the given algorithm
personalize_describe_batch_inference_jobGets the properties of a batch inference job including name,...
personalize_describe_batch_segment_jobGets the properties of a batch segment job including name,...
personalize_describe_campaignDescribes the given campaign, including its status
personalize_describe_datasetDescribes the given dataset
personalize_describe_dataset_export_jobDescribes the dataset export job created by...
personalize_describe_dataset_groupDescribes the given dataset group
personalize_describe_dataset_import_jobDescribes the dataset import job created by...
personalize_describe_event_trackerDescribes an event tracker
personalize_describe_feature_transformationDescribes the given feature transformation
personalize_describe_filterDescribes a filter's properties
personalize_describe_metric_attributionDescribes a metric attribution
personalize_describe_recipeDescribes a recipe
personalize_describe_recommenderDescribes the given recommender, including its status
personalize_describe_schemaDescribes a schema
personalize_describe_solutionDescribes a solution
personalize_describe_solution_versionDescribes a specific version of a solution
personalizeeventsAmazon Personalize Events
personalizeevents_put_action_interactionsRecords action interaction event data
personalizeevents_put_actionsAdds one or more actions to an Actions dataset
personalizeevents_put_eventsRecords item interaction event data
personalizeevents_put_itemsAdds one or more items to an Items dataset
personalizeevents_put_usersAdds one or more users to a Users dataset
personalize_get_solution_metricsGets the metrics for the specified solution version
personalize_list_batch_inference_jobsGets a list of the batch inference jobs that have been...
personalize_list_batch_segment_jobsGets a list of the batch segment jobs that have been...
personalize_list_campaignsReturns a list of campaigns that use the given solution
personalize_list_dataset_export_jobsReturns a list of dataset export jobs that use the given...
personalize_list_dataset_groupsReturns a list of dataset groups
personalize_list_dataset_import_jobsReturns a list of dataset import jobs that use the given...
personalize_list_datasetsReturns the list of datasets contained in the given dataset...
personalize_list_event_trackersReturns the list of event trackers associated with the...
personalize_list_filtersLists all filters that belong to a given dataset group
personalize_list_metric_attribution_metricsLists the metrics for the metric attribution
personalize_list_metric_attributionsLists metric attributions
personalize_list_recipesReturns a list of available recipes
personalize_list_recommendersReturns a list of recommenders in a given Domain dataset...
personalize_list_schemasReturns the list of schemas associated with the account
personalize_list_solutionsReturns a list of solutions in a given dataset group
personalize_list_solution_versionsReturns a list of solution versions for the given solution
personalize_list_tags_for_resourceGet a list of tags attached to a resource
personalizeruntimeAmazon Personalize Runtime
personalizeruntime_get_action_recommendationsReturns a list of recommended actions in sorted in descending...
personalizeruntime_get_personalized_rankingRe-ranks a list of recommended items for the given user
personalizeruntime_get_recommendationsReturns a list of recommended items
personalize_start_recommenderStarts a recommender that is INACTIVE
personalize_stop_recommenderStops a recommender that is ACTIVE
personalize_stop_solution_version_creationStops creating a solution version that is in a state of...
personalize_tag_resourceAdd a list of tags to a resource
personalize_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tags that are attached to a resource
personalize_update_campaignUpdates a campaign to deploy a retrained solution version...
personalize_update_datasetUpdate a dataset to replace its schema with a new or existing...
personalize_update_metric_attributionUpdates a metric attribution
personalize_update_recommenderUpdates the recommender to modify the recommender...
pollyAmazon Polly
polly_delete_lexiconDeletes the specified pronunciation lexicon stored in an...
polly_describe_voicesReturns the list of voices that are available for use when...
polly_get_lexiconReturns the content of the specified pronunciation lexicon...
polly_get_speech_synthesis_taskRetrieves a specific SpeechSynthesisTask object based on its...
polly_list_lexiconsReturns a list of pronunciation lexicons stored in an Amazon...
polly_list_speech_synthesis_tasksReturns a list of SpeechSynthesisTask objects ordered by...
polly_put_lexiconStores a pronunciation lexicon in an Amazon Web Services...
polly_start_speech_synthesis_taskAllows the creation of an asynchronous synthesis task, by...
polly_synthesize_speechSynthesizes UTF-8 input, plain text or SSML, to a stream of...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rekognitionAmazon Rekognition
rekognition_associate_facesAssociates one or more faces with an existing UserID
rekognition_compare_facesCompares a face in the source input image with each of the...
rekognition_copy_project_versionThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_create_collectionCreates a collection in an AWS Region
rekognition_create_datasetThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_create_face_liveness_sessionThis API operation initiates a Face Liveness session
rekognition_create_projectCreates a new Amazon Rekognition project
rekognition_create_project_versionCreates a new version of Amazon Rekognition project (like a...
rekognition_create_stream_processorCreates an Amazon Rekognition stream processor that you can...
rekognition_create_userCreates a new User within a collection specified by...
rekognition_delete_collectionDeletes the specified collection
rekognition_delete_datasetThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_delete_facesDeletes faces from a collection
rekognition_delete_projectDeletes a Amazon Rekognition project
rekognition_delete_project_policyThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_delete_project_versionDeletes a Rekognition project model or project version, like...
rekognition_delete_stream_processorDeletes the stream processor identified by Name
rekognition_delete_userDeletes the specified UserID within the collection
rekognition_describe_collectionDescribes the specified collection
rekognition_describe_datasetThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_describe_projectsGets information about your Rekognition projects
rekognition_describe_project_versionsLists and describes the versions of an Amazon Rekognition...
rekognition_describe_stream_processorProvides information about a stream processor created by...
rekognition_detect_custom_labelsThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_detect_facesDetects faces within an image that is provided as input
rekognition_detect_labelsDetects instances of real-world entities within an image...
rekognition_detect_moderation_labelsDetects unsafe content in a specified JPEG or PNG format...
rekognition_detect_protective_equipmentDetects Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) worn by people...
rekognition_detect_textDetects text in the input image and converts it into...
rekognition_disassociate_facesRemoves the association between a Face supplied in an array...
rekognition_distribute_dataset_entriesThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_get_celebrity_infoGets the name and additional information about a celebrity...
rekognition_get_celebrity_recognitionGets the celebrity recognition results for a Amazon...
rekognition_get_content_moderationGets the inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content...
rekognition_get_face_detectionGets face detection results for a Amazon Rekognition Video...
rekognition_get_face_liveness_session_resultsRetrieves the results of a specific Face Liveness session
rekognition_get_face_searchGets the face search results for Amazon Rekognition Video...
rekognition_get_label_detectionGets the label detection results of a Amazon Rekognition...
rekognition_get_media_analysis_jobRetrieves the results for a given media analysis job
rekognition_get_person_trackingGets the path tracking results of a Amazon Rekognition Video...
rekognition_get_segment_detectionGets the segment detection results of a Amazon Rekognition...
rekognition_get_text_detectionGets the text detection results of a Amazon Rekognition Video...
rekognition_index_facesDetects faces in the input image and adds them to the...
rekognition_list_collectionsReturns list of collection IDs in your account
rekognition_list_dataset_entriesThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_list_dataset_labelsThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_list_facesReturns metadata for faces in the specified collection
rekognition_list_media_analysis_jobsReturns a list of media analysis jobs
rekognition_list_project_policiesThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_list_stream_processorsGets a list of stream processors that you have created with...
rekognition_list_tags_for_resourceReturns a list of tags in an Amazon Rekognition collection,...
rekognition_list_usersReturns metadata of the User such as UserID in the specified...
rekognition_put_project_policyThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_recognize_celebritiesReturns an array of celebrities recognized in the input image
rekognition_search_facesFor a given input face ID, searches for matching faces in the...
rekognition_search_faces_by_imageFor a given input image, first detects the largest face in...
rekognition_search_usersSearches for UserIDs within a collection based on a FaceId or...
rekognition_search_users_by_imageSearches for UserIDs using a supplied image
rekognition_start_celebrity_recognitionStarts asynchronous recognition of celebrities in a stored...
rekognition_start_content_moderationStarts asynchronous detection of inappropriate, unwanted, or...
rekognition_start_face_detectionStarts asynchronous detection of faces in a stored video
rekognition_start_face_searchStarts the asynchronous search for faces in a collection that...
rekognition_start_label_detectionStarts asynchronous detection of labels in a stored video
rekognition_start_media_analysis_jobInitiates a new media analysis job
rekognition_start_person_trackingStarts the asynchronous tracking of a person's path in a...
rekognition_start_project_versionThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_start_segment_detectionStarts asynchronous detection of segment detection in a...
rekognition_start_stream_processorStarts processing a stream processor
rekognition_start_text_detectionStarts asynchronous detection of text in a stored video
rekognition_stop_project_versionThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_stop_stream_processorStops a running stream processor that was created by...
rekognition_tag_resourceAdds one or more key-value tags to an Amazon Rekognition...
rekognition_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from an Amazon Rekognition...
rekognition_update_dataset_entriesThis operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom...
rekognition_update_stream_processorAllows you to update a stream processor
sagemakerAmazon SageMaker Service
sagemaker_add_associationCreates an association between the source and the destination
sagemaker_add_tagsAdds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified...
sagemaker_associate_trial_componentAssociates a trial component with a trial
sagemaker_batch_describe_model_packageThis action batch describes a list of versioned model...
sagemaker_create_actionCreates an action
sagemaker_create_algorithmCreate a machine learning algorithm that you can use in...
sagemaker_create_appCreates a running app for the specified UserProfile
sagemaker_create_app_image_configCreates a configuration for running a SageMaker image as a...
sagemaker_create_artifactCreates an artifact
sagemaker_create_auto_ml_jobCreates an Autopilot job also referred to as Autopilot...
sagemaker_create_auto_ml_job_v2Creates an Autopilot job also referred to as Autopilot...
sagemaker_create_clusterCreates a SageMaker HyperPod cluster
sagemaker_create_code_repositoryCreates a Git repository as a resource in your SageMaker...
sagemaker_create_compilation_jobStarts a model compilation job
sagemaker_create_contextCreates a context
sagemaker_create_data_quality_job_definitionCreates a definition for a job that monitors data quality and...
sagemaker_create_device_fleetCreates a device fleet
sagemaker_create_domainCreates a Domain
sagemaker_create_edge_deployment_planCreates an edge deployment plan, consisting of multiple...
sagemaker_create_edge_deployment_stageCreates a new stage in an existing edge deployment plan
sagemaker_create_edge_packaging_jobStarts a SageMaker Edge Manager model packaging job
sagemaker_create_endpointCreates an endpoint using the endpoint configuration...
sagemaker_create_endpoint_configCreates an endpoint configuration that SageMaker hosting...
sagemaker_create_experimentCreates a SageMaker experiment
sagemaker_create_feature_groupCreate a new FeatureGroup
sagemaker_create_flow_definitionCreates a flow definition
sagemaker_create_hubCreate a hub
sagemaker_create_human_task_uiDefines the settings you will use for the human review...
sagemaker_create_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobStarts a hyperparameter tuning job
sagemaker_create_imageCreates a custom SageMaker image
sagemaker_create_image_versionCreates a version of the SageMaker image specified by...
sagemaker_create_inference_componentCreates an inference component, which is a SageMaker hosting...
sagemaker_create_inference_experimentCreates an inference experiment using the configurations...
sagemaker_create_inference_recommendations_jobStarts a recommendation job
sagemaker_create_labeling_jobCreates a job that uses workers to label the data objects in...
sagemaker_create_modelCreates a model in SageMaker
sagemaker_create_model_bias_job_definitionCreates the definition for a model bias job
sagemaker_create_model_cardCreates an Amazon SageMaker Model Card
sagemaker_create_model_card_export_jobCreates an Amazon SageMaker Model Card export job
sagemaker_create_model_explainability_job_definitionCreates the definition for a model explainability job
sagemaker_create_model_packageCreates a model package that you can use to create SageMaker...
sagemaker_create_model_package_groupCreates a model group
sagemaker_create_model_quality_job_definitionCreates a definition for a job that monitors model quality...
sagemaker_create_monitoring_scheduleCreates a schedule that regularly starts Amazon SageMaker...
sagemaker_create_notebook_instanceCreates an SageMaker notebook instance
sagemaker_create_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configCreates a lifecycle configuration that you can associate with...
sagemaker_create_pipelineCreates a pipeline using a JSON pipeline definition
sagemaker_create_presigned_domain_urlCreates a URL for a specified UserProfile in a Domain
sagemaker_create_presigned_notebook_instance_urlReturns a URL that you can use to connect to the Jupyter...
sagemaker_create_processing_jobCreates a processing job
sagemaker_create_projectCreates a machine learning (ML) project that can contain one...
sagemaker_create_spaceCreates a space used for real time collaboration in a domain
sagemaker_create_studio_lifecycle_configCreates a new Amazon SageMaker Studio Lifecycle Configuration
sagemaker_create_training_jobStarts a model training job
sagemaker_create_transform_jobStarts a transform job
sagemaker_create_trialCreates an SageMaker trial
sagemaker_create_trial_componentCreates a trial component, which is a stage of a machine...
sagemaker_create_user_profileCreates a user profile
sagemaker_create_workforceUse this operation to create a workforce
sagemaker_create_workteamCreates a new work team for labeling your data
sagemaker_delete_actionDeletes an action
sagemaker_delete_algorithmRemoves the specified algorithm from your account
sagemaker_delete_appUsed to stop and delete an app
sagemaker_delete_app_image_configDeletes an AppImageConfig
sagemaker_delete_artifactDeletes an artifact
sagemaker_delete_associationDeletes an association
sagemaker_delete_clusterDelete a SageMaker HyperPod cluster
sagemaker_delete_code_repositoryDeletes the specified Git repository from your account
sagemaker_delete_compilation_jobDeletes the specified compilation job
sagemaker_delete_contextDeletes an context
sagemaker_delete_data_quality_job_definitionDeletes a data quality monitoring job definition
sagemaker_delete_device_fleetDeletes a fleet
sagemaker_delete_domainUsed to delete a domain
sagemaker_delete_edge_deployment_planDeletes an edge deployment plan if (and only if) all the...
sagemaker_delete_edge_deployment_stageDelete a stage in an edge deployment plan if (and only if)...
sagemaker_delete_endpointDeletes an endpoint
sagemaker_delete_endpoint_configDeletes an endpoint configuration
sagemaker_delete_experimentDeletes an SageMaker experiment
sagemaker_delete_feature_groupDelete the FeatureGroup and any data that was written to the...
sagemaker_delete_flow_definitionDeletes the specified flow definition
sagemaker_delete_hubDelete a hub
sagemaker_delete_hub_contentDelete the contents of a hub
sagemaker_delete_human_task_uiUse this operation to delete a human task user interface...
sagemaker_delete_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobDeletes a hyperparameter tuning job
sagemaker_delete_imageDeletes a SageMaker image and all versions of the image
sagemaker_delete_image_versionDeletes a version of a SageMaker image
sagemaker_delete_inference_componentDeletes an inference component
sagemaker_delete_inference_experimentDeletes an inference experiment
sagemaker_delete_modelDeletes a model
sagemaker_delete_model_bias_job_definitionDeletes an Amazon SageMaker model bias job definition
sagemaker_delete_model_cardDeletes an Amazon SageMaker Model Card
sagemaker_delete_model_explainability_job_definitionDeletes an Amazon SageMaker model explainability job...
sagemaker_delete_model_packageDeletes a model package
sagemaker_delete_model_package_groupDeletes the specified model group
sagemaker_delete_model_package_group_policyDeletes a model group resource policy
sagemaker_delete_model_quality_job_definitionDeletes the secified model quality monitoring job definition
sagemaker_delete_monitoring_scheduleDeletes a monitoring schedule
sagemaker_delete_notebook_instanceDeletes an SageMaker notebook instance
sagemaker_delete_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configDeletes a notebook instance lifecycle configuration
sagemaker_delete_pipelineDeletes a pipeline if there are no running instances of the...
sagemaker_delete_projectDelete the specified project
sagemaker_delete_spaceUsed to delete a space
sagemaker_delete_studio_lifecycle_configDeletes the Amazon SageMaker Studio Lifecycle Configuration
sagemaker_delete_tagsDeletes the specified tags from an SageMaker resource
sagemaker_delete_trialDeletes the specified trial
sagemaker_delete_trial_componentDeletes the specified trial component
sagemaker_delete_user_profileDeletes a user profile
sagemaker_delete_workforceUse this operation to delete a workforce
sagemaker_delete_workteamDeletes an existing work team
sagemaker_deregister_devicesDeregisters the specified devices
sagemaker_describe_actionDescribes an action
sagemaker_describe_algorithmReturns a description of the specified algorithm that is in...
sagemaker_describe_appDescribes the app
sagemaker_describe_app_image_configDescribes an AppImageConfig
sagemaker_describe_artifactDescribes an artifact
sagemaker_describe_auto_ml_jobReturns information about an AutoML job created by calling...
sagemaker_describe_auto_ml_job_v2Returns information about an AutoML job created by calling...
sagemaker_describe_clusterRetrieves information of a SageMaker HyperPod cluster
sagemaker_describe_cluster_nodeRetrieves information of an instance (also called a node...
sagemaker_describe_code_repositoryGets details about the specified Git repository
sagemaker_describe_compilation_jobReturns information about a model compilation job
sagemaker_describe_contextDescribes a context
sagemaker_describe_data_quality_job_definitionGets the details of a data quality monitoring job definition
sagemaker_describe_deviceDescribes the device
sagemaker_describe_device_fleetA description of the fleet the device belongs to
sagemaker_describe_domainThe description of the domain
sagemaker_describe_edge_deployment_planDescribes an edge deployment plan with deployment status per...
sagemaker_describe_edge_packaging_jobA description of edge packaging jobs
sagemaker_describe_endpointReturns the description of an endpoint
sagemaker_describe_endpoint_configReturns the description of an endpoint configuration created...
sagemaker_describe_experimentProvides a list of an experiment's properties
sagemaker_describe_feature_groupUse this operation to describe a FeatureGroup
sagemaker_describe_feature_metadataShows the metadata for a feature within a feature group
sagemaker_describe_flow_definitionReturns information about the specified flow definition
sagemaker_describe_hubDescribe a hub
sagemaker_describe_hub_contentDescribe the content of a hub
sagemaker_describe_human_task_uiReturns information about the requested human task user...
sagemaker_describe_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobReturns a description of a hyperparameter tuning job,...
sagemaker_describe_imageDescribes a SageMaker image
sagemaker_describe_image_versionDescribes a version of a SageMaker image
sagemaker_describe_inference_componentReturns information about an inference component
sagemaker_describe_inference_experimentReturns details about an inference experiment
sagemaker_describe_inference_recommendations_jobProvides the results of the Inference Recommender job
sagemaker_describe_labeling_jobGets information about a labeling job
sagemaker_describe_lineage_groupProvides a list of properties for the requested lineage group
sagemaker_describe_modelDescribes a model that you created using the CreateModel API
sagemaker_describe_model_bias_job_definitionReturns a description of a model bias job definition
sagemaker_describe_model_cardDescribes the content, creation time, and security...
sagemaker_describe_model_card_export_jobDescribes an Amazon SageMaker Model Card export job
sagemaker_describe_model_explainability_job_definitionReturns a description of a model explainability job...
sagemaker_describe_model_packageReturns a description of the specified model package, which...
sagemaker_describe_model_package_groupGets a description for the specified model group
sagemaker_describe_model_quality_job_definitionReturns a description of a model quality job definition
sagemaker_describe_monitoring_scheduleDescribes the schedule for a monitoring job
sagemaker_describe_notebook_instanceReturns information about a notebook instance
sagemaker_describe_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configReturns a description of a notebook instance lifecycle...
sagemaker_describe_pipelineDescribes the details of a pipeline
sagemaker_describe_pipeline_definition_for_executionDescribes the details of an execution's pipeline definition
sagemaker_describe_pipeline_executionDescribes the details of a pipeline execution
sagemaker_describe_processing_jobReturns a description of a processing job
sagemaker_describe_projectDescribes the details of a project
sagemaker_describe_spaceDescribes the space
sagemaker_describe_studio_lifecycle_configDescribes the Amazon SageMaker Studio Lifecycle Configuration
sagemaker_describe_subscribed_workteamGets information about a work team provided by a vendor
sagemaker_describe_training_jobReturns information about a training job
sagemaker_describe_transform_jobReturns information about a transform job
sagemaker_describe_trialProvides a list of a trial's properties
sagemaker_describe_trial_componentProvides a list of a trials component's properties
sagemaker_describe_user_profileDescribes a user profile
sagemaker_describe_workforceLists private workforce information, including workforce...
sagemaker_describe_workteamGets information about a specific work team
sagemaker_disable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolioDisables using Service Catalog in SageMaker
sagemaker_disassociate_trial_componentDisassociates a trial component from a trial
sagemakeredgemanagerAmazon Sagemaker Edge Manager
sagemakeredgemanager_get_deploymentsUse to get the active deployments from a device
sagemakeredgemanager_get_device_registrationUse to check if a device is registered with SageMaker Edge...
sagemakeredgemanager_send_heartbeatUse to get the current status of devices registered on...
sagemaker_enable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolioEnables using Service Catalog in SageMaker
sagemakerfeaturestoreruntimeAmazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime
sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime_batch_get_recordRetrieves a batch of Records from a FeatureGroup
sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime_delete_recordDeletes a Record from a FeatureGroup in the OnlineStore
sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime_get_recordUse for OnlineStore serving from a FeatureStore
sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime_put_recordThe PutRecord API is used to ingest a list of Records into...
sagemakergeospatialcapabilitiesAmazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_delete_earth_observation_jobUse this operation to delete an Earth Observation job
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_delete_vector_enrichment_jobUse this operation to delete a Vector Enrichment job
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_export_earth_observation_jobUse this operation to export results of an Earth Observation...
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_export_vector_enrichment_jobUse this operation to copy results of a Vector Enrichment job...
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_get_earth_observation_jobGet the details for a previously initiated Earth Observation...
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_get_raster_data_collectionUse this operation to get details of a specific raster data...
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_get_tileGets a web mercator tile for the given Earth Observation job
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_get_vector_enrichment_jobRetrieves details of a Vector Enrichment Job for a given job...
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_list_earth_observation_jobsUse this operation to get a list of the Earth Observation...
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_list_raster_data_collectionsUse this operation to get raster data collections
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags attached to the resource
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_list_vector_enrichment_jobsRetrieves a list of vector enrichment jobs
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_sea_ras_dat_colAllows you run image query on a specific raster data...
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_start_earth_observation_jobUse this operation to create an Earth observation job
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_start_vector_enrichment_jobCreates a Vector Enrichment job for the supplied job type
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_stop_earth_observation_jobUse this operation to stop an existing earth observation job
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_stop_vector_enrichment_jobStops the Vector Enrichment job for a given job ARN
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_tag_resourceThe resource you want to tag
sagemakergeospatialcapabilities_untag_resourceThe resource you want to untag
sagemaker_get_device_fleet_reportDescribes a fleet
sagemaker_get_lineage_group_policyThe resource policy for the lineage group
sagemaker_get_model_package_group_policyGets a resource policy that manages access for a model group
sagemaker_get_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_statusGets the status of Service Catalog in SageMaker
sagemaker_get_scaling_configuration_recommendationStarts an Amazon SageMaker Inference Recommender autoscaling...
sagemaker_get_search_suggestionsAn auto-complete API for the search functionality in the...
sagemaker_import_hub_contentImport hub content
sagemaker_list_actionsLists the actions in your account and their properties
sagemaker_list_algorithmsLists the machine learning algorithms that have been created
sagemaker_list_aliasesLists the aliases of a specified image or image version
sagemaker_list_app_image_configsLists the AppImageConfigs in your account and their...
sagemaker_list_appsLists apps
sagemaker_list_artifactsLists the artifacts in your account and their properties
sagemaker_list_associationsLists the associations in your account and their properties
sagemaker_list_auto_ml_jobsRequest a list of jobs
sagemaker_list_candidates_for_auto_ml_jobList the candidates created for the job
sagemaker_list_cluster_nodesRetrieves the list of instances (also called nodes...
sagemaker_list_clustersRetrieves the list of SageMaker HyperPod clusters
sagemaker_list_code_repositoriesGets a list of the Git repositories in your account
sagemaker_list_compilation_jobsLists model compilation jobs that satisfy various filters
sagemaker_list_contextsLists the contexts in your account and their properties
sagemaker_list_data_quality_job_definitionsLists the data quality job definitions in your account
sagemaker_list_device_fleetsReturns a list of devices in the fleet
sagemaker_list_devicesA list of devices
sagemaker_list_domainsLists the domains
sagemaker_list_edge_deployment_plansLists all edge deployment plans
sagemaker_list_edge_packaging_jobsReturns a list of edge packaging jobs
sagemaker_list_endpoint_configsLists endpoint configurations
sagemaker_list_endpointsLists endpoints
sagemaker_list_experimentsLists all the experiments in your account
sagemaker_list_feature_groupsList FeatureGroups based on given filter and order
sagemaker_list_flow_definitionsReturns information about the flow definitions in your...
sagemaker_list_hub_contentsList the contents of a hub
sagemaker_list_hub_content_versionsList hub content versions
sagemaker_list_hubsList all existing hubs
sagemaker_list_human_task_uisReturns information about the human task user interfaces in...
sagemaker_list_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobsGets a list of HyperParameterTuningJobSummary objects that...
sagemaker_list_imagesLists the images in your account and their properties
sagemaker_list_image_versionsLists the versions of a specified image and their properties
sagemaker_list_inference_componentsLists the inference components in your account and their...
sagemaker_list_inference_experimentsReturns the list of all inference experiments
sagemaker_list_inference_recommendations_jobsLists recommendation jobs that satisfy various filters
sagemaker_list_inference_recommendations_job_stepsReturns a list of the subtasks for an Inference Recommender...
sagemaker_list_labeling_jobsGets a list of labeling jobs
sagemaker_list_labeling_jobs_for_workteamGets a list of labeling jobs assigned to a specified work...
sagemaker_list_lineage_groupsA list of lineage groups shared with your Amazon Web Services...
sagemaker_list_model_bias_job_definitionsLists model bias jobs definitions that satisfy various...
sagemaker_list_model_card_export_jobsList the export jobs for the Amazon SageMaker Model Card
sagemaker_list_model_cardsList existing model cards
sagemaker_list_model_card_versionsList existing versions of an Amazon SageMaker Model Card
sagemaker_list_model_explainability_job_definitionsLists model explainability job definitions that satisfy...
sagemaker_list_model_metadataLists the domain, framework, task, and model name of standard...
sagemaker_list_model_package_groupsGets a list of the model groups in your Amazon Web Services...
sagemaker_list_model_packagesLists the model packages that have been created
sagemaker_list_model_quality_job_definitionsGets a list of model quality monitoring job definitions in...
sagemaker_list_modelsLists models created with the CreateModel API
sagemaker_list_monitoring_alert_historyGets a list of past alerts in a model monitoring schedule
sagemaker_list_monitoring_alertsGets the alerts for a single monitoring schedule
sagemaker_list_monitoring_executionsReturns list of all monitoring job executions
sagemaker_list_monitoring_schedulesReturns list of all monitoring schedules
sagemaker_list_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configsLists notebook instance lifestyle configurations created with...
sagemaker_list_notebook_instancesReturns a list of the SageMaker notebook instances in the...
sagemaker_list_pipeline_executionsGets a list of the pipeline executions
sagemaker_list_pipeline_execution_stepsGets a list of PipeLineExecutionStep objects
sagemaker_list_pipeline_parameters_for_executionGets a list of parameters for a pipeline execution
sagemaker_list_pipelinesGets a list of pipelines
sagemaker_list_processing_jobsLists processing jobs that satisfy various filters
sagemaker_list_projectsGets a list of the projects in an Amazon Web Services account
sagemaker_list_resource_catalogsLists Amazon SageMaker Catalogs based on given filters and...
sagemaker_list_spacesLists spaces
sagemaker_list_stage_devicesLists devices allocated to the stage, containing detailed...
sagemaker_list_studio_lifecycle_configsLists the Amazon SageMaker Studio Lifecycle Configurations in...
sagemaker_list_subscribed_workteamsGets a list of the work teams that you are subscribed to in...
sagemaker_list_tagsReturns the tags for the specified SageMaker resource
sagemaker_list_training_jobsLists training jobs
sagemaker_list_training_jobs_for_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobGets a list of TrainingJobSummary objects that describe the...
sagemaker_list_transform_jobsLists transform jobs
sagemaker_list_trial_componentsLists the trial components in your account
sagemaker_list_trialsLists the trials in your account
sagemaker_list_user_profilesLists user profiles
sagemaker_list_workforcesUse this operation to list all private and vendor workforces...
sagemaker_list_workteamsGets a list of private work teams that you have defined in a...
sagemakermetricsAmazon SageMaker Metrics Service
sagemakermetrics_batch_put_metricsUsed to ingest training metrics into SageMaker
sagemaker_put_model_package_group_policyAdds a resouce policy to control access to a model group
sagemaker_query_lineageUse this action to inspect your lineage and discover...
sagemaker_register_devicesRegister devices
sagemaker_render_ui_templateRenders the UI template so that you can preview the worker's...
sagemaker_retry_pipeline_executionRetry the execution of the pipeline
sagemakerruntimeAmazon SageMaker Runtime
sagemakerruntime_invoke_endpointAfter you deploy a model into production using Amazon...
sagemakerruntime_invoke_endpoint_asyncAfter you deploy a model into production using Amazon...
sagemakerruntime_invoke_endpoint_with_response_streamInvokes a model at the specified endpoint to return the...
sagemaker_searchFinds SageMaker resources that match a search query
sagemaker_send_pipeline_execution_step_failureNotifies the pipeline that the execution of a callback step...
sagemaker_send_pipeline_execution_step_successNotifies the pipeline that the execution of a callback step...
sagemaker_start_edge_deployment_stageStarts a stage in an edge deployment plan
sagemaker_start_inference_experimentStarts an inference experiment
sagemaker_start_monitoring_scheduleStarts a previously stopped monitoring schedule
sagemaker_start_notebook_instanceLaunches an ML compute instance with the latest version of...
sagemaker_start_pipeline_executionStarts a pipeline execution
sagemaker_stop_auto_ml_jobA method for forcing a running job to shut down
sagemaker_stop_compilation_jobStops a model compilation job
sagemaker_stop_edge_deployment_stageStops a stage in an edge deployment plan
sagemaker_stop_edge_packaging_jobRequest to stop an edge packaging job
sagemaker_stop_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobStops a running hyperparameter tuning job and all running...
sagemaker_stop_inference_experimentStops an inference experiment
sagemaker_stop_inference_recommendations_jobStops an Inference Recommender job
sagemaker_stop_labeling_jobStops a running labeling job
sagemaker_stop_monitoring_scheduleStops a previously started monitoring schedule
sagemaker_stop_notebook_instanceTerminates the ML compute instance
sagemaker_stop_pipeline_executionStops a pipeline execution
sagemaker_stop_processing_jobStops a processing job
sagemaker_stop_training_jobStops a training job
sagemaker_stop_transform_jobStops a batch transform job
sagemaker_update_actionUpdates an action
sagemaker_update_app_image_configUpdates the properties of an AppImageConfig
sagemaker_update_artifactUpdates an artifact
sagemaker_update_clusterUpdates a SageMaker HyperPod cluster
sagemaker_update_cluster_softwareUpdates the platform software of a SageMaker HyperPod cluster...
sagemaker_update_code_repositoryUpdates the specified Git repository with the specified...
sagemaker_update_contextUpdates a context
sagemaker_update_device_fleetUpdates a fleet of devices
sagemaker_update_devicesUpdates one or more devices in a fleet
sagemaker_update_domainUpdates the default settings for new user profiles in the...
sagemaker_update_endpointDeploys the EndpointConfig specified in the request to a new...
sagemaker_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacitiesUpdates variant weight of one or more variants associated...
sagemaker_update_experimentAdds, updates, or removes the description of an experiment
sagemaker_update_feature_groupUpdates the feature group by either adding features or...
sagemaker_update_feature_metadataUpdates the description and parameters of the feature group
sagemaker_update_hubUpdate a hub
sagemaker_update_imageUpdates the properties of a SageMaker image
sagemaker_update_image_versionUpdates the properties of a SageMaker image version
sagemaker_update_inference_componentUpdates an inference component
sagemaker_update_inference_component_runtime_configRuntime settings for a model that is deployed with an...
sagemaker_update_inference_experimentUpdates an inference experiment that you created
sagemaker_update_model_cardUpdate an Amazon SageMaker Model Card
sagemaker_update_model_packageUpdates a versioned model
sagemaker_update_monitoring_alertUpdate the parameters of a model monitor alert
sagemaker_update_monitoring_scheduleUpdates a previously created schedule
sagemaker_update_notebook_instanceUpdates a notebook instance
sagemaker_update_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configUpdates a notebook instance lifecycle configuration created...
sagemaker_update_pipelineUpdates a pipeline
sagemaker_update_pipeline_executionUpdates a pipeline execution
sagemaker_update_projectUpdates a machine learning (ML) project that is created from...
sagemaker_update_spaceUpdates the settings of a space
sagemaker_update_training_jobUpdate a model training job to request a new Debugger...
sagemaker_update_trialUpdates the display name of a trial
sagemaker_update_trial_componentUpdates one or more properties of a trial component
sagemaker_update_user_profileUpdates a user profile
sagemaker_update_workforceUse this operation to update your workforce
sagemaker_update_workteamUpdates an existing work team with new member definitions or...
textractAmazon Textract
textract_analyze_documentAnalyzes an input document for relationships between detected...
textract_analyze_expenseAnalyzeExpense synchronously analyzes an input document for...
textract_analyze_idAnalyzes identity documents for relevant information
textract_create_adapterCreates an adapter, which can be fine-tuned for enhanced...
textract_create_adapter_versionCreates a new version of an adapter
textract_delete_adapterDeletes an Amazon Textract adapter
textract_delete_adapter_versionDeletes an Amazon Textract adapter version
textract_detect_document_textDetects text in the input document
textract_get_adapterGets configuration information for an adapter specified by an...
textract_get_adapter_versionGets configuration information for the specified adapter...
textract_get_document_analysisGets the results for an Amazon Textract asynchronous...
textract_get_document_text_detectionGets the results for an Amazon Textract asynchronous...
textract_get_expense_analysisGets the results for an Amazon Textract asynchronous...
textract_get_lending_analysisGets the results for an Amazon Textract asynchronous...
textract_get_lending_analysis_summaryGets summarized results for the StartLendingAnalysis...
textract_list_adaptersLists all adapters that match the specified filtration...
textract_list_adapter_versionsList all version of an adapter that meet the specified...
textract_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags for an Amazon Textract resource
textract_start_document_analysisStarts the asynchronous analysis of an input document for...
textract_start_document_text_detectionStarts the asynchronous detection of text in a document
textract_start_expense_analysisStarts the asynchronous analysis of invoices or receipts for...
textract_start_lending_analysisStarts the classification and analysis of an input document
textract_tag_resourceAdds one or more tags to the specified resource
textract_untag_resourceRemoves any tags with the specified keys from the specified...
textract_update_adapterUpdate the configuration for an adapter
transcribeserviceAmazon Transcribe Service
transcribeservice_create_call_analytics_categoryCreates a new Call Analytics category
transcribeservice_create_language_modelCreates a new custom language model
transcribeservice_create_medical_vocabularyCreates a new custom medical vocabulary
transcribeservice_create_vocabularyCreates a new custom vocabulary
transcribeservice_create_vocabulary_filterCreates a new custom vocabulary filter
transcribeservice_delete_call_analytics_categoryDeletes a Call Analytics category
transcribeservice_delete_call_analytics_jobDeletes a Call Analytics job
transcribeservice_delete_language_modelDeletes a custom language model
transcribeservice_delete_medical_scribe_jobDeletes a Medical Scribe job
transcribeservice_delete_medical_transcription_jobDeletes a medical transcription job
transcribeservice_delete_medical_vocabularyDeletes a custom medical vocabulary
transcribeservice_delete_transcription_jobDeletes a transcription job
transcribeservice_delete_vocabularyDeletes a custom vocabulary
transcribeservice_delete_vocabulary_filterDeletes a custom vocabulary filter
transcribeservice_describe_language_modelProvides information about the specified custom language...
transcribeservice_get_call_analytics_categoryProvides information about the specified Call Analytics...
transcribeservice_get_call_analytics_jobProvides information about the specified Call Analytics job
transcribeservice_get_medical_scribe_jobProvides information about the specified Medical Scribe job
transcribeservice_get_medical_transcription_jobProvides information about the specified medical...
transcribeservice_get_medical_vocabularyProvides information about the specified custom medical...
transcribeservice_get_transcription_jobProvides information about the specified transcription job
transcribeservice_get_vocabularyProvides information about the specified custom vocabulary
transcribeservice_get_vocabulary_filterProvides information about the specified custom vocabulary...
transcribeservice_list_call_analytics_categoriesProvides a list of Call Analytics categories, including all...
transcribeservice_list_call_analytics_jobsProvides a list of Call Analytics jobs that match the...
transcribeservice_list_language_modelsProvides a list of custom language models that match the...
transcribeservice_list_medical_scribe_jobsProvides a list of Medical Scribe jobs that match the...
transcribeservice_list_medical_transcription_jobsProvides a list of medical transcription jobs that match the...
transcribeservice_list_medical_vocabulariesProvides a list of custom medical vocabularies that match the...
transcribeservice_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags associated with the specified transcription...
transcribeservice_list_transcription_jobsProvides a list of transcription jobs that match the...
transcribeservice_list_vocabulariesProvides a list of custom vocabularies that match the...
transcribeservice_list_vocabulary_filtersProvides a list of custom vocabulary filters that match the...
transcribeservice_start_call_analytics_jobTranscribes the audio from a customer service call and...
transcribeservice_start_medical_scribe_jobTranscribes patient-clinician conversations and generates...
transcribeservice_start_medical_transcription_jobTranscribes the audio from a medical dictation or...
transcribeservice_start_transcription_jobTranscribes the audio from a media file and applies any...
transcribeservice_tag_resourceAdds one or more custom tags, each in the form of a key:value...
transcribeservice_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tags from the specified Amazon...
transcribeservice_update_call_analytics_categoryUpdates the specified Call Analytics category with new rules
transcribeservice_update_medical_vocabularyUpdates an existing custom medical vocabulary with new values
transcribeservice_update_vocabularyUpdates an existing custom vocabulary with new values
transcribeservice_update_vocabulary_filterUpdates an existing custom vocabulary filter with a new list...
translateAmazon Translate
translate_create_parallel_dataCreates a parallel data resource in Amazon Translate by...
translate_delete_parallel_dataDeletes a parallel data resource in Amazon Translate
translate_delete_terminologyA synchronous action that deletes a custom terminology
translate_describe_text_translation_jobGets the properties associated with an asynchronous batch...
translate_get_parallel_dataProvides information about a parallel data resource
translate_get_terminologyRetrieves a custom terminology
translate_import_terminologyCreates or updates a custom terminology, depending on whether...
translate_list_languagesProvides a list of languages (RFC-5646 codes and names) that...
translate_list_parallel_dataProvides a list of your parallel data resources in Amazon...
translate_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags associated with a given Amazon Translate...
translate_list_terminologiesProvides a list of custom terminologies associated with your...
translate_list_text_translation_jobsGets a list of the batch translation jobs that you have...
translate_start_text_translation_jobStarts an asynchronous batch translation job
translate_stop_text_translation_jobStops an asynchronous batch translation job that is in...
translate_tag_resourceAssociates a specific tag with a resource
translate_translate_documentTranslates the input document from the source language to the...
translate_translate_textTranslates input text from the source language to the target...
translate_untag_resourceRemoves a specific tag associated with an Amazon Translate...
translate_update_parallel_dataUpdates a previously created parallel data resource by...
voiceidAmazon Voice ID
voiceid_associate_fraudsterAssociates the fraudsters with the watchlist specified in the...
voiceid_create_domainCreates a domain that contains all Amazon Connect Voice ID...
voiceid_create_watchlistCreates a watchlist that fraudsters can be a part of
voiceid_delete_domainDeletes the specified domain from Voice ID
voiceid_delete_fraudsterDeletes the specified fraudster from Voice ID
voiceid_delete_speakerDeletes the specified speaker from Voice ID
voiceid_delete_watchlistDeletes the specified watchlist from Voice ID
voiceid_describe_domainDescribes the specified domain
voiceid_describe_fraudsterDescribes the specified fraudster
voiceid_describe_fraudster_registration_jobDescribes the specified fraudster registration job
voiceid_describe_speakerDescribes the specified speaker
voiceid_describe_speaker_enrollment_jobDescribes the specified speaker enrollment job
voiceid_describe_watchlistDescribes the specified watchlist
voiceid_disassociate_fraudsterDisassociates the fraudsters from the watchlist specified
voiceid_evaluate_sessionEvaluates a specified session based on audio data accumulated...
voiceid_list_domainsLists all the domains in the Amazon Web Services account
voiceid_list_fraudster_registration_jobsLists all the fraudster registration jobs in the domain with...
voiceid_list_fraudstersLists all fraudsters in a specified watchlist or domain
voiceid_list_speaker_enrollment_jobsLists all the speaker enrollment jobs in the domain with the...
voiceid_list_speakersLists all speakers in a specified domain
voiceid_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags associated with a specified Voice ID resource
voiceid_list_watchlistsLists all watchlists in a specified domain
voiceid_opt_out_speakerOpts out a speaker from Voice ID
voiceid_start_fraudster_registration_jobStarts a new batch fraudster registration job using provided...
voiceid_start_speaker_enrollment_jobStarts a new batch speaker enrollment job using specified...
voiceid_tag_resourceTags a Voice ID resource with the provided list of tags
voiceid_untag_resourceRemoves specified tags from a specified Amazon Connect Voice...
voiceid_update_domainUpdates the specified domain
voiceid_update_watchlistUpdates the specified watchlist
paws.machine.learning documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:43 a.m.