comprehend_classify_document: Creates a classification request to analyze a single document...

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comprehend_classify_documentR Documentation

Creates a classification request to analyze a single document in real-time


Creates a classification request to analyze a single document in real-time. classify_document supports the following model types:

See for full documentation.


  Text = NULL,
  Bytes = NULL,
  DocumentReaderConfig = NULL



The document text to be analyzed. If you enter text using this parameter, do not use the Bytes parameter.


[required] The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the endpoint.

For prompt safety classification, Amazon Comprehend provides the endpoint ARN. For more information about prompt safety classifiers, see Prompt safety classification in the Amazon Comprehend Developer Guide

For custom classification, you create an endpoint for your custom model. For more information, see Using Amazon Comprehend endpoints.


Use the Bytes parameter to input a text, PDF, Word or image file.

When you classify a document using a custom model, you can also use the Bytes parameter to input an Amazon Textract DetectDocumentText or AnalyzeDocument output file.

To classify a document using the prompt safety classifier, use the Text parameter for input.

Provide the input document as a sequence of base64-encoded bytes. If your code uses an Amazon Web Services SDK to classify documents, the SDK may encode the document file bytes for you.

The maximum length of this field depends on the input document type. For details, see Inputs for real-time custom analysis in the Comprehend Developer Guide.

If you use the Bytes parameter, do not use the Text parameter.


Provides configuration parameters to override the default actions for extracting text from PDF documents and image files.

paws.machine.learning documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:43 a.m.