frauddetector_get_external_models: Gets the details for one or more Amazon SageMaker models that...

View source: R/frauddetector_operations.R

frauddetector_get_external_modelsR Documentation

Gets the details for one or more Amazon SageMaker models that have been imported into the service


Gets the details for one or more Amazon SageMaker models that have been imported into the service. This is a paginated API. If you provide a null maxResults, this actions retrieves a maximum of 10 records per page. If you provide a maxResults, the value must be between 5 and 10. To get the next page results, provide the pagination token from the GetExternalModelsResult as part of your request. A null pagination token fetches the records from the beginning.

See for full documentation.


  modelEndpoint = NULL,
  nextToken = NULL,
  maxResults = NULL



The Amazon SageMaker model endpoint.


The next page token for the request.


The maximum number of objects to return for the request.

paws.machine.learning documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:23 a.m.