sagemaker_list_notebook_instances: Returns a list of the SageMaker notebook instances in the...

View source: R/sagemaker_operations.R

sagemaker_list_notebook_instancesR Documentation

Returns a list of the SageMaker notebook instances in the requester's account in an Amazon Web Services Region


Returns a list of the SageMaker notebook instances in the requester's account in an Amazon Web Services Region.

See for full documentation.


  NextToken = NULL,
  MaxResults = NULL,
  SortBy = NULL,
  SortOrder = NULL,
  NameContains = NULL,
  CreationTimeBefore = NULL,
  CreationTimeAfter = NULL,
  LastModifiedTimeBefore = NULL,
  LastModifiedTimeAfter = NULL,
  StatusEquals = NULL,
  NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigNameContains = NULL,
  DefaultCodeRepositoryContains = NULL,
  AdditionalCodeRepositoryEquals = NULL



If the previous call to the list_notebook_instances is truncated, the response includes a NextToken. You can use this token in your subsequent list_notebook_instances request to fetch the next set of notebook instances.

You might specify a filter or a sort order in your request. When response is truncated, you must use the same values for the filer and sort order in the next request.


The maximum number of notebook instances to return.


The field to sort results by. The default is Name.


The sort order for results.


A string in the notebook instances' name. This filter returns only notebook instances whose name contains the specified string.


A filter that returns only notebook instances that were created before the specified time (timestamp).


A filter that returns only notebook instances that were created after the specified time (timestamp).


A filter that returns only notebook instances that were modified before the specified time (timestamp).


A filter that returns only notebook instances that were modified after the specified time (timestamp).


A filter that returns only notebook instances with the specified status.


A string in the name of a notebook instances lifecycle configuration associated with this notebook instance. This filter returns only notebook instances associated with a lifecycle configuration with a name that contains the specified string.


A string in the name or URL of a Git repository associated with this notebook instance. This filter returns only notebook instances associated with a git repository with a name that contains the specified string.


A filter that returns only notebook instances with associated with the specified git repository.

paws.machine.learning documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:23 a.m.