
Defines functions update_kx_user_output update_kx_user_input update_kx_environment_network_output update_kx_environment_network_input update_kx_environment_output update_kx_environment_input update_kx_database_output update_kx_database_input update_kx_cluster_databases_output update_kx_cluster_databases_input update_environment_output update_environment_input untag_resource_output untag_resource_input tag_resource_output tag_resource_input list_tags_for_resource_output list_tags_for_resource_input list_kx_users_output list_kx_users_input list_kx_environments_output list_kx_environments_input list_kx_databases_output list_kx_databases_input list_kx_clusters_output list_kx_clusters_input list_kx_cluster_nodes_output list_kx_cluster_nodes_input list_kx_changesets_output list_kx_changesets_input list_environments_output list_environments_input get_kx_user_output get_kx_user_input get_kx_environment_output get_kx_environment_input get_kx_database_output get_kx_database_input get_kx_connection_string_output get_kx_connection_string_input get_kx_cluster_output get_kx_cluster_input get_kx_changeset_output get_kx_changeset_input get_environment_output get_environment_input delete_kx_user_output delete_kx_user_input delete_kx_environment_output delete_kx_environment_input delete_kx_database_output delete_kx_database_input delete_kx_cluster_output delete_kx_cluster_input delete_environment_output delete_environment_input create_kx_user_output create_kx_user_input create_kx_environment_output create_kx_environment_input create_kx_database_output create_kx_database_input create_kx_cluster_output create_kx_cluster_input create_kx_changeset_output create_kx_changeset_input create_environment_output create_environment_input

# This file is generated by make.paws. Please do not edit here.
#' @importFrom paws.common populate
#' @include finspace_service.R

.finspace$create_environment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), kmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), tags = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), federationMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationParameters = structure(list(samlMetadataDocument = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), samlMetadataURL = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), applicationCallBackURL = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationURN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationProviderName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), attributeMap = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), superuserParameters = structure(list(emailAddress = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), firstName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), lastName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), dataBundles = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_environment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_kx_changeset_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "databaseName", type = "string")), changeRequests = structure(list(structure(list(changeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), s3Path = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dbPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_kx_changeset_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(changesetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), changeRequests = structure(list(structure(list(changeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), s3Path = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dbPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), createdTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), lastModifiedTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), errorInfo = structure(list(errorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), errorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_kx_cluster_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), clusterName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clusterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), databases = structure(list(structure(list(databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), cacheConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(cacheType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dbPaths = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), changesetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), cacheStorageConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), size = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), autoScalingConfiguration = structure(list(minNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), maxNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), autoScalingMetric = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), metricTarget = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), scaleInCooldownSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), scaleOutCooldownSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), clusterDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), capacityConfiguration = structure(list(nodeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), nodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), releaseLabel = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), vpcConfiguration = structure(list(vpcId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), securityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), subnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ipAddressType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), initializationScript = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), commandLineArguments = structure(list(structure(list(key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), code = structure(list(s3Bucket = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), s3Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), s3ObjectVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), executionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), savedownStorageConfiguration = structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), size = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), azMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), availabilityZoneId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), tags = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_kx_cluster_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), statusReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clusterName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clusterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), databases = structure(list(structure(list(databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), cacheConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(cacheType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dbPaths = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), changesetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), cacheStorageConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), size = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), autoScalingConfiguration = structure(list(minNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), maxNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), autoScalingMetric = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), metricTarget = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), scaleInCooldownSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), scaleOutCooldownSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), clusterDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), capacityConfiguration = structure(list(nodeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), nodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), releaseLabel = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), vpcConfiguration = structure(list(vpcId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), securityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), subnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ipAddressType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), initializationScript = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), commandLineArguments = structure(list(structure(list(key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), code = structure(list(s3Bucket = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), s3Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), s3ObjectVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), executionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), lastModifiedTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), savedownStorageConfiguration = structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), size = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), azMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), availabilityZoneId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), createdTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_kx_database_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), tags = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_kx_database_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), databaseArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), createdTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), lastModifiedTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_kx_environment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), kmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), tags = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_kx_environment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), kmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), creationTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_kx_user_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), userName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), iamRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), tags = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$create_kx_user_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(userName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), userArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), iamRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$delete_environment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$delete_environment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$delete_kx_cluster_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), clusterName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "clusterName", type = "string")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, location = "querystring", locationName = "clientToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$delete_kx_cluster_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$delete_kx_database_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "databaseName", type = "string")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, location = "querystring", locationName = "clientToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$delete_kx_database_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$delete_kx_environment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$delete_kx_environment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$delete_kx_user_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(userName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "userName", type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$delete_kx_user_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_environment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_environment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environment = structure(list(name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), awsAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), sageMakerStudioDomainUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), kmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dedicatedServiceAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationParameters = structure(list(samlMetadataDocument = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), samlMetadataURL = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), applicationCallBackURL = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationURN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationProviderName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), attributeMap = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_changeset_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "databaseName", type = "string")), changesetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "changesetId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_changeset_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(changesetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), changeRequests = structure(list(structure(list(changeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), s3Path = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dbPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), createdTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), activeFromTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), lastModifiedTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), errorInfo = structure(list(errorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), errorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_cluster_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), clusterName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "clusterName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_cluster_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), statusReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clusterName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clusterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), databases = structure(list(structure(list(databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), cacheConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(cacheType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dbPaths = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), changesetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), cacheStorageConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), size = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), autoScalingConfiguration = structure(list(minNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), maxNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), autoScalingMetric = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), metricTarget = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), scaleInCooldownSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), scaleOutCooldownSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), clusterDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), capacityConfiguration = structure(list(nodeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), nodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), releaseLabel = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), vpcConfiguration = structure(list(vpcId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), securityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), subnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ipAddressType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), initializationScript = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), commandLineArguments = structure(list(structure(list(key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), code = structure(list(s3Bucket = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), s3Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), s3ObjectVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), executionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), lastModifiedTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), savedownStorageConfiguration = structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), size = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), azMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), availabilityZoneId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), createdTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_connection_string_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(userArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "userArn", type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), clusterName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "clusterName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_connection_string_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(signedConnectionString = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_database_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "databaseName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_database_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), databaseArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), createdTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), lastModifiedTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), lastCompletedChangesetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), numBytes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), numChangesets = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), numFiles = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_environment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_environment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), awsAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), tgwStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dnsStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), errorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), kmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dedicatedServiceAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), transitGatewayConfiguration = structure(list(transitGatewayID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), routableCIDRSpace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), attachmentNetworkAclConfiguration = structure(list(structure(list(ruleNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), protocol = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ruleAction = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), portRange = structure(list(from = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), to = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), icmpTypeCode = structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), code = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), cidrBlock = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), customDNSConfiguration = structure(list(structure(list(customDNSServerName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), customDNSServerIP = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), creationTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), updateTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), availabilityZoneIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), certificateAuthorityArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_user_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(userName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "userName", type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$get_kx_user_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(userName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), userArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), iamRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_environments_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string")), maxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_environments_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environments = structure(list(structure(list(name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), awsAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), sageMakerStudioDomainUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), kmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dedicatedServiceAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationParameters = structure(list(samlMetadataDocument = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), samlMetadataURL = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), applicationCallBackURL = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationURN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationProviderName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), attributeMap = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_changesets_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "databaseName", type = "string")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string")), maxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_changesets_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(kxChangesets = structure(list(structure(list(changesetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), createdTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), activeFromTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), lastModifiedTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_cluster_nodes_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), clusterName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "clusterName", type = "string")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string")), maxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_cluster_nodes_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(nodes = structure(list(structure(list(nodeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), availabilityZoneId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), launchTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_clusters_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), clusterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "clusterType", type = "string")), maxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_clusters_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(kxClusterSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), statusReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clusterName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clusterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clusterDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), releaseLabel = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), initializationScript = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), executionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), azMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), availabilityZoneId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), lastModifiedTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), createdTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_databases_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string")), maxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_databases_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(kxDatabases = structure(list(structure(list(databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), createdTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), lastModifiedTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_environments_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string")), maxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer", box = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_environments_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environments = structure(list(structure(list(name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), awsAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), tgwStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dnsStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), errorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), kmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dedicatedServiceAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), transitGatewayConfiguration = structure(list(transitGatewayID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), routableCIDRSpace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), attachmentNetworkAclConfiguration = structure(list(structure(list(ruleNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), protocol = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ruleAction = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), portRange = structure(list(from = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), to = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), icmpTypeCode = structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), code = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), cidrBlock = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), customDNSConfiguration = structure(list(structure(list(customDNSServerName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), customDNSServerIP = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), creationTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), updateTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), availabilityZoneIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), certificateAuthorityArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_users_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string")), maxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_kx_users_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(users = structure(list(structure(list(userArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), userName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), iamRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), createTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), updateTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), nextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_tags_for_resource_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(resourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "resourceArn", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$list_tags_for_resource_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(tags = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$tag_resource_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(resourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "resourceArn", type = "string")), tags = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$tag_resource_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$untag_resource_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(resourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "resourceArn", type = "string")), tagKeys = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "tagKeys", type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$untag_resource_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_environment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationParameters = structure(list(samlMetadataDocument = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), samlMetadataURL = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), applicationCallBackURL = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationURN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationProviderName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), attributeMap = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_environment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environment = structure(list(name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), awsAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), sageMakerStudioDomainUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), kmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dedicatedServiceAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationParameters = structure(list(samlMetadataDocument = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), samlMetadataURL = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), applicationCallBackURL = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationURN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), federationProviderName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), attributeMap = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_kx_cluster_databases_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), clusterName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "clusterName", type = "string")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string")), databases = structure(list(structure(list(databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), cacheConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(cacheType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dbPaths = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), changesetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), deploymentConfiguration = structure(list(deploymentStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_kx_cluster_databases_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_kx_database_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "databaseName", type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_kx_database_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(databaseName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), lastModifiedTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_kx_environment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_kx_environment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), awsAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), tgwStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dnsStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), errorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), kmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dedicatedServiceAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), transitGatewayConfiguration = structure(list(transitGatewayID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), routableCIDRSpace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), attachmentNetworkAclConfiguration = structure(list(structure(list(ruleNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), protocol = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ruleAction = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), portRange = structure(list(from = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), to = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), icmpTypeCode = structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), code = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), cidrBlock = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), customDNSConfiguration = structure(list(structure(list(customDNSServerName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), customDNSServerIP = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), creationTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), updateTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), availabilityZoneIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_kx_environment_network_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), transitGatewayConfiguration = structure(list(transitGatewayID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), routableCIDRSpace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), attachmentNetworkAclConfiguration = structure(list(structure(list(ruleNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), protocol = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ruleAction = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), portRange = structure(list(from = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), to = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), icmpTypeCode = structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), code = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), cidrBlock = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), customDNSConfiguration = structure(list(structure(list(customDNSServerName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), customDNSServerIP = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_kx_environment_network_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), awsAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), tgwStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dnsStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), errorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), kmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), dedicatedServiceAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), transitGatewayConfiguration = structure(list(transitGatewayID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), routableCIDRSpace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), attachmentNetworkAclConfiguration = structure(list(structure(list(ruleNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), protocol = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ruleAction = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), portRange = structure(list(from = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), to = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), icmpTypeCode = structure(list(type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), code = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), cidrBlock = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), customDNSConfiguration = structure(list(structure(list(customDNSServerName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), customDNSServerIP = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), creationTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), updateTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), availabilityZoneIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_kx_user_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "environmentId", type = "string")), userName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "userName", type = "string")), iamRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), clientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.finspace$update_kx_user_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(userName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), userArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), environmentId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), iamRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

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paws.management documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 1:06 a.m.